EA Discusses the Battlefield V Progress and Economy Systems


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
EA has created a blog post about the upcoming Battlefield V progression system and economy. They explain how unlocks through game play and real world currency will work. They emphasize that neither Battlefield Currency or real-world money will give a player an unfair advantage over another player. They note that Battlefield V has no Premium Pass.

As far a progression goes, there are 5 categories to rank up through playing the game that give game play items and cosmetic items such as weapons, vehicles and weapon parts. Cosmetic items are skins for the soldier and weapons that you unlock from playing the game. Leveling career ranks give Company Coin and class rank leveling gives more combat roles for classes. Company coin can be spent on weapon specializations and more.

Our vision at DICE is to continuously bring you new ways to play by evolving and expanding the battlefield. As that journey unfolds, the progression system and game economy are designed to give you interesting choices. Soldiers, weapons, and vehicles that look and play the way you want — and give you and your squad more ways to triumph through balanced rock-paper-scissors gameplay.
Our vision at DICE is to continuously bring you new ways to scam players with various micro transactions. As that journey unfolds, the progression system and game economy are designed to drain your bank account quicker.. Soldiers, weapons, and vehicles that look and play the way you want based on how much money you spend — and give you and your squad more ways to buy your way to a win with various p2w models.
Looks like it's using the same maps as Battlefield 1. I have every Battlefield game released and for the most part they were very good, however I quit playing Battlefield 1 due to the constant cheats and hackers that proliferate the game and you can bet Battlefield will be the same.
Gotta have that company coin

Their whole setup has the hallmark of being designed for pay-to-win microtransactions, but tweaked since the backlash from Battlefront2 was so strong.

Guaranteed this game would have featured some sort of purchasable shortcuts for in-game currency. The switch to "cosmetics only" seems like a reaction.

Even the Tides of War system screams of a move towards games like WarThunder where the publisher objective is to keep you playing and spoon-feed you unlockables.
I thought BF4's unlock system was a pain in the ass. This takes it to a new level. Once I unlocked all the weapons and accessories in BF4 I had more fun then playing the unlock rat race.

Looks like they're going to force you to play their new shitty game mode as well as it gives you more rewards.
Why do people keep supporting EA and it’s bullshit? I mean even Activision of all companies isn’t bleeding their customers dry with CoD which has really surprised me and it’s why I finally bought CoD. EA is a scummy company that completely destroyed Battlefield, they started with removing community owned servers (where you didn’t have to rent preconfigured approved boxes), killed official mod support like they had with bf1942 and then monetized the fuck out of it by locking the weapons behind an insufferable grind or pay wall. To me Battlefield is dead, I tried the BF V beta and it was the same old recycled shit from BF 1 with minor tweaks.
"No, really, we'll release a full game in a few years, just buy this dlc to fund the development of the actual game we never delivered on launch"
When will they discuss their Battlefield V Regression System?

do do... tissshh!
battlefield 4 still has a giant active community and tons of full servers. its not going anywhere. its 10x the game this will be and its cheap. im not wrong.
Battlefield4 is dying. Recently reinstalled the game to play with a friend and was shocked there wasn't more servers.
Of all Battlefields BF4 is actually the one I have the least hours in and probably the one I had the most dislike for together with BF1.
Why do people keep supporting EA and it’s bullshit? I mean even Activision of all companies isn’t bleeding their customers dry with CoD which has really surprised me and it’s why I finally bought CoD. EA is a scummy company that completely destroyed Battlefield, they started with removing community owned servers (where you didn’t have to rent preconfigured approved boxes), killed official mod support like they had with bf1942 and then monetized the fuck out of it by locking the weapons behind an insufferable grind or pay wall. To me Battlefield is dead, I tried the BF V beta and it was the same old recycled shit from BF 1 with minor tweaks.
wat.. You don't remember very well. CoD4 was awesome, but after that game took off Activision butchered the series with no server hosting, no pro mod. Both have been very successful games, but CoD actually had a highly competitive and strong community with lots of money in it.. Well that all went to hell when Activision got the taste of consoles.
I'm surprised people can't tell the difference on BF1 and BF5 considering the whole shooting mechanic has been redone.
"rank up"
That do me in, no matter how interesting the game might otherwise be.
So seem like be buying a battlefield game are yet to come....... BUT ! as far as i know they really have to change a lot for that to happen.
Oh look more micro transactions and unlock/achievement unbalanced bullshit that has no place in a fps because it just encourages douchebags to play like douchebags.

HARD PASS get bent EA
Hard pass as well. Looks like BS compared to Black Ops 4. Game is on rails ... you're given this illusion of wide open spaces but for most games there are really only a handful of paths you can take, people can camp you, not much cover. It's arcade at best, button mashing, tiny maps. Game looks like a reskinned BF1

None of the characters look like anything resembling WW2 .... Asian chick, redneck with a wife beater and a double barrel shotgun, black thug kid with an attitude... WTF EA
wat.. You don't remember very well. CoD4 was awesome, but after that game took off Activision butchered the series with no server hosting, no pro mod. Both have been very successful games, but CoD actually had a highly competitive and strong community with lots of money in it.. Well that all went to hell when Activision got the taste of consoles.
I'm surprised people can't tell the difference on BF1 and BF5 considering the whole shooting mechanic has been redone.

I was referring to bo4, I never bothered with previous cods. Activision is hosting the servers and pushing out constant updates so far. If they keep it up they might develop a decent rep.
Battlefield4 is dying. Recently reinstalled the game to play with a friend and was shocked there wasn't more servers.
Of all Battlefields BF4 is actually the one I have the least hours in and probably the one I had the most dislike for together with BF1.

Taken at 9am central, server browser screenshot attached..


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Pretty much stopped playing the BF series after the second and Planetside 2 came online in 2012. Planetside 2 is not a perfect game by any means but it allows for many other ways to play the game than the BF series. The vehicle (air and ground) play (was pre nerf 2017) leaps and bounds better than anything I've experienced or seen in BF.