Recent content by jadeniejade

  1. J

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Hello! I need a real Sherlock Holmes here or LAGRUNAUER (or if by chance you know any CRT Wizard show please show him my post) One component was failing and finally failed on my fw900; I need to locate him. This CRT is my life I can exist without him, literally. Key points - present 1) When...
  2. J

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Hi, I have an issue with FW900 that was working fine for many years. After power lose he is not working propellery. Does anyone have faced similar issue and where to look? Have experience with electronic but no experience with CRT screens. When cold bot its flickering with green mask. To the...