Swastikas Will No Longer Automatically be Banned in German Video Games


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
Since the end of WW II displays of Nazi symbols have been banned. This ban also included use of these symbols in video games and as a result developers had to release censored video games. However, it looks like the practice may be ending because the German national ratings agency announced changes in how they will rate games and how they will determine whether Nazi symbols can be used or not. Games will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and the symbols will probably remain if used as a representation of history. I'm sure lots of developers are going to welcome this news. In case you've been under a rock and didn't know about this you can watch this video that shows how Wolfenstein II was censored.

Watch the video here.

"Computer and video games have been recognised as a cultural medium for many years now, and this latest decision consistently cements that recognition in terms of the use of unconstitutional symbols as well," says Felix Falk, the managing director of BIU, the German Games Industry Association.
I think this thread is going nowhere, fast.

Anyway, I'm sure German Wolfstein players will be happy. It'll be interesting to see where regulators draw the line between acceptable and unacceptable use.
Interesting question, if the symbols are allowed in game will they also be allowed in other media such as a TV spot for the game or printed posters outside cafes? It brings up and interesting idea if maybe this will help erode the blocking of the symbols in the first place.
Would it work for Wolfenstein 2? Since that isn't "historical" in the strictest terms.
"The United States, Puerto Rico, Samoa, Guam, Virgin Islands, and Northern Mariana Islands all voluntarily comply with the ESRB rating system"

so the change will happen in Germany but doesn't mean it will happen in the USA or am I incorrect about this?
So, did Germany get a highly edited version of the amazing film "Iron Sky"?

From what I've read, their version was the same as the rest of the world. They just removed the swastikas from the packaging, and it was called Nazi Sky.
Censoring the swastikas today isn't much different than what hitlers regime standardized. I see where they are coming from, but lets be honest here.
Good on them. To forget your history is to repeat it.

Anyway, from a game standpoint, I prefer seeing historic symbols in the games I play, it immerses me in the environment that much more. Maybe the next Call of Dooky will have proper historical symbolism.
I especially liked the aerial view of goosestepping chorus girls in a rotating swastika in Mel Brooks original movie the Producers.
You have to have a sense of humor I guess.