Borderlands 3


Fully [H]
Jun 7, 2008

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My biggest concern is whether Gearbox has taken cues from Bungie, Ubisoft and EA, and utterly shitified the Borderlands formula by cramming it with loot boxes, microtransactions, season passes and garbage loot unless you are prepared to grind the end game for 100+ hours.
My biggest concern is whether Gearbox has taken cues from Bungie, Ubisoft and EA, and utterly shitified the Borderlands formula by cramming it with loot boxes, microtransactions, season passes and garbage loot unless you are prepared to grind the end game for 100+ hours.

Isn't that what borderlands already is? Hell, Borderlands 2 is the first game I can recall offering a season pass. Loot was generally shit also, IMO. If it didn't come from a boss, a golden key, or the loot grinder it was probably junk.

BL2 was an ok game. TPS sucked. The first Borderlands was exellent and without question the best in the franchise. I'd really like to see them return to what made that game great, but I expect to see anything but.
Isn't that what borderlands already is? Hell, Borderlands 2 is the first game I can recall offering a season pass. Loot was generally shit also, IMO. If it didn't come from a boss, a golden key, or the loot grinder it was probably junk.

BL2 was an ok game. TPS sucked. The first Borderlands was exellent and without question the best in the franchise. I'd really like to see them return to what made that game great, but I expect to see anything but.

Thought all 3 were great, dlc was pretty awesome also.
See I thought BL2 was better than BL1 but that's just me. And I agree TPS sucked. Excited for BL3.
Isn't that what borderlands already is? Hell, Borderlands 2 is the first game I can recall offering a season pass. Loot was generally shit also, IMO. If it didn't come from a boss, a golden key, or the loot grinder it was probably junk.

Not really. Season passes first made their appearance in 2011 with LA Noire and Mortal Kombat, which was then followed by Battlefield 3 and whatever CoD sequel released in 2012. The season pass for Borderlands 2 was the conventional all inclusive DLC model, as opposed to the garbage yearly passes that have now become more ubiquitous with AAA looter shooters.

I also categorically disagree that loot was generally shit, decent weapons were routinely dropped throughout the course the campaign. Compare that to Destiny 2 and The Division, both of which I have played to completion, where quite literally every single weapon and armor drop throughout the campaign was uninteresting boring trash. Destiny 2 doesn't even make a secret of it, after beating the final level you get showered with engrams containing your first taste of decent loot to incentivise you to get on the hamster wheel grind-a-thon.
Not really. Season passes first made their appearance in 2011 with LA Noire and Mortal Kombat, which was then followed by Battlefield 3 and whatever CoD sequel released in 2012. The season pass for Borderlands 2 was the conventional all inclusive DLC model, as opposed to the garbage yearly passes that have now become more ubiquitous with AAA looter shooters.

I also categorically disagree that loot was generally shit, decent weapons were routinely dropped throughout the course the campaign. Compare that to Destiny 2 and The Division, both of which I have played to completion, where quite literally every single weapon and armor drop throughout the campaign was uninteresting boring trash. Destiny 2 doesn't even make a secret of it, after beating the final level you get showered with engrams containing your first taste of decent loot to incentivise you to get on the hamster wheel grind-a-thon.

The BL2 season pass in no way was all-inclusive. It only contained the four major expansions and one of the two PAID level cap increases. None of the extra costumes were included, none of the extra characters were included, you still had to pay for a second damn level cap increase, it didn't include the Headhunter packs, it didn't include the slaughterdome. There is $85 worth of DLC for Borderlands 2 that was NOT part of the season pass and even if you buy GOTY you don't get all the DLC as there is a further $55 worth of content to purchase (once again, including a paid level cap increase). When they released the Handsome Collection bundle you could finally get all the BL2 DLC together at a discount.
Okay fair enough, I never played beyond the campaign to notice all the additional DLC not included in the season pass.
Not really. Season passes first made their appearance in 2011 with LA Noire and Mortal Kombat, which was then followed by Battlefield 3 and whatever CoD sequel released in 2012. The season pass for Borderlands 2 was the conventional all inclusive DLC model, as opposed to the garbage yearly passes that have now become more ubiquitous with AAA looter shooters.

I also categorically disagree that loot was generally shit, decent weapons were routinely dropped throughout the course the campaign. Compare that to Destiny 2 and The Division, both of which I have played to completion, where quite literally every single weapon and armor drop throughout the campaign was uninteresting boring trash. Destiny 2 doesn't even make a secret of it, after beating the final level you get showered with engrams containing your first taste of decent loot to incentivise you to get on the hamster wheel grind-a-thon.

LA Noire and Mortal Kombat were both small things, extra skins as whatever. They weren't expensive and weren't what I consider a modern day season pass to be. More of just a DLC bundle. You're right on Battlefield 3, although they didn't call it such Premium was certainly the same idea, so there's a game that beat BL2 to the concept of bundling and per-purchasing a pass to major DLCs. BL2 was still certainly one of the first though, I remember there being some confusion when the pre-orders went live about what the season pass actually was and why it was so expensive. Back in 2012, it certainly wasn't normal, and I think BL2 is one of the games that made it normal. I still think they were one of the first (if not the first) to actually use the term "Season Pass". If not the first, they sure made it mainstream. And as has been pointed out, BL2's season pass was absolutely not all-inclusive. There was additional DLC offered up that season pass owners didn't get.

As for loot, I really don't remember it being anything exciting. Almost all of my good loot came from the golden key chest. About the only times I got something better was boss fights or quest rewards... in other words instances where the loot was per-determined. I'm sure there were times I got decent loot off of a chest or random baddy, but certainly not often enough to make it viable source for loot. I think BL2 had a lot more unique weapons, and while they are usually cool, it also sort of kills what makes them special. I would like to see a lot less of those, and they need to kill off the golden chest concept, that seriously devalued the need to find loot by actually playing the game.
DX12? Vulkan? RT?

Edit: NM, saw it's the Unreal engine
Info up oat TweakTown:
Takes place 5 years after the end of BL2/TPS

Tannis is not what she seems

AI Jack may be back, but he's not the villain

Rhys is back as CEO of Atlas. Atlas is back as a manufacturer.

Gorty is back to help the player find multiple vaults in the game. Not just one vault this time.

Tina is back as an adult. No word on the others but you can expect cameos from everyone like in BL2 Writing is more like BL1 than BL2 4 new vault hunters Abilities have been reworked, everyone now has multiple action skills instead of one.

Flak the Beastmaster is a homeless looking android. He can summon multiple creatures to help him fight. The AI for this is what delayed announcement last October. So hopefully it's fixed now.

The woman seen in the UE4 demo last year is a Valdof character who is the gunner class. She can summon a bear mech on which other players can ride. Summons the mech like in Titanfall. No word on how this works indoors.

The older male is like Batman. He's the stealth/assassin character. He's rich and uses gadgets for his action skills.

There's a black woman Siren character. She's melee oriented like Brick was. She will have several siren abilities like phase-lock, phase-shift, and a ground pound skill. NPCs can revive you now if you're close enough and go into FFYL

Guns are reworked. You'll have changeable gun parts of various rarities/stats. You'll be able to alter the type of gun, the firing rate, the reload speed, the stability, and element as you find new parts.

The bad guys are The Calypso Twins. One is a female siren (as only women can be sirens) and the other is a male who somehow has siren powers. Either he figured out a way to give anyone siren powers or the bond between twins allows him to share his sister's powers. They're rumored to be ex-Atlas employees

The Calypso twins rule The Children of the Vault, a cult mob that will replace Bandits/Scavs as the default human mob. They will have their own weapon brand All brands returning except Bandit/Scav

All elements returning except Slag, Laser, and Ice. New elements are rumored and the only lead says "nuclear" is one of them.

You'll start on Pandora but leave shortly into the game on Sanctuary 3, the Crimson Raider's ship. It will be the hub for multiple planet locations.

We're going to Promethea
The Calypso twins must be the girls with the shaved head and studded hood at the start of the dubstep video. Pretty soon every game will have a set of swanky twins that every SJW wants to identify with.
The Calypso twins must be the girls with the shaved head and studded hood at the start of the dubstep video. Pretty soon every game will have a set of swanky twins that every SJW wantsto identify with.

"One is a female siren (as only women can be sirens) and the other is a male who somehow has siren powers."
Worst case scenario I could see with this game if it launches on Epic the internet would be in shambles for a few months.
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I never understood launchers wars. Whatever launcher it will use I will play it.

The "launcher" isn't the fallout. Being able to buy it from multiple stores which mandates the launcher to use is the problem. If exclusive to Epic for purchase you're forced to their launch mechanism. Metro being the most obvious example.
Hopefully the Raytracing will pay off in this game :confused::confused::confused: Not sure if they said anything about a launch date game looks ok if you pause the video where they show the actual gameplay and not character modeling.
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Well done trailer but I dunno it doesn't look like a graphical (or animation) leap over 2 or Pre-Sequel. Maybe I'm just cynical as hell due to Randy Pitchford being who is and Take-Two being what they are but I'm have doubts and concerns already about this just being a rehash of what we saw in the three previous games only with more shitty modern practices thrown in.
They have alot of people working for them that is sure so the original vision is probably fractured to pieces.
Well done trailer but I dunno it doesn't look like a graphical (or animation) leap over 2 or Pre-Sequel. Maybe I'm just cynical as hell due to Randy Pitchford being who is and Take-Two being what they are but I'm have doubts and concerns already about this just being a rehash of what we saw in the three previous games only with more shitty modern practices thrown in.
Graphically I expected bigger leap, but I suppose they are still catering to old console generation. As long as they leave the old formula in, I will still be happy. Waited long enough for this!
Well done trailer but I dunno it doesn't look like a graphical (or animation) leap over 2 or Pre-Sequel. Maybe I'm just cynical as hell due to Randy Pitchford being who is and Take-Two being what they are but I'm have doubts and concerns already about this just being a rehash of what we saw in the three previous games only with more shitty modern practices thrown in.

Same feeling here. Trailer was great, though.
On the surface, I'm excited. I enjoyed all the Borderlands games, with BL2 probably the most (and TPS next in line). I'm certainly up for another one and the video shows a lot of the pieces are there to make a new one great (I do wonder if any of the older heroes will be playable, or if there will be a case of older characters being way cooler than the ones you control), but it is all in the implementation. With luck, Aspyr (or Feral, or an internal team etc) is planning for a Linux port - Borderlands 2 and BL:TPS both had great native Linux clients and to this day have an enduring playerbase. I guess we'll see more on April 3rd, but I hope the release date isn't too horribly far away.


Yeah, I loved 1 and 2, but I can't get excited for what Gearbox has planned for the 'modern' 'live service' ecosystem.

This is what concerns me. If they do things like BL2 and TPS, they have more than enough opportunity for monetization while it was still "fair". For instance, the only "loot boxes" were available using FREE Golden Key that you could get by registering game keys they posted every so often; a good tool to keep people engaged and get them nice random stuff, without it being exclusive or real money expensive. All of the Borderlands games have offered DLC done right and content heavy for the most part. Major expansions, minor expansions and events, level cap upgrades with other bonuses, buying new characters etc... all of it was pretty reasonably priced for the most part. There were also some for-pay cosmetics/color things that I could have done without but they were inexpensive at least and even more so on sale! The "Season Pass" for Borderlands 2 and The Pre-Sequel both turned out to be quite worthwhile indeed!

If they start adding for pay lootboxes or otherwise crap up the works to encourage paying even more money, they'll ruin the good thing they've got going. Players of the series are going to be very likely to buy a Season Pass or other DLC knowing that in the past it has been viable; if they foul that up they're just asking for trouble, but it wouldn't be the first time greed caused a game company to walk off an easily visible cliff...
the cell shader animation style was cool the first 2 games but I'm not really feeling it in this...the characters still look interesting though and that might be enough to make this another hit...
the cell shader animation style was cool the first 2 games but I'm not really feeling it in this...the characters still look interesting though and that might be enough to make this another hit...

It almost seems like the art style might be holding back the graphics. I'm sure everything is better graphically than what they could get on old consoles, but it doesn't look like it and that might be due to the art-style. I'm not sure what they could have done to change it as that art-style is part of what makes Borderlands what it is, but it does seem to be more of a hindrance than anything now.
It almost seems like the art style might be holding back the graphics. I'm sure everything is better graphically than what they could get on old consoles, but it doesn't look like it and that might be due to the art-style. I'm not sure what they could have done to change it as that art-style is part of what makes Borderlands what it is, but it does seem to be more of a hindrance than anything now.

I like the art style, and you can do lot's to improve on it, same thing blizz did to wow with the new char models, higher poly count, better textures, smoother animations.
It almost seems like the art style might be holding back the graphics. I'm sure everything is better graphically than what they could get on old consoles, but it doesn't look like it and that might be due to the art-style. I'm not sure what they could have done to change it as that art-style is part of what makes Borderlands what it is, but it does seem to be more of a hindrance than anything now.

This was my thoughts. My immediate reaction was the same as many others, that it doesn't look that much better than BL2 did 6 years ago. But the reality is, I think they are close to tapped out with where they can take the graphics. Assets can't really get more detailed than they have been or you lose that borderlands feel... which means about all they can do is tweak things like lighting, physics, post processing effects, etc. I'm also hoping we'll see an improvement in the small details. Things like vegetation and fences that would have been 2D in previous games, maybe will be modeled in 3D this time. Maybe more trash and crap lying around.

Ultimately I like the style of Borderlands, so I'm not going to bitch no matter what it looks like. I just hope the game is faithful to the previous games.
I can't find anything on a Release date on this game the only thing that turns up in Bing search tons of clickbait articles. I suppose they didn't want to say anything so it wouldn't disappoint their fans.
I can't find anything on a Release date on this game the only thing that turns up in Bing search tons of clickbait articles. I suppose they didn't want to say anything so it wouldn't disappoint their fans.

The prevailing rumor is October 1st, but that's based purely on a guess from some clues in the trailer.

Thankfully, we don't have to wait long to find out. Pitchford has already said that we will be getting a lot more information on the game, including a release date, on April 3rd.
This was my thoughts. My immediate reaction was the same as many others, that it doesn't look that much better than BL2 did 6 years ago. But the reality is, I think they are close to tapped out with where they can take the graphics. Assets can't really get more detailed than they have been or you lose that borderlands feel... which means about all they can do is tweak things like lighting, physics, post processing effects, etc. I'm also hoping we'll see an improvement in the small details. Things like vegetation and fences that would have been 2D in previous games, maybe will be modeled in 3D this time. Maybe more trash and crap lying around.

Ultimately I like the style of Borderlands, so I'm not going to bitch no matter what it looks like. I just hope the game is faithful to the previous games.

Yeah, that is true. Though, I feel like they could have done more work on the character animations. They still look a lot like BL2 and Pre-Sequel level. Those games didn't have bad animation, per say, but they were never great either. Maybe they'll look better in full gameplay demonstrations however.

Edit: Forgot to add. The lighting does seem better compared to the previous games and maybe some of the physics stuff, but its hard to tell with all the quick cuts in the trailer. Same with post-processing stuff. Its hard to get a feel for anything beyond the graphics and some of the animations.
There was a demo last year showing off the lighting and physics improvements, so they should really be a step up from the first three games. But the really important part is whether or not they can capture the ribald sarcasm and overall fun level of the earlier games. If the can, this is going to be amazing.

Edited because hooked on phonics monkey was asleep on the job.