Backing up a Synology. How would you do it if you were as dumb as me.


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 24, 2005
There was a time I would over clock, mess with memory setting and try to tweak hardware.

Now I’m a click and set and forget.

I’ve looked online on the official Synology website. However how would you recommend a full Synology NAS back up for a person as dumb as me?

Currently I have about 15 gigs worth of kid pictures, videos and such that I would like to back up.

Im hoping to get a WD Easystore and just copy that over.


I need to do this.
yeah, get another drive and copy it over. i think youre over thinking it...
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If it's only 15 gigs, an External hard drive as well as online backup like Google.
A friend of mine just gave me $500 to store a copy of my entire 32TB Media Library at his house.
If it's only 15 gigs, an External hard drive as well as online backup like Google.
A friend of mine just gave me $500 to store a copy of my entire 32TB Media Library at his house.

Send me a copy? Lol.

Edit. I mean if it’s media instead of “media.”
Send me a copy? Lol.

Edit. I mean if it’s media instead of “media.”
Did you read what I wrote at least twice?

I copied my plex library to this 4 bay box and he gave me $500 for it, so now I have an offsite backup. ;)
Is 15 gigs a typo, and you meant terabytes?

Get some thumbdrives and make multiple copies, 128gb drives are dirt cheap. Get some waterproof ones because why not.

If it's 15TB, you can get a single drive to hold that but multiple 8-12TB would usually be cheaper, it's been variable lately so check lrice per terabyte. Or get a second NAS and mirror it. Or go to Costco or wherever and grab a couple 5tb or 8tb (or whatever they're up to now) external usb3 drives for ~120$ a pop.
Yea, I meant terabytes.

Did you read what I wrote at least twice?

I copied my plex library to this 4 bay box and he gave me $500 for it, so now I have an offsite backup. ;)
View attachment 553203

I read it again. And again. Still, make me a copy?

Any rate, yea, I was making this way more difficult. Just need to copy it over via simple copy, instead of trying to make a “mirror copy.” Thanks for setting me straight.
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Yea, I meant terabytes.

I read it again. And again. Still, make me a copy?

Any rate, yea, I was making this way more difficult. Just need to copy it over via simple copy, instead of trying to make a “mirror copy.” Thanks for setting me straight.
yup. for plain data, a drag and drop copy should be all you need, just need a big enough target. no prob.