The Last of Us Part I


Extremely [H]
Jan 28, 2014
Ground-up remake for the PS5 also coming out for PC in the future.

Gematsu reuploaded the trailer in case Sony takes the link below down:

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PS5 version is going to be $70. If it's coming to the PC soon after release, I'd expect Sony to also try charging $70 for it.
I love that there's a PC version. The PS5 port seems needless to me, though. There's already a remastered version of this game that runs great on the PS5. This obviously looks better, but literally so would any game. I'd rather see ND's efforts going toward something else.
If you do a port toward a PC version why not a PS5 version at the same time (I imagine it coud be quite simple to build for the PS5 has well) ?

I feel it make sense when we have more the PC version in mind, they will sell the sequel to the PC has well I imagine.

Doing it a ground up remake could be much.
Naughty Dog is handling the PS5 version of this remake...I wonder who's going to handle the PC port?...would have been nice to announce Part 2 coming to PC as well sort of like both Spider-Man games
If you do a port toward a PC version why not a PS5 version at the same time (I imagine it coud be quite simple to build for the PS5 has well) ?

I feel it make sense when we have more the PC version in mind, they will sell the sequel to the PC has well I imagine.

Doing it a ground up remake could be much.
The PS5 uses a completely proprietary API library. I imagine it's not easy translating a game developed exclusively for the PS5 to a Windows PC or vice versa. Plus, Sony wants a console exclusivity period to sell consoles. That may change in the future as they put more emphasis on the PC market, but for now they still want to push hardware.
why a remake instead of another remaster?...I can understand updating the graphics, combat and game mechanics to more closely match Part II but a 'remake' sounds like they're going to change the story as well, which doesn't seem necessary
The PS5 uses a completely proprietary API library. I imagine it's not easy translating a game developed exclusively for the PS5 to a Windows PC or vice versa. Plus, Sony wants a console exclusivity period to sell consoles. That may change in the future as they put more emphasis on the PC market, but for now they still want to push hardware.
I imagine a lot of the work in their engine would have been done for the Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection, Ps5-Windows release already.

I could imagine them expecting to stop to sell every console made by the time that the game release yes (and I could imagine in average higher margin on PS5 game sales for them than on PC).
It's only 9 years old. Remastered is 8 years old.

Yeah that is what I find interesting. A remake for a recent game that already had a remaster. I assume this won't touch the story though and will just be a graphical update.

I honestly think this is geared primarily towards PC users. Games designed first and foremost for the PS3 seem to be more difficult to port. Maybe it was too problematic to port to PC so they started an entire remake and will of course put it on PS5 first.
Doing a remake feels like a cash grab from ND and Sony, but I am interested in what they're doing with combat and enemy AI. Sony claims it will have "modernized gameplay" and I'm curious what that means. However, I am super not interested in paying full current gen prices for a remake of a game I've already bought twice.
Was the original one's story as bad as the second one's or is it worth playing?
I love that there's a PC version. The PS5 port seems needless to me, though. There's already a remastered version of this game that runs great on the PS5. This obviously looks better, but literally so would any game. I'd rather see ND's efforts going toward something else.
This is not just a graphical upgrade, the ai, animations, and combat was all updated to Last of Us 2 / Uncharted 4 tech.

But if they try to charge $70 for it they can eat dirt. $45 is my offer, take it or leave it.
I already played the Remastered version on PS4, so I'm only picking this up when it goes under $ if Last of Us II was announced for PC I would probably buy it on Day 1 (I never played the second game)
This is not just a graphical upgrade, the ai, animations, and combat was all updated to Last of Us 2 / Uncharted 4 tech.

But if they try to charge $70 for it they can eat dirt. $45 is my offer, take it or leave it.

I get that on paper, but I dunno about things in practice. The main difference between combat in the first and second games were the weapons + enemies. The first game was heavily reliant on stealth because you were mostly fighting the infected. At least outside of that one section in PA. TLoU2 was more about fighting survivors and they gave you an arsenal to match. The infected were an afterthought. The AI was basically the same, the type of enemies were just different. Unless they upend things, I don' think it'll make a difference. The trailer shows the same locations almost shot for shot. They look better, but not that much better.
It's worth it. You will learn why people were so upset about Joel being pointlessly killed in the second game.

"Pointlessly". I don't like how they handled Joel's death, but he more than earned a brutal end. People love to forget that Joel was NOT a good guy in the first game. Just because he bonded with and cared for Ellie does not make him a hero or someone noble. There was no point in the first game where Joel felt sorry for what he did in his past, no point where he seemed like someone that would change and become a better person.
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Holy shit they are asking 70 bucks for the base version of this on PS5. How in the hell does porting a somewhat still modern game to your newest game engine warrant the price tag of a brand new AAA release?
Holy shit they are asking 70 bucks for the base version of this on PS5. How in the hell does porting a somewhat still modern game to your newest game engine warrant the price tag of a brand new AAA release?

It sounds like it's a full ground-up remake. Reusing mo-cap stuff, but rebuilding all the game assets and reworking combat, AI, etc. That said, still totally not worth $70. Sony will continue to be Sony.
I get that on paper, but I dunno about things in practice. The main difference between combat in the first and second games were the weapons + enemies. The first game was heavily reliant on stealth because you were mostly fighting the infected. At least outside of that one section in PA. TLoU2 was more about fighting survivors and they gave you an arsenal to match. The infected were an afterthought. The AI was basically the same, the type of enemies were just different. Unless they upend things, I don' think it'll make a difference. The trailer shows the same locations almost shot for shot. They look better, but not that much better.
There were plenty of levels fighting the infected in the game, and that was probably my favorite part gameplay wise. Just because overall it is a smaller part of the game does not make it an afterthought. I don't even know where you get that idea from.

TLOU1 was terrible gameplay wise when it came out, and it was the exact same in the remastered version on PS4. TLOU2 was almost perfect. If anything this is one of the cases where the upgrade is not just warranted but an absolute must.
Man, are they replacing black bad guys with white guys in the remake?


I really fucking hope for their sake this is just a randomized NPC, and not politics.
Man, are they replacing black bad guys with white guys in the remake?

View attachment 481642

I really fucking hope for their sake this is just a randomized NPC, and not politics.

Don't get too worked up dude. Both games had human enemies of all races. Changing the NPC in one scene doesn't equal changing all of them.
I do hope they remake from ground up LastOfUs 2 and add a storyline where Joel lives. They can do that.
Hoping this means LOU2 for PC will be shortly after.

A remake this soon after the remaster? Feels like a way to pad their PS5 library with 'easier' (or at least faster) to develop titles. Which I'm totally onboard for if it means a PC port to go alongside it - really enjoyed playing the remaster on PS4 but knew I'd really love it if I could've played with KB+M.

Here's a shot for shot comparison of the original and the new game. The fact that things are this close makes me think the gameplay will be, too.
Yeah, I'm not fucking insane enough to bother thinking that every god damn minor change is due to "politics".
I did not pass judgement yet, IDK why are you acting so strangely. As if we don't have a reason to suspect politics behind such changes in remakes.
But perhaps you can offer a plausible alternative outside of the one I already said I'm hoping for.