First 3D Printer... Software?


[H]F Junkie
Aug 16, 2004
Just got my first 3d printer delivered, the Creality3d CR-10 V2. Just want to start with designing something small/simple.. like a radiator grill. What software do you guys recommend with the design?
modi123 tinkercad was perfect, got me up and going printing my first model.

I printed this little shroud for cable management on an old alienware case I am working on. I didn't realize 3d printing takes hours I thought it'd pop out in like 20 minutes haha

Good to hear.

AFter a bit you'll get a feeling on how thick you need a wall. I find 3mm is about right for a non loadbearing wall. 2mm is a little flexible, and 4 seems like over kill.
I use emachineshop for my basic parts (very simple but limited to subtractive machining) and blender for more complex stuff. I tend to use octoprint (on a raspberry pi for remote printing) and matter control (to generate the gcode to copy to octo pi) for the actual printing.