What is a cheap solution for replacement / repair Nokia Lumia 920?

Happy Hopping

Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 1, 2004
I have a Nokia Lumia 920 for 5 year, the usage is about 6 min. / month. I also bought a Otter Box to protect it, that box is about $70

In the past few months, it takes a much longer time for the phone to get signal. So after the phone is boot up, it has no bar, sits at emergency mode for many minutes, before it can get the signal. but some other times, it's instantaneous

Switch to a new sim card, same problem

The store told me it's the antenna that is failing although they said I can still do a factory reset

Let's say it's the antenna

My current problem w/ this phone is that at GPS signal for map (off map, no internet) takes about 10 to 15 min. to find the GPS signal, but again, some other times, almost immediately. I do remember that's the same problem 5 yr. ago

I check ebay, I can get a new one for $66.49, and that seems to be the cheapest option.

I can buy a new phone, the store recommend a cheap MOtorola G6 Play for $90, but then I need to buy another armor case.

Should a Nokia Lumia 920, it's only a Nov. 2012 release phone, say buying a brand new one, takes 10 min. for the GPS to find its map signal if you don't have internet, so called off map option? Whereas some other time, it can find the GPS location immediately? I thought even in 2012, the technology should be good enough for the GPS to find the map signal immediately.

Could this be my phone antenna problem since the beginning 5 yr. ago or does any Lumia 920 can take 10+ min. to find its GPS map signal?

anyone has another other idea for repair or replacement? I just don't want to waste another $70 for another armor case
It's totally obsolete device at this point (I have ditched mine ages ago). Honestly you should just buy a new phone. The battery life is horrible in Lumia 920 and the browser is so outdated that even websites will have trouble to function properly.

Non assisted GPS takes longer to get a signal (though it's near instant on my Huawei P30 though, assuming that you are outside). I can't remember how the GPS was on my Lumia 920.
I have a Nokia Lumia 920 for 5 year, the usage is about 6 min. / month. I also bought a Otter Box to protect it, that box is about $70

In the past few months, it takes a much longer time for the phone to get signal. So after the phone is boot up, it has no bar, sits at emergency mode for many minutes, before it can get the signal. but some other times, it's instantaneous

Switch to a new sim card, same problem

The store told me it's the antenna that is failing although they said I can still do a factory reset

Let's say it's the antenna

My current problem w/ this phone is that at GPS signal for map (off map, no internet) takes about 10 to 15 min. to find the GPS signal, but again, some other times, almost immediately. I do remember that's the same problem 5 yr. ago

I check ebay, I can get a new one for $66.49, and that seems to be the cheapest option.

I can buy a new phone, the store recommend a cheap MOtorola G6 Play for $90, but then I need to buy another armor case.

Should a Nokia Lumia 920, it's only a Nov. 2012 release phone, say buying a brand new one, takes 10 min. for the GPS to find its map signal if you don't have internet, so called off map option? Whereas some other time, it can find the GPS location immediately? I thought even in 2012, the technology should be good enough for the GPS to find the map signal immediately.

Could this be my phone antenna problem since the beginning 5 yr. ago or does any Lumia 920 can take 10+ min. to find its GPS map signal?

anyone has another other idea for repair or replacement? I just don't want to waste another $70 for another armor case

Honestly, I'd suggest getting a new phone -- and don't be afraid to spend more to get a phone that will last a while. The G6 Play is fine for the money, but I'd lean more toward the regular G7 for the faster processor and additional memory.

The simple reality is that Windows Phone/Mobile is dead. Getting another Lumia 920 (or any other Windows phone) would preserve a familiar experience, but you'd really just be postponing the inevitable switch to another platform.
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Depending on needs, I just picked up a pair of Moto G7 Power phones. No NFC, but a huge battery and nearly stock android for $250~ish.
well, thank for that moto casing tip. Let me see what my phone co. says on Mon.

because that ebay guy lies to me. it's refurbish that he says it's new. 2 other dealership also said new, but they are $100
update: the cellular phone provider wants $150 from me on motorola e5 play.

Now the local store tell me to buy a basic phone instead. I am open to suggestion. As long as the phone can do maps without internet, and I use about 6 to 10 min. per month, that's all I care about
iphone se?

I was a Windows phone guy for several years, and had a 920 myself.

After enough apps had lost winphone compatibility, I went through the same dilemma of deciding what next.

I ended up with an iphone se

Hadn't had an Apple producct since the original iMac. But the iPhone SE has been a really good replacement phone for me.

Maps work without data (Google Maps), fairly inexpensive device (often under $150 for a carrier locked one). I got an ATT locked SE, and use it with AirVoice Wireless. Has worked great for me.

And particularly because I like the smaller, pocketable size of the SE, compared to the mondo 5 and 6 inch phones.

And I can pass for a normal person, now that I have an iPhone :)
I can't stand anything w/ Apple

what other brand are there? and do I have to go w/ ebay? Is there some website that focus on cellular phone?
but wait a minute, when I check w/ several dealers at ebay on nokia lumina 920, they said they are all refurbish, as NOkia has been gone for so far, there is no new phone. So how can you be so sure about the nokia 6 NOT being refurbish
but wait a minute, when I check w/ several dealers at ebay on nokia lumina 920, they said they are all refurbish, as NOkia has been gone for so far, there is no new phone. So how can you be so sure about the nokia 6 NOT being refurbish

Not sure what you're talking about.. the 920 and Nokia 6 are two completely different phones running completely different operating systems and were released at different times. I think the Nokia 6 just launched last year, whereas the 920 launched in 2012, so yeah.. you're not going to find any new ones.
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I thought the brand Nokia went belly up? the dealer at the store told me so, is it still own by microsoft?

what about a brand call Alcatel, any good?

anyhoo, w/ my Nokia 920, I have this "Off line map", and the robot lady walk me thru step by step of where to go, and I do NOT have internet or any pay DATA feed from my cellular phone provider. And all these years, it works very nicely.

w/ that in mind, what's a reliable "Off line map application" that works? Because it seems to be a free service that connects me to the satellite, and from my GPS location, tell me where to go from point a to point b.

I don't want to buy a brand name that will go belly up and lost this feature
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I thought the brand Nokia went belly up? the dealer at the store told me so, is it still own by microsoft?

what about a brand call Alcatel, any good?

anyhoo, w/ my Nokia 920, I have this "Off line map", and the robot lady walk me thru step by step of where to go, and I do NOT have internet or any pay DATA feed from my cellular phone provider. And all these years, it works very nicely.

w/ that in mind, what's a reliable "Off line map application" that works? Because it seems to be a free service that connects me to the satellite, and from my GPS location, tell me where to go from point a to point b.

I don't want to buy a brand name that will go belly up and lost this feature

It didn't go "belly up", it was sold to HMD.

You can use the Google Maps (or many other map apps) app for offline navigation if you save your area for offline within the app.

Nokia as we know it doesn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon, but you can't predict when about company may be sold off or whatever either. Your only completely safe bet to avoid this is with Samsung, Apple, LG, or maybe Huawei. But I wouldn't worry about it considering you're looking at sub $150 phones that get minimal support regardless, but these are Android One phones too, which are pretty much good for 2-3 years of software support regardless. So I wouldn't worry about it really.
^ This. The Moto phone I mentioned is on the high end of what you are looking for, but the huge battery is pretty cool (No NFC, but I bet you won't care). For cheaper smartphones, you really have to choose Android or iOS these days, and they are both decent if you are not invested in one or the other. LG and Motorola are pretty light on the changes to Android, and usually good at keeping up to date on patches. But any of the Android One platform phones are running basically straight Android OS and will get very fast updates.

The only other one I'd offer is the Essential Phone, but it's getting old. That said it's a near-flagship running stock Android. It had Pie the day before the Pixel phones. I love mine and am going to be sad when it goes, there really isn't a replacement right now.
Near-field communication, it's how the Android 'tap and pay' system works, among other things. Really short-range wireless that is supposed to be more secure than Bluetooth.
I don't need that function. As long as Motorola can provide the off road driving direction by that robot lady, and it's accurate, and that I can dial out, I'm happy
So I found the Nokia 1 that seems to do what I need: off line map and dial out

But when I go back to ask the sales person on off line map, noone can answer this question:

6 yr. ago, when I got the phone, the salesman download the google map of the local city and nearby area, and since then the robot lady guide me on driving direction from my current GPS location to the desitnation, now:


as I have no internet feature or data feed on my phone, it's a straight dial out phone plan, I never pay for data feed or internet services or text messages.

I thought it's Nokia or my cellular phone co. that provides this service , but today, the sales person said no on both companies

If you want a considerably smaller screen (seems counter intuitive for navigation), 1/4 of the storage (8GB is more like 5GB usable too, which is less storage for map data, I wouldn't count on using an SD card either for app/map data as that's barely ever supported), and significantly slower phone (also counter intuitive for anything - I wouldn't ever recommend a phone with only 1GB of RAM now either even for light usage), then yes, you can save a buck on that Nokia 1. The value is a lot better for the specs you get on the 6, but if price is absolutely top priority, then go ahead on the 1 you link there. You're getting 1/3 of the phone for half the price for sure though.
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tell me more.

1) I only need to store 1 regular size city map, plus some very small nearby area.

2) what is the purpose of 1 GB of RAM? I only need to dial out

3) why do you say it's a slower phone? It can't be slower than my 6 yr. old NOkia 920 boot up, can it?
tell me more.

1) I only need to store 1 regular size city map, plus some very small nearby area.

2) what is the purpose of 1 GB of RAM? I only need to dial out

3) why do you say it's a slower phone? It can't be slower than my 6 yr. old NOkia 920 boot up, can it?

Nah, just buy it then.

I'm not here to sell you a phone and I already gave my opinion on it. But I will say that I wouldn't be surprised if that phone was slower than the 920 considering Windows Phone in general ran better than Android, esp. on lower end hardware. So just buy it and you can always return it within 30 days if you're not happy with it.
tell me more.

1) I only need to store 1 regular size city map, plus some very small nearby area.

2) what is the purpose of 1 GB of RAM? I only need to dial out

3) why do you say it's a slower phone? It can't be slower than my 6 yr. old NOkia 920 boot up, can it?

You can choose the areas you save offline maps for in Google Maps. They don't take up much space, but be sure there aren't gaps in coverage.

On RAM... you know your Lumia 920 has 1GB of RAM, right? This is temporary memory, and smartphones need quite a bit of it just to keep running smoothly. 1GB is considered modest by today's standards (many Android phones ship with 4GB, 8GB or even 12GB of RAM).

Boot up might be one thing in terms of performance, but the fluidity of the interface and app performance might be another. Windows Phone was well-known for running well on modest hardware, and for keeping its performance well over time (even if what it could do was limited). With Android, that's... not so true. It's getting better, but there's still a huge difference between, say, a Nokia 1 and a Samsung Galaxy S10.

Also, while I wouldn't want to press the issue, it might be worth looking at a phone plan with basic data. You don't want to be stuck without directions if you have to venture outside your coverage areas and can't stop at a place with WiFi.
oh, I didn't know that. I know almost nothing about cellular phone

for the price difference, I can move to this:


the Nokia 920 has something like 26 GB of storage space. And I used up 1 GB only for the local city map

so if the above Motorola phone can dial out fine, then do you guys think off line map will run smoothly ? The Nokia 920 off line map run very smoothly all these years. And I didn't pay for data or internet.
My last Windows Phone was Alcatel Idol 4s. I have been though many Windows Phone; going back to Motorola MPx220, HTC Titan, HTC Pure, etc... When announcement came out, it was an inevitable switch to Android.

Picked up a Moto G6 (4GB/64GB) last November; finally running Pie.

I recently went on Amazon and picked up a UNIDIGI Power for about $140 before tax; came with Pie; superior in specs to the 3 Motorola phones you listed.

If from your list: G6 > G6 Play > E5.
for those who uses Motorola, does anyone has a link on a list of service center in North America on their phones?
I had been using a Nokia Lumia Icon(929)Black with Verizon for over 5 yrs. The wife and I have been hemming and hawing over new phones but didn't want to pay for a top of the line, or even $300-400 for mid-range. I stumbled upon the Motorola G7 Power for $120 at Verizon! 5000mah battery, screen is lower res but still looks decent, and the camera is not so great but I don't really need that. We got the phones last night and I have been very impressed. I've been out of the game so long though that this is the newest tech I've used in a quite a while.

Thanks for the thread!
okay, so I start using the Motorola E5 play, download the offline map, but Google send me a mesg. saying if my map is NOT updated by Sept. 11, it will be deleted. Now the map is just downloaded, so it's updated, what does the above means?

are they seriously asking me to download the same map month after month?

can anyone help?

because my old nokia phone has the same map for 6 years.
okay, so I start using the Motorola E5 play, download the offline map, but Google send me a mesg. saying if my map is NOT updated by Sept. 11, it will be deleted. Now the map is just downloaded, so it's updated, what does the above means?

are they seriously asking me to download the same map month after month?

can anyone help?

because my old nokia phone has the same map for 6 years.
If you want offline maps, use HERE WeGo or something else like Sygic.
okay, so I start using the Motorola E5 play, download the offline map, but Google send me a mesg. saying if my map is NOT updated by Sept. 11, it will be deleted. Now the map is just downloaded, so it's updated, what does the above means?

are they seriously asking me to download the same map month after month?

can anyone help?

because my old nokia phone has the same map for 6 years.

Yeah, Google offline maps are only good for a month or two before it has to be updated. There are alternative map apps that don't require this or you can just connect to WiFi (any public AP or just hotspot your phone) and it should update automatically if it's expired.
are these software good? because I always wonder, it's free satellite service, why would they provide it? who's paying for these services?
are these software good? because I always wonder, it's free satellite service, why would they provide it? who's paying for these services?

Google subsidizes its maps with its search ad business. It's worthwhile to Google to provide map data and services if it encourages businesses to list themselves online and, of course, run ads.

For others, it varies. Apple doesn't have much of an ad business, for example -- it sees its mapping app more as a selling point for the hardware.
in that case, who's subsidizing HERE WE GO or Sygic?

Ads for HERE WeGo, just like Google and 95% of the other apps on the Play Store.


Sygic is a paid app (only free for 7 days), so you are subsidizing it directly in that case.
what a small world. In my Nokia 920, that's the same software. But there is no ad., as it was the beta ver. I wonder if there is a way to get the old beta ver.

w/ the old ver., the robot lady tells me where to go, I don't really view the screen, so if there is ad. on the screen, it shouldn't bother me