CBS Makes Star Trek: Picard Pilot Free On YouTube 'For a Limited Time'


[H]F Junkie
Dec 19, 2005
I'll finally have an opportunity to see the first episode! Hopefully this weekend!

"CBS has not said whether it plans to make other episodes available for free on YouTube in the future, but it seems likely. The description for the video says the episode will only be available "for a limited time" and that it's presented by Geico. It does not, however, clarify how long "a limited time" is or when the video might become unavailable."
Watched it last night. Not bad! It's a shame that it is only on CBS All Access. Hopefully that will change. (Hey I can dream can't I?)
Seems to be a trend where ep01 or Pilot episodes are free, but the rest you have to pay for.

I don't like this trend unless they are free to watch some time in the future. I am not going to pay well not any more than I will pay for a mobile game after my initial payment (if that happens at all).
And its already down, that or not available in Canada.... CBS does that a lot
Well it will give a hint of if:
  • There will be good story telling.
  • If they will (and they likely have) implemented extremist political propaganda.
  • Realized that the series needed to move forward from Voyager and the Federation with fewer ships now has superior weapons, shields and armor.
EDIT: I watched the free episode posted and in the second scene there is racist, sexist pro-genocidal fascist propaganda. High-production values can't save any show no matter how flashy it is when it literally is advertising the genocide of the people watching it.
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CBS is breaking so much records it needs all the help it can get.
I don't like this trend unless they are free to watch some time in the future. I am not going to pay well not any more than I will pay for a mobile game after my initial payment (if that happens at all).
But isnt this show airing on CBS? Which by all accounts is "free"? Or is it only going to be on their CBS subscription service
No thanks. Too woke for me from what I hear. Tired of leftist politics in every single show. Even BoJack Horseman had to diss white people in it's final season.

Blah blah blah woke sjw blah blah
Have you ever watched a single episode of Star Trek? Trek has ALWAYS been heavily political and heavy left.

Did you watch the video? Star Trek has always had political themes but they've always managed to do it without going too hard and alienating people. That era has been over for a while and it's all so tiresome. Dave Cullen is one of the biggest Star Trek nerds on youtube. If even he is complaining it's bad.
Did you watch the video? Star Trek has always had political themes but they've always managed to do it without going too hard and alienating people. That era has been over for a while and it's all so tiresome. Dave Cullen is one of the biggest Star Trek nerds on youtube. If even he is complaining it's bad.

I don't feel alienated by Star Trek. Maybe those that feel alienated are snowflakes?
I don't feel alienated by Star Trek. Maybe those that feel alienated are snowflakes?

Funny how the alt-right came up with that term and now I see lefties using it (incorrectly) constantly. I'm probably going to get a warning or a ban for this but seriously the left can't meme or think for themselves and again it's getting tiresome. Maybe try discussing the topic at hand instead of name calling?
Funny how the alt-right came up with that term and now I see lefties using it (incorrectly) constantly. I'm probably going to get a warning or a ban for this but seriously the left can't meme or think for themselves and again it's getting tiresome. Maybe try discussing the topic at hand instead of name calling?

What's tiresome is hearing people moan about SJW, alienation, woke this and that when it comes to sci fi that doesn't fit their narrow agenda and world views. Maybe those people are just a bunch of..i dunno...snowflakes?
Funny how the alt-right came up with that term and now I see lefties using it (incorrectly) constantly. I'm probably going to get a warning or a ban for this but seriously the left can't meme or think for themselves and again it's getting tiresome. Maybe try discussing the topic at hand instead of name calling?

You haven't watched the show, of which there are only 2 episodes, and are basing your opinion from someone else's video. Not exactly a becon for thinking for yourself.

That being said, I don't disagree with what the video says about Star Trek typically having been a more hopefully representation of the future.

I have liked Picard so far and will be interested to see where it goes. Though i may be it's target audience.
I don't have any issues with woke materials one way or the other - as long as they are good movies / books / comics or whatever and also happen to be woke.

If it's woke for woke sake ... then just nah.
Did you watch the video? Star Trek has always had political themes but they've always managed to do it without going too hard and alienating people. That era has been over for a while and it's all so tiresome. Dave Cullen is one of the biggest Star Trek nerds on youtube. If even he is complaining it's bad.

Never went hard? Maybe if your only Trek experience is random episodes of Voyager and Enterprise. TOS went incredibly hard and courted a lot of controversy in its era. It spent a lot of time preaching at the audience and one of Roddenberry’s goals with the series was to present his politics and his ideology to the audience. This continued into TNG as well. And, hell, DS9 had multiple episodes set in separatist era southern US with a black guy as the focal character. STD and Picard being heavily political are nothing new for Trek, the big difference is the quality of the experience provided around those politics.
Never went hard? Maybe if your only Trek experience is random episodes of Voyager and Enterprise. TOS went incredibly hard and courted a lot of controversy in its era. It spent a lot of time preaching at the audience and one of Roddenberry’s goals with the series was to present his politics and his ideology to the audience. This continued into TNG as well. And, hell, DS9 had multiple episodes set in separatist era southern US with a black guy as the focal character. STD and Picard being heavily political are nothing new for Trek, the big difference is the quality of the experience provided around those politics.

I liked DS9 and TNG but Discovery jumped the shark and went too far. This kind of hamfisted crap is just too much for me and I'm no longer a fan of the series:

I liked DS9 and TNG but Discovery jumped the shark and went too far. This kind of hamfisted crap is just too much for me and I'm no longer a fan of the series:

Yes, it’s bad writing. TOS and parts of TNG are very very cheesy and ham fisted, but it’s held together by a great cast and good creative team. This makes the politics stand out less because they’re surrounded by a good show. STD is a dumpster fire.
Seems to be a trend where ep01 or Pilot episodes are free, but the rest you have to pay for.

I disagree ... you don't HAVE to pay for it unless you decide to pay to watch the pay to watch releases :barefoot:
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No thanks. Too woke for me from what I hear. Tired of leftist politics in every single show. Even BoJack Horseman had to diss white people in it's final season.

You could have just said, "I never liked Star Trek." Or is it htat you never noticed it's always had a progressive, idealistic POV, going all the way back to the mid 60s.
You could have just said, "I never liked Star Trek." Or is it htat you never noticed it's always had a progressive, idealistic POV, going all the way back to the mid 60s.

It's far more edgy to say woke, SJW etc though!
Yes, it’s bad writing. TOS and parts of TNG are very very cheesy and ham fisted, but it’s held together by a great cast and good creative team. This makes the politics stand out less because they’re surrounded by a good show. STD is a dumpster fire.

Right, if I would have given up on the entire series after watching one shitty star trek show, I would have stopped watching decades ago.

DS9's first season sucked. TNG's first season sucked, Voyager was an unsalvageable pile of shit, and about half of Enterprise was shit.

DID I STILL WATCH PICARD? HELL-YES I DID. I'm not chomping-at-the bit to pay to watch the rest, but I might binge watch during football season.

The fucking thing it free (AND commercial-free!), so GhostCow you have no basis to compain in a thread without watching it first.
What's tiresome is hearing people moan about SJW, alienation, woke this and that when it comes to sci fi that doesn't fit their narrow agenda and world views. Maybe those people are just a bunch of..i dunno...snowflakes?
It is actually being woke what is a very narrow and uninformed world view, which everything seems to adhere to in entertainment media these days.
And since it's a narrow world view, not many people are interested in entertainment soaked with it.
They do what they want, but trying to blame the people for not watching it and liking it is the height of entitlement.

It's that simple.
CBS-AA had a free 1 month promo last week, so I signed up (it's actually 2 months free because I hear they give you an additional free month once you cancel)...I actually started watching Discovery first...finished S1 which was decent, not great...hopefully S2 is an improvement
What's tiresome is hearing people moan about SJW, alienation, woke this and that when it comes to sci fi that doesn't fit their narrow agenda and world views. Maybe those people are just a bunch of..i dunno...snowflakes?
Which is it then, ST has always been lefty and people dislike it now for other reasons (like quality), or ST hasn't always been lefty?
Yes, it’s bad writing. TOS and parts of TNG are very very cheesy and ham fisted, but it’s held together by a great cast and good creative team. This makes the politics stand out less because they’re surrounded by a good show. STD is a dumpster fire.
Whatever wokeness Discovery may have had aside, 3 episodes in and I absolute could not suspend my disbelief that a mutinous traitor is suddenly back in uniform, (it did not help that that actor was essentially a piece of wood or a boat anchor depending on your point of view), nor can I forgive what they did to the Klingons.
I am surprised it made it 2 seasons, but if it is going to get a third, apparently someone likes it. They are welcome to it.

First episode of Picard, seemed to lack any real sense of wokeness. I think they may have tried to portray isolationist thinking as being stupid and wrong, but they made no overt attempts to link that to any current political regimes.