Prince Harry wants Fortnite banned


Fully [H]
Jun 7, 2008

Prince Harry has called for a ban on Fortnite, saying the survival game beloved by teenagers around the world, was "created to addict".

His words add to a growing debate among health workers, governments and lobby groups about whether gaming can be harmful to health.

The remarks come just before the Gaming Bafta Awards, one of the biggest nights in the UK's gaming calendar, which take place in London on Thursday evening.

But is he right?

What did Prince Harry say?
At an event at a YMCA in west London, the Duke of Sussex launched a scathing attack on social media and gaming.

Of Fortnite, he said: "That game shouldn't be allowed. Where is the benefit of having it in your household?

"It's created to addict, an addiction to keep you in front of a computer for as long as possible. It's so irresponsible.

"It's like waiting for the damage to be done and kids turning up on your doorsteps and families being broken down."

He added that social media was "more addictive than alcohol and drugs".
Let them ban it in the UK. They love to ban stuff there. Here in the US, there is nothing particularly ban worthy about the game.

I do seriously dislike Fortnite though. It is the poster child for a revenue model I don't much care for, as well as being a boring 3rd person shooter designed primarily for 12 year old's to steal their parents CC to buy cosmetics. It's the gaming version of Facebook with avatars, guns, and forts, for tween boys. The market does seem to have spoken with their wallets though since it is a cash cow, so good for them.
Wait till he hears about the AI that has been created by EA for Apex legends (and other games). Giving you just enough drops to keep you from quitting the game, but maximizing the encouragement to buy the upgrades.
What did Prince Harry say?
At an event at a YMCA in west London, the Duke of Sussex launched a scathing attack on social media and gaming.

Of Fortnite, he said: "The royal family shouldn't be allowed. Where is the benefit of having it in your country?

"It's created to addict, an addiction to keep you in front of a computer for as long as possible. It's so irresponsible.

"It's like waiting for the damage to be done and kids turning up on your doorsteps and families being broken down."

He added that social media was "more addictive than alcohol and drugs".
Of Fortnite, he said: "The royal family shouldn't be allowed. Where is the benefit of having it in your country?

FTFY dude with an opinion that Prince no one should care about.
I'm not sure if I would call for an outright ban, but I definitely believe they designed the game with addiction in mind.

I have separated my tween stepson from the game when he has had too much, and the kicking screaming sobbing, "my life is over" routine is so bad it is unbelievable. I can't imagine a heroin addict is much different.

Reminds me of this (without the self corning, that is just weird)

Actually I heard the devs worked in tandem with psychologist and such to make sure it would be addictive.
I still think parental control of the internet is lacking if it's an issue.... duhhh

For older person like me, we have worse addiction lol
The problem is not the fucking game asshole, it's lazy parents who refuse to step in when their kids spend too much time playing games.

Look. I have an 11 year old in the house, and I police game time strictly.

I have never seen the response I get from the kid from anyone when I exercise my parental duty to step in and control computer time.

Sobbing on the floor, threatening suicide, punching himself in the face, etc. etc. for hours. As a sortof-parent it's quite harrowing to witness.

And this is only after a couple of hours of game time.

There is something seriously wrong with what this game does to their little heads.
Look. I have an 11 year old in the house, and I police game time strictly.

I have never seen the response I get from the kid from anyone when I exercise my parental duty to step in and control computer time.

Sobbing on the floor, threatening suicide, punching himself in the face, etc. etc. for hours. As a sortof-parent it's quite harrowing to witness.

And this is only after a couple of hours of game time.

There is something seriously wrong with what this game does to their little heads.

Holy shit. Well, with respect to whatever the situation is with him in relationship to you, did he likely spend too much playing it prior to your rules? It sounds like he had already gotten used to playing it constantly. I'm not a parent so take whatever I say with that in mind.
Actually I heard the devs worked in tandem with psychologist and such to make sure it would be addictive.

They do. They have spent millions of dollars on research to better their algorithms to make it more addictive. I honestly think that like gambling at a casino, it needs an 18+ age requirement at the minimum.

Thought I would add this for emphasis.

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Holy shit. Well, with respect to whatever the situation is with him in relationship to you, did he likely spend too much playing it prior to your rules? It sounds like he had already gotten used to playing it constantly. I'm not a parent so take whatever I say with that in mind.

Nope. After a freakout like this he usually loses priveleges for a week. He returns to being a normal happy kid those days.

Easing in other games works perfectly fine. No behavioral issues, until we relent and let Fortnite be played again. Only takes a few hours and any request to separate him from the games results in another freakout.

I've been his step-dad since he was five, when I introduced him to PC gaming. Never seen anything like it before, from him or anyone else.

There IS something particularly nefarious about this game. It may not have this impact on everyone, but there are a lot of kids who are responding VERY negatively to it.
Death to Fortnite. Set free the children and manchildren who play it.
Look. I have an 11 year old in the house, and I police game time strictly.

I have never seen the response I get from the kid from anyone when I exercise my parental duty to step in and control computer time.

Sobbing on the floor, threatening suicide, punching himself in the face, etc. etc. for hours. As a sortof-parent it's quite harrowing to witness.

And this is only after a couple of hours of game time.

There is something seriously wrong with what this game does to their little heads.

Wow, that's pretty crazy. Maybe the solution is no Fortnite? I understand that's easier said then done, especially with how big of a part gaming is in many kid's social lives. I'm just saying a response like that makes it clear he cannot handle the game.
Look. I have an 11 year old in the house, and I police game time strictly.

I have never seen the response I get from the kid from anyone when I exercise my parental duty to step in and control computer time.

Sobbing on the floor, threatening suicide, punching himself in the face, etc. etc. for hours. As a sortof-parent it's quite harrowing to witness.

And this is only after a couple of hours of game time.

There is something seriously wrong with what this game does to their little heads.

No, there is something seriously wrong with your kid. When I tell my son it is time to get off..he says "Yes sir" and that is the end of it. Perhaps it is time to get him into a psychologist and get deeper issues resolved instead of blaming a video game.
Nope. After a freakout like this he usually loses priveleges for a week. He returns to being a normal happy kid those days.

Easing in other games works perfectly fine. No behavioral issues, until we relent and let Fortnite be played again. Only takes a few hours and any request to separate him from the games results in another freakout.

I've been his step-dad since he was five, when I introduced him to PC gaming. Never seen anything like it before, from him or anyone else.

There IS something particularly nefarious about this game. It may not have this impact on everyone, but there are a lot of kids who are responding VERY negatively to it.

Yeah that game is HIGHLY addictive, I played a few times only to find out I played 3~5hours... and accomplished f* nothing. I played CS when I was young and even bought my first PC at 14 to make sure my parents couldn't pry it from me (yeah, I was dumb but good for me, I had 90% + at school so... they let me play 8~10h a day).

Fortnite is a new form of addictive and the F* micro transaction is really them going after uncle money...

This game SHOULD be 18+ and micro transaction for gambling loot needs to die. At least implement an age verification system and make sure that if under 18, parental control is mandatory and game time is LOCK per region to out of school hours and not during night.
No, there is something seriously wrong with your kid. When I tell my son it is time to get off..he says "Yes sir" and that is the end of it.

Wow, jerk much ? What do you know about what your kid feels and what he does when you're not around ? How old is he if I may ask ? I'm asking because such words makes me think that at an older age he may make bad decision because you're not there to say NO.
My sentence may seem crude but I speak from life experience, you might be the one deceived later.

EDIT:: Holy cow, you edited your original reply and made it almost worse :eek:
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Wow, that's pretty crazy. Maybe the solution is no Fortnite? I understand that's difficult with how big of a part games play in kid's social lives but a response like that makes it clear he cannot handle the game.

Yeah, I am at this point as well.

It's difficult though, because this is how all the boys (and some girls too) his age socialize. Cut him off from Fortnite, and he is cut off from his entire social circle. Not just his social circle, bit all the kids in the goddamned school.

It's not like When we grew up anymore. I'd hop on my BMX and ride around town, and as Long as I was back for lunch and dinner everything would be fine. You can't raise kids that way anymore. You get arrested.

So outside of school hours, the only way most kids socialize is Twitch (apart from "play dates" which can't always easily be arranged) and more often than not Twitch means Fortnite. Take it away, and you have not just taken away his current friends, but all possoble friendship.

Need to figure something out though.
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Yeah, I am at this point as well.

It's difficult thigh, because this is how all the boys (and some girls too) his age socialize. Cut him off from Fortnite, and he is cut off from his entire social circle. Not just his social circle, bit all the kids in the goddamned school.

It's not like When we grew up anymore. I'd hop on my BMX and ride around town, and as Long as I was back for lunch and dinner everything would be fine. You can't raise kids that way anymore. You get arrested.

So outside of school hours, the only way most kids socialize is Twitch (apart from "play dates" which can't always easily be arranged) and more often than not Twitch means Fortnite. Take it away, and you have not just taken away his current friends, but all possoble friendship.

Need to figure something out though.

Anyway, how can you ban a game that is F2P and accessible from any platform at this point ?
My friend kids just skipped school and played at another friend house or borrowed a tablet/phone whatever....

Ban is not the solution I think, maybe playing with them and making this a moment ?
No, there is something seriously wrong with your kid. When I tell my son it is time to get off..he says "Yes sir" and that is the end of it. Perhaps it is time to get him into a psychologist and get deeper issues resolved instead of blaming a video game.

Everyone's brain chemistry is different so different people will respond differently. As mentioned I am opposed to an outright ban. I'm just saying that there is something about this particular game that affects some poeple unusually strongly.

I don't think there is any denying that at this point.
Anyway, how can you ban a game that is F2P and accessible from any platform at this point ?
My friend kids just skipped school and played at another friend house or borrowed a tablet/phone whatever....

Ban is not the solution I think, maybe playing with them and making this a moment ?

I am the network administrator :p
I am the network administrator :p

At your house ;) I helped my friend admin his network but the damn brats always find ways around it...
If yours does not skip school and have good grades I think you're doing it right, whatever others may say.

Can you beat him ? Maybe a good beating by you may straighten him lol
Can you beat him ? Maybe a good beating by you may straighten him lol

Aye, sounds like good punishment. Better yet, tell him to go in the backyard and pick a switch off the tree, this serves two purposes, 1. you get to wack him with it & 2. He learns physics. (I learned that picking the smaller sapling hurts worse due to wind resistance.) :)
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Another idea for children addicted to this game. Ground them if they don't win. This will make them either win or get angry with the game when they don't which forces them not to care about it anymore.
Aye, sounds like good punishment. Better yet, tell him to go in the backyard and pick a switch off the tree, this serves two purposes, 1. you get to wack him with it & 2. He learns physics. (I learned that picking the smaller sapling hurts worse due to wind resistance.) :)

AHAH now that I read it... but nope, I meant in fortnite :eek: but I'm sure you knew.
Wow, jerk much ? What do you know about what your kid feels and what he does when you're not around ? How old is he if I may ask ? I'm asking because such words makes me think that at an older age he may make bad decision because you're not there to say NO.
My sentence may seem crude but I speak from life experience, you might be the one deceived later.

EDIT:: Holy cow, you edited your original reply and made it almost worse :eek:

Wasn't being a jerk, mine are 8 and 12 actually. Fact is if telling a kid to get off a game results in hours long screaming tantrums, that is either a discipline issue or a mental health issue. That isn't normal behavior and if you think it is you are seriously wrong.

I didn't edit can clearly see my post hasn't been edited as it would have a timestamp saying it was edited.

Everyone's brain chemistry is different so different people will respond differently. As mentioned I am opposed to an outright ban. I'm just saying that there is something about this particular game that affects some poeple unusually strongly.

I don't think there is any denying that at this point.

I've heard this nonsense about so many games over the years I've lost count. The fact is some people have un-diagnosed mental disorders that causes them serious addiction problems. If it wasn't this game it would be another, if it wasn't games it would likely manifest as a gambling or drug problem later. There is nothing nefarious about that game.
Wasn't being a jerk, mine are 8 and 12 actually. Fact is if telling a kid to get off a game results in hours long screaming tantrums, that is either a discipline issue or a mental health issue. That isn't normal behavior and if you think it is you are seriously wrong.

I didn't edit can clearly see my post hasn't been edited as it would have a timestamp saying it was edited.

I've heard this nonsense about so many games over the years I've lost count. The fact is some people have un-diagnosed mental disorders that causes them serious addiction problems. If it wasn't this game it would be another, if it wasn't games it would likely manifest as a gambling or drug problem later. There is nothing nefarious about that game.

That hasn't been my experience with the kid. He responds normally to every other title we have tried.
If its not fortnite it will be something else. Its just whack a mole, an unproductive use of resources. Like everything else, Fortnite will fall by the wayside soon (hopefully!) is a crazy idea....
parents could actually be parents and raise their damn kids properly.

Heresy of the highest order! Parents just want to raise plants, feed and water them and then just let them do their own thing.
I am not about banning shit. But if you really believe fortnite (not gaming in general is addicting) you are kidding yourself. I am talking about kids here. Young kids are head over heels for that shit. My nephews personally going crazy over it begging for money to blow over on it lol.

Yea you can raise your kids right, I have seen my newphews get their asses whooped over fortnite lol. But that shit is addictive to kids as it gets. Its like they would go to war with parents over that shit rofl.
Wait till he hears about the AI that has been created by EA for Apex legends (and other games). Giving you just enough drops to keep you from quitting the game, but maximizing the encouragement to buy the upgrades.

Everyone's is doing it. In fact, the gaming industry came pretty late to this particular party. I watched a pretty good documentary on the subject just recently.

The story of the relationship between Sigmund Freud and his American nephew, Edward Bernays. Bernays invented the public relations profession in the 1920s and was the first person to take Freud's ideas to manipulate the masses. He showed American corporations how they could make people want things they didn't need by systematically linking mass-produced goods to their unconscious desires. Bernays was one of the main architects of the modern techniques of mass-consumer persuasion, using every trick in the book, from celebrity endorsement and outrageous PR stunts, to eroticising the motorcar. His most notorious coup was breaking the taboo on women smoking by persuading them that cigarettes were a symbol of independence and freedom. But Bernays was convinced that this was more than just a way of selling consumer goods. It was a new political idea of how to control the masses. By satisfying the inner irrational desires that his uncle had identified, people could be made happy and thus docile. It was the start of the all-consuming self which has come to dominate today's world. Originally broadcast on 29th April 2002.

So, everyone's been doing it for about 100 years now. Problem is, current systems are interactive, and therefore, a lot more dangerous. They have a pretty good idea what the user is going to do.

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