The GeForce RTX 2080 Ti is Too Damn High! @ [H]


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
The GeForce RTX 2080 Ti is Too Damn High!

Is the RTX 2080 Ti FE priced too damn high, or is it not? What about the RTX 2080 FE card? Certainly RTX pricing has been a hot topic lately, but what if we adjusted for inflation and actually compared launch prices of NVIDIA video cards over the last 18 years or so? That is exactly what we have done, and laid it all out, so you can make up your own mind.

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Absolutely. The 8800 Ultra could at least be someone justified by the fact that it was massively faster than the previous 7 series. The 2080 Ti is not. NVIDIA is starting to get complacent and act like Intel did with CPUs and that is a bad thing for PC gaming.
Yuuuup. I mean. Damn. Way more than any previous new releases. Barely supported, first gen tech and hardly any real performance increase. Asshole move.

Yeah yeah, new drivers, blah blah blah. Still a huge price increase.
Cost per transistor has increased dramatically in the last year, DDR3/DDR4/GDDR5/5x/6 (RAM in general) have increased dramatically in the last couple of years, HUGE die size of Turing increase overall cost as less can be produced per wafer and other couple of miscellaneous odds..

Price it's high?, yes. But not that crazy high.. it was expected that most electronic devices were going to have a considerable price increase in 2018, it's has been happening in general with all.
Cost per transistor has increased dramatically in the last year, DDR3/DDR4/GDDR5/5x/6 (RAM in general) have increased dramatically in the last couple of years, HUGE die size of Turing increase overall cost as less can be produced per wafer and other couple of miscellaneous odds..

Price it's high?, yes. But not that crazy high.. it was expected that most electronic devices were going to have a considerable price increase in 2018, it's has been happening in general with all.

Yeah I don’t think wanting 1080ti MSRP makes sense. I wish it was more $999.

To your point if you told me we were going to have a 754mm^2 GPU launching I would have guessed around $1500 (and skipped it).
Plus, MSRP $999 cards has yet to be seen, no? I haven't seen any reviews where any AIB versions had anything lower than the FE price, so if anything, FE cost is actually the lowest that we can avail of right now.
Plus, MSRP $999 cards has yet to be seen, no? I haven't seen any reviews where any AIB versions had anything lower than the FE price, so if anything, FE cost is actually the lowest that we can avail of right now.
Launch day prices are launch day prices. No matter what NVIDIA wants to tell us "MSRP" is...
Absolutely. The 8800 Ultra could at least be someone justified by the fact that it was massively faster than the previous 7 series. The 2080 Ti is not. NVIDIA is starting to get complacent and act like Intel did with CPUs and that is a bad thing for PC gaming.
And honestly I think its hardly fair to compare 8800 Ultra pricing compared to say 8800GTX where performance increase was marginal but the msrp of 8800GTX was what $650? MUCH more in line with typical pricing. Also if we look at average % performance gain from one generation to the next, again the 8800GTX stands in a m
League of own.
Great article and informative. Confirms what we were seeing. Price gouging by Nvidia.

Crypto made them greedy. And now they’re worried about the onslaught on overstock thru have. My guess anyways.
This is your GPU:


This is your GPU on drugs:

This is your GPU:

View attachment 105557

This is your GPU on drugs:

View attachment 105556

Ugh, seeing that graph is depressing, its only going to go up from here on out. I feel like one of my favorite hobbies is being taken away. Not that I couldn't afford it, but at some point you have to stop and ask yourself, is it worth it? Is the does the price you pay for these parts justify the enjoyment you will receive?

Thanks for researching and posting that Kyle.
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Cost per transistor has increased dramatically in the last year, DDR3/DDR4/GDDR5/5x/6 (RAM in general) have increased dramatically in the last couple of years, HUGE die size of Turing increase overall cost as less can be produced per wafer and other couple of miscellaneous odds..

Price it's high?, yes. But not that crazy high.. it was expected that most electronic devices were going to have a considerable price increase in 2018, it's has been happening in general with all.

Doesn't look like it is memory costs:

Great article and informative. Confirms what we were seeing. Price gouging by Nvidia.

Crypto made them greedy. And now they’re worried about the onslaught on overstock thru have. My guess anyways.

Yep; 3 major issues for Nvidia over the next 6 months.
1 - Red Hot secondary market... due to almost 2 years of the same high end parts being sold to miners, who have been and will be dumping decently priced used stock for months.
2 - apparent overstock of 1000 chips.... and potentially massive rebates owed to OEMS (which have been shipped 10s of thousands of chips that have yet to sell to end users) but have already been counted as sold as far as NV shareholders are concerned.
3 - related too 2.... if the AMD Navi part does hit it doesn't have to dominate performance or sales to make NV life painful. a $600-700 AMD 7nm vega Should perform right between 2080 and 2080ti assuming AMD doesn't tweak the core and is just shrinking the die and nothing more. Which makes #2 a real PITA for NV if they are forced to drop 2080, and possibly much more on 1080 still in the channel.

The more of the reviews I read... the more it seems to me anyway that NV rushed this out to get ahead of Navi. (no I'm not saying AMD is going to destroy them in performance... but in value no doubt)
If the choice is 2080 for 800 bucks, or a slightly faster Vega 84 for 700, or slighly slower Vega 74 for 500. That is going to hit NV right in the junk if they are still trying to unload 1080 cards. It also makes it very hard to justify 2080ti at 1200 bucks if Vega 84 is performing within a few FPS for almost half the MSRP.
It is the same die size as the Quadro RTX 8000 over 700 mm2 . What did you expect ?

If you don't perceive this as value for money don't buy it..
Ugh, seeing that graph is depressing, its only going to go up from here on out. I feel like one of my favorite hobbies is being taken away. Not that I couldn't afford it, but at some point you have to stop and ask yourself, is it worth it? Is the does the price you pay for these parts justify the enjoyment you will receive?
Yeah, I agree with you. Whether or not I can afford £1,000+ for a GPU isn't the issue, it's whether I'm willing to spend that much money on a fucking graphics card that's the question. And the answer is: no, if I'm going to drop that amount of cash on a hobby, I have other things I'd rather spend the money on.
You can't even buy one even if you wanted one. It might be December before they have them in quantity.
Even Nvidia themselves priced their gpu at $1200 on their own site.. Obviously MSRP is not $999 and AIB partners won't price them at that.

Isn't the MSRP for the slower chips that AIB's get to sell without being able to factory OC them? We know nVidia is binning chips this go round.
Even Nvidia themselves priced their gpu at $1200 on their own site.. Obviously MSRP is not $999 and AIB partners won't price them at that.

same happened with 1000 series, nvndia FE was more expensive than other aftermarket models available.. even those cheap blower versions of Asus and MSI were a bit lower than 599$ MSRP, (not the 699$ with 100$ FE TAX)... then Nvidia removed the FE tax for the GTX 1080 and dropped the price, GTX 1080Ti was launched without the FE Tax, so it's a fair assumption that in couple of months the FE TAX of 2080 and 2080Ti may be removed.
Kinda makes me glad I've stayed at 1920x1080 and not made the jump to 4K. My 4+ year old GPU is still getting the job done and I could get a 100% performance increase with a $450 GPU.

But then this is what happens when you don't have a competitive market place. Hopefully AMD can bring something to the market soon..... Not holding my breath but as long as Nvidia's only competition is the last Gen cards for their own line, they're going to continue to fuck us with these ridiculous prices. Judging by all the "out of stock" items on Newegg, there are plenty of sheep willing to pay a hefty premium for a card that's only benefit is that it's ready for a technology that's barely on the horizon.


I've said it before, paying $1200 for a card that's only 25% faster than a card that costs $650 or paying $800 for a card that's the SAME as the $650 card doesn't make you [H]ard. I think what you're talking about is [E]peenOCP.
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Hi All

Yes, it's too damn high. This along with Nvidia's previous shenanigans has pretty much moved me away from them. I'll be waiting to see what AMD does.Until then I'm standing pat with what I have

Go scroll down to the oldest CPU and GPU articles Kyle has on the site.

Celeron 300a overclocking... Voodoo card overclocking.

Original Voodoo Overclock
By Kyle Bennett January 01, 1998
More Bang without Bankruptcy?

I mean its not like bang for your buck is a new concept. Yes [H] is over 20 years old and many of us that where around with the hobby 20 years ago where likely less able to drop the big coin on the "big" gear. However just because I'm now capable of burning more money on the hobby... its just not as fun buying the rich kid best of the best anything. You know what made the hobby fun for a lot of people 20 years ago... finding the inexpensive Gems you could squeeze and make almost as powerful as those rich kid parts. In some cases we even got lucky and found parts that could be pushed to out perform their makers intended #1s.

I know we will not likely ever find a first generation celerton type part that outperforms the best of the best with some tweaking.... or a lowend voodoo card you can push and use as a space heater while impressing your friends with benchmark numbers = to 2 cards. Still I have to say... just opening my wallet and dropping more on a video card then I am generally willing to spend on a gaming machines CPU/MB and RAM combined just feels wrong somehow, like I'm cheating.... like I will perhaps have become the idiot young me would have laughed at for buying a P2 or worse a P4.
Go scroll down to the oldest CPU and GPU articles Kyle has on the site.

Celeron 300a overclocking... Voodoo card overclocking.

Original Voodoo Overclock
By Kyle Bennett January 01, 1998
More Bang without Bankruptcy?

I mean its not like bang for your buck is a new concept. Yes [H] is over 20 years old and many of us that where around with the hobby 20 years ago where likely less able to drop the big coin on the "big" gear. However just because I'm now capable of burning more money on the hobby... its just not as fun buying the rich kid best of the best anything. You know what made the hobby fun for a lot of people 20 years ago... finding the inexpensive Gems you could squeeze and make almost as powerful as those rich kid parts. In some cases we even got lucky and found parts that could be pushed to out perform their makers intended #1s.

I know we will not likely ever find a first generation celerton type part that outperforms the best of the best with some tweaking.... or a lowend voodoo card you can push and use as a space heater while impressing your friends with benchmark numbers = to 2 cards. Still I have to say... just opening my wallet and dropping more on a video card then I am generally willing to spend on a gaming machines CPU/MB and RAM combined just feels wrong somehow, like I'm cheating.... like I will perhaps have become the idiot young me would have laughed at for buying a P2 or worse a P4.

You seem to be conflating that because some things are/were bang for buck = every single thing needs to be bang for buck; no exceptions.

Do you complain fervently about the Rolls Royce Sweptail simply existing too?
I want to see a bill of materials cost for these cards and what margins nvidia is getting. If their margins are the same as when they launched 1080 Ti then we could blame BoM as the culprit for the massive price increase.
If you want the best, you pay for the best. People buying these cards want the best.

I want the best and have been buying the best for several years now.

With that said, NV is starting to test my limits.
I want to see a bill of materials cost for these cards and what margins nvidia is getting. If their margins are the same as when they launched 1080 Ti then we could blame BoM as the culprit for the massive price increase.

Without a doubt the die size is causing some increase in cost. Also, it's a custom node for Nvidia so it's bound to be additional cost there as well. Does that mean they aren't padding margins? Nope.

It does mean the BOM is higher without a doubt compared to 16nm. How much is the real question.
You seem to be conflating that because some things are/were bang for buck = every single thing needs to be bang for buck; no exceptions.

Do you complain fervently about the Rolls Royce Sweptail simply existing too?

So, you have your order in for 2 x 2080ti, right? o_O:rolleyes:
If you want the best, you pay for the best. People buying these cards want the best.

I want the best and have been buying the best for several years now.

With that said, NV is starting to test my limits.

Good thing there are companies like Honda that are willing to make something reliable without raping your wallet at the same time. Sorry but, the best does not justify the cost at all times, as the testing of your limits indicates.
So, you have your order in for 2 x 2080ti, right? o_O:rolleyes:

I'm waiting to preorder the RTX 2070 FTW to replace my 970 FTW.

That doesn't mean I complain about the price of the 2080, 2080Ti or 2070. Or the difference I'll be paying in between the 970 FTW I bought and the 2070 FTW I'll be buying. I buy what I can afford - even if it ends up just being a 2030. Complaining about the prices of these cards shows entitlement on behalf of the complainers.

Again, you always have consoles to buy if you're so upset lmao.
I'm waiting to preorder the RTX 2070 FTW to replace my 970 FTW.

That doesn't mean I complain about the price of the 2080, 2080Ti or 2070. Or the difference I'll be paying in between the 970 FTW i bought and the 2070 FTW I'll be buying. I buy what I can afford - even if it ends up just being a 2030. Complaining shows entitlement.

Again, you always have consoles if you're so upset lmao.

Ah, so getting your bang for your buck is important to you after all. :D Obviously, you do not put your money where your mouth is but hey, that is ok, you keep telling others what to spend well you do not do the same yourself. :rolleyes:o_O
Ah, so getting your bang for your buck is important to you after all. :D Obviously, you do not put your money where your mouth is but hey, that is ok, you keep telling others what to spend well you do not do the same yourself. :rolleyes:o_O
That doesn't mean I complain about...the difference I'll be paying in between the 970 FTW I bought and the 2070 FTW I'll be buying. I buy what I can afford - even if it ends up just being a 2030. Complaining about the prices of these cards shows entitlement on behalf of the complainers.

Again, you always have consoles to buy if you're so upset lmao.

Ugh, seeing that graph is depressing, its only going to go up from here on out. I feel like one of my favorite hobbies is being taken away. Not that I couldn't afford it, but at some point you have to stop and ask yourself, is it worth it? Is the does the price you pay for these parts justify the enjoyment you will receive?

Thanks for researching and posting that Kyle.

Graphics card Junkie
You seem to be conflating that because some things are/were bang for buck = every single thing needs to be bang for buck; no exceptions.

Do you complain fervently about the Rolls Royce Sweptail simply existing too?

You are conflating aesthetic features with performance features.

You are talking about the 2080ti like its a supercar... I'm sorry if you are a 1%er there are 9+ thousand dollar workstation super cards out there. The 2080ti is aimed at you and me to game on... its no super muscle car or super luxury car either. Its not intended to be a rare bird that you have to preorder 5 years in advance... so you can say your one of 3 people in the world to own one. Its a mass market mass produced high end model. (in other words top of the line for the little guy)

Comparing a 2080ti to the most expensive car on the planet is stupid. So what do we compare 32 GB 9100s or $9000 Quadro GV100s too space shuttles ? I guess we compare the 2 TB SSG parts to what jumbo jets ?

I'm sorry anyone that spends more then 1000 USD dollars on a single gaming video card... would be exactly the type of person I used to consider a moron when I was in my 20s. Now 20 something me was a moron as well in plenty of ways... but on that score I think I still agree with 20 something me.

I know I sound like I'm laughing people parting with 1200 smackers for a single Gaming card... however that is only because I am. lol
I know I sound like I'm laughing people parting with 1200 smackers for a single Gaming card... however that is only because I am. lol

People who have the money to spend $1200 GPUs don't give a shit. What you others think didn't have a fuck to do with people who can afford these cards being able to afford them.