980 SLI to 2070


Fully [H]
Jul 12, 2007
I assume the answer is "Yes" but want to ask.

Looking to upgrade from SLI 980s to a 2070. SLI seems to be going the way of the dodo and running newer games on a single 980 isn't up to what I want. Games like AC:O just do not run all that well on that single card.

it looks like a 2070 is between a 1080 and 1080ti in performance (didn't look vs a 2080 but 2080 is out of price range)

My fear is games that support SLI (well) will run worse. Can't find any real way to know for sure.

the 2070 seem priced VERY well and I have a coupon from newegg I can get one for under 480 bucks shipped. I assume I can sell the 980s and make up 60% of the cost of the new card.
Go for it.. even on the few games where multiGPU scaling it's awesome you still will have better performance with the 2070 vs the GTX 980 and overall the improvement Will be HUGE.
The answer is yes- performance will be the same at worst, and usually better- and if you're pushing things with the 980's, then the 2070 will definitely feel faster.
I would suggest a 2080 or the Radeon VII since they are both the same price and similar performance, tho I would wait for the [H} review on the Radeon just to be sure. That way no matter what it would be a upgrade for you. Just a matter if you want to spend the extra.
I would suggest a 2080 or the Radeon VII since they are both the same price and similar performance, tho I would wait for the [H} review on the Radeon just to be sure. That way no matter what it would be a upgrade for you. Just a matter if you want to spend the extra.

Wait wut... How is a 2080 the same price as a 2070?

Show me 480 dollar 2080
Wait wut... How is a 2080 the same price as a 2070?

Show me 480 dollar 2080

It's not and I made it clear if you wanted to spend the extra. You could just pick up a 1080 for less and have the exact same performance and the 2070 is useless for Ray Tracing and DLSS is MIA still. Just trying to give you other ideas to think about.
Recent reviews have shown the new drivers boosting the 2070 well above the 1080ti. Don't live in a fantasy, DLSS and RTX are only going to get better, even if not enabled you still will have the second fastest card currently available
Recent reviews have shown the new drivers boosting the 2070 well above the 1080ti. Don't live in a fantasy, DLSS and RTX are only going to get better, even if not enabled you still will have the second fastest card currently available

can you show me those?

I mean, i can get a used TI FE for $500 bucks right now. 1080TI also has more ram but I wonder if that really matters.

I highly suspect either card in my current setup will run everything exactly the same since I don't yet have a monitor that goes above 1080p but I would be looking into at least a 1440p monitor sometime this year.
I highly suspect either card in my current setup will run everything exactly the same since I don't yet have a monitor that goes above 1080p but I would be looking into at least a 1440p monitor sometime this year.

Run DSR till you get that new monitor then, you would have plenty of horsepower on tap. ;)
i have no idea what DSR stands for.

It's a way to run your GPU above your output resolution and then down sample it for display. It ends up being largely the same as old-school super sampling anti aliasing. It generally gives the best looking results, but at the cost of consuming the most GPU resources.
ended up with the 1080ti.

I think it will be just as good or better in the long run right now. more ram than the 2070 and i don't need super duper buzz word things. dont see any of that ray tracing stuff happening or mattering anytime soon either.