AirPort Extreme


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 24, 2005
I upgraded my network and I still have 2 AirPort Extreme routers (most recent version).

My current network is Ubiquiti POE managed switch with Ubiquiti APs. Wondering if I can use these Apple routers, or am I better off trashing them.

Yea, kinda hard just trashing something that still works fine. However, I really don’t have a need for it and it ain’t worth selling.
Might be able to use them as clients to connected wired devices better. They will have value though--apple people still buy apple.
Might be able to use them as clients to connected wired devices better. They will have value though--apple people still buy apple.
Yuck. I'm an Apple person and ditched AP years ago. They haven't kept up. I'm running Ubiquiti for my home network now.

With that being said, you're right. For some reason people still buy them.