China to go Full Dystopia With Mandatory Vehicle RFID Chips in 2019


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
China insists on living up to 1984 and their latest regulation is for RFID chips to be in every new car (WARNING auto play video) starting in 2019. Of course these chips are just in the cars to help with their huge traffic problems and would never be used to monitor their citizens. However, with all the cameras, facial recognition and other means of tracking individuals they are using is it really a leap to say the latest regulation is just one more tool for the ever increasing surveillance state of China? Article for those with a subscription to the WSJ.

This kind of RFID scanning is less precise than GPS tracking, given that it only shows when vehicles pass sensors, but it's still plenty to build a profile of someone's habits based on where they drive.
Your car can be tracked by your tires more easily. The onboard wireless pressure sensor has a unique ID and is always broadcasting. your car is already tracked.
EZ-Pass has been common for long time in US. A lot of states don't even bother with that and just use cameras to charge you tolls.
So how China functions from how I read scares the hell out of me. But I'll admit I have absolutely zero idea how to run a country that has 10x the population of the US where almost everyone is condensed into the east coast.
Shhhhh china bad america good
Yeah you gotta read these articles here and there to reinforce the bs.
Basically if you car ain't carburated its probably trackable... Even then computers reading your plates.. but hey its China!
EZ-Pass has been common for long time in US. A lot of states don't even bother with that and just use cameras to charge you tolls.

My state has a variant of the EZ pass and for years I didn't get one since I was under the impression that the State was tracking and storing the information, particularly for possible speeding investigations.
EZ-Pass has been common for long time in US. A lot of states don't even bother with that and just use cameras to charge you tolls.
Yup, my toll tracker's batteries ran out a long time ago, and as a result I never even bothered to get it replaced (mostly because I have to take it in to a place where parking is horrendous & expensive or I have to pony up the money to mail it in), but I'm already in the system, they have my credit card info, why should I bother with a RFID type of device.
Your car can be tracked by your tires more easily. The onboard wireless pressure sensor has a unique ID and is always broadcasting. your car is already tracked.

you forgot the sarcasm tag, right? is it Tin Hat Thursday again already?
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They should just mandate on-star on every car, that way they can even listen inside the car.
AS a bonus, you can't remove the system, as it is integrated to multiple parts of the car. Yay!
Your car can be tracked by your tires more easily. The onboard wireless pressure sensor has a unique ID and is always broadcasting. your car is already tracked.
"the tire sensors only send a message every 60-90 seconds, giving attackers little opportunity to compromise systems or cause any real damage."

You consider following another vehicle on the road for minutes straight to read and hack their tire sensors easier than a RFID chip that's always on and is read every few miles or so?
Given how there apparently seem to be so many terrible accidents happening in China -- kids being ran over, even -- I am ok with the RFID thing.

Having said that, I don't know how reliable it would be given RFID can fail so much from what I've seen..
I'm pretty sure Glenn Greenwald's book "No Place To Hide" discusses the surveillance systems we have in place for monitoring vehicles in the US and how that data is often not private.
For your protection..... I suppose the government is an elaborate protection racket. It could be worse. They could live in the UKSSR.​
Quote "Of course these chips are just in the cars to help with their huge traffic problems and would never be used to monitor their citizens"

Hahahahaha, the Chinese government would never do that would they ? Would they ? They would , OMG !!
When I visited China a couple years ago, they already had a ton of photo gates everywhere taking pictures of car license plates for vehicle traffic and tracking purposes. I guess they're going the RFID route with it.
"the tire sensors only send a message every 60-90 seconds, giving attackers little opportunity to compromise systems or cause any real damage."

You consider following another vehicle on the road for minutes straight to read and hack their tire sensors easier than a RFID chip that's always on and is read every few miles or so?

This fact has no meaning to apologists for China. The fact that the RFID is mandatory vs other "whatabout" does not matter to the apologists either.
They can always buy cheap Chinese-made RFID changers from eBay and send them to themselves.

They'll decode the system quickly and mess around with it just for the lolz.
EZ-Pass has been common for long time in US. A lot of states don't even bother with that and just use cameras to charge you tolls.

Toll roads by themselves aren't so bad. The problem I have is that ALL new construction on major highways here in Dallas/Fort Worth is to add toll roads. Any new upgrade or construction is for toll roads being added to existing highways. It's ok to have 1 maybe 2 tollroads in a major town. We have 8.
One day people who yell 1984 every few seconds are going to read the fucking book.

That part isn't in the book? Might just be the idea of the thing, not that it's actually in there.

I haven't read it in years, though.
I am so glad I am not a Chinese citizen. Although, in the good old USA things aren't so great either, just look at our POTUS.
I am so glad I am not a Chinese citizen. Although, in the good old USA things aren't so great either, just look at our POTUS.

What do you mean? Is he mandating the same? I know California might with their license plates, but that's not Trump.

I think things are going fine. And I hate the guy.
What do you mean? Is he mandating the same? I know California might with their license plates, but that's not Trump.

I think things are going fine. And I hate the guy.

I really doubt Trump is making the USA great again, lol. Just give him more time and maybe we will all find out how bad it will most likely get.

Don't think for one second that he gives two shits about any of us; he will lie about anything and everything to get what he wants. He is trying really hard to change policies and the way our institutions function.