D D dar124 Aug 3, 2015 I've got a matched pair of Intel Xeon SL7PD 2.8Ghz 2800P.1M.800 CPU's. I'm not really familiar with CPU's so I'm not sure what the X5650, X5660, X5670, X5680, X5690 CPU is that you're looking for?? I'd sell them for $20 shipped if you're interested. Here's a link to a pic of one of the chips. https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-wDkPCKr2s7s/VR2dzMkZvvI/AAAAAAAACY8/t9uxJGgLH0M/w882-h887-no/Matched%2Bpair%2Bof%2BIntel%2BXeon%2BSL7PD%2B2.8Ghz%2B2800P.1M.800%2BCPU.jpg
I've got a matched pair of Intel Xeon SL7PD 2.8Ghz 2800P.1M.800 CPU's. I'm not really familiar with CPU's so I'm not sure what the X5650, X5660, X5670, X5680, X5690 CPU is that you're looking for?? I'd sell them for $20 shipped if you're interested. Here's a link to a pic of one of the chips. https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-wDkPCKr2s7s/VR2dzMkZvvI/AAAAAAAACY8/t9uxJGgLH0M/w882-h887-no/Matched%2Bpair%2Bof%2BIntel%2BXeon%2BSL7PD%2B2.8Ghz%2B2800P.1M.800%2BCPU.jpg