Decent online Multiplayer game that isn't rampant with cheaters?


Feb 4, 2003
Ok, so I'm just looking for something to fill my multiplayer needs...

Back in the day it was the Battlefield series and times were good, but these days it's all this BR bullshittery, rampant with cheaters. Cheaters aren't new, but what I'm seeing these days is just a whole new level.

Apex Legends was good to begin with, when the devs cared, but now it is utterly polluted with cheaters. And like, blatantly so. It's now reached the point that if you actually want to get a champ win, you would necessarily need to be cheating yourself, or be playing with cheaters.

So is there anything out there that's actually worth my time? I mean, is there any game I can play fairly against other humans and be sure that, if/when I die, it was because I was out-skilled and not cheated on? or otherwise screwed over by some shitty game mechanic?

Does this game exist? :confused:

Has it ever existed?! o_O
Hearthstone (card game)
Overwatch (FPS)
Heroes of the Storm (Casual Moba)
League of Legends (Semi Tryhard MOBA)
Dota 2 (Tryhard MOBA)
MTGA (Tryhard Card game)

Most popular FPS on PC seem to have a large collection of cheaters. Almost need to just play on console to avoid them.
Squad, Steam Link is scratching my old Battlefield itch. The community is pretty good with banning cheaters\hackers.

Thanks, one of my friends is into that, watched him play a bit but seems a little slow paced for me.

Annoyingly Apex Legends seems to have just dropped Season 2 the day I made this post! :rolleyes: Well, guess I shouldn't complain, love the game, just really fucking sick and tired of the cheaters. It's annoying because in any other game, as soon as I see Mr. "52342365834511" racking up the kills I just quit and change server. Can't really do that with these modern match making games. :mad:
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I never see cheaters in Battlefield 4. There was some in BF3, but none in BF4. Don't know about the more recent games though.