Declining eyesight improved by looking at deep red light


[H]F Junkie
Dec 19, 2005
Pretty cool technological and biological discovery. Optically improved mitochondrial function redeems aged human visual decline

"The age spectrum of human populations is shifting towards the elderly with larger proportions suffering physical decline. Mitochondria influence the pace of ageing as the energy they provide for cellular function in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) declines with age. Mitochondrial density is greatest in photoreceptors, particularly cones that have high energy demands and mediate colour vision. Hence, the retina ages faster than other organs, with a 70% ATP reduction over life and a significant decline in photoreceptor function."

Great...just I got *this* to look forward to......
I read this as I sit in an optometry office bringing my dad to get his nearly 80 year old eye exam, so I could have just changed out all his lightbulbs for red lights and make his house look like a Scandinavian brothel?
Admittedly this is a pretty cool look.......with or without the alluring eye candy beckoning you onto the dangerous rocks lurking just below the surface.......add in a splash of Neon wall art and bring back the deconstructed Linen suit and I can see the Hipsters all over this. Plus, good for the *eyes*.
This is not new and was studied by the DOD in 90s or early 00s. It can be used to alleviate or treat some laser eye damage, that is why they figured it out and 660nm-670nm or so is the centre of the sweet spot. I've also used it myself.. brief exposures to sunsets are the closest alternative you have if you are not an LED geek.