Late Night Hunt Showdown Streaming


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
I have spent about 18 hours playing Hunt Showdown in the last week (Edit: I have over 200 hours now.), and it is the most fun I have had playing co-op since Borderlands 2 and I have over 560 hours in it playing co-op with the family. Give HS a look. And yeah, you just missed the sale. Got a solid win at lunch today and another tonight that took us well over an hour. tripleWRECK is steaming for the next couple of hours, so give it a look.

Check out the stream.

Friend me on Steam, "FrgMstr" if you want to play.
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PUBG sucks ass at this point due to all the chinese hackers -- for $30 I might have to pick this up. Looks gorgeous on Crytech engine.
I like the concept of having the PVE elements with PVP. Hopefully the balancing is done well enough that it's not more advantageous for a team to just wait around until the other teams fight it out with a huge PVE monster & waste all their supplies, then ambush and steal the bounty with superior health & weapon supplies.
I like the concept of having the PVE elements with PVP. Hopefully the balancing is done well enough that it's not more advantageous for a team to just wait around until the other teams fight it out with a huge PVE monster & waste all their supplies, then ambush and steal the bounty with superior health & weapon supplies.
Certainly that can happen, but the most maps are large enough and have multiple extraction points so nothing is assured. Also, camping the extraction can be fully negated if there are one or two other teams on the map. Then if there are only two teams left and one gets the bounties, there is no guarantee the bounty team is going to the extraction point you think they are.
I've been seriously contemplating this one. I have always loved co-op game play. I too have racked up too many hours on borderlands 2 with the wife. Might have to 'accidentally' buy this game :D
The gameplay itself is awesome. The old style weapons will make you contemplate every shot. What truly makes it compelling and immersive are all of the realtime strategy decisions you have to make work your teammate. They will have 4 man teams in the future as well.
Updated the stream for lunchtime. :) Playing at night is crazy.
That's interesting they changed their mind on that. The devs have been saying they didn't have any plans for larger teams.

I only play night maps :D
Steam says I have 18 hours into it now. I can see where 4 man teams would be fun too, and allow bigger co-op with buddies, I can see where that might be a bit much on the current maps. With 4 man teams, you could camp the shit out of the game fairly effectively I think. That and allowing only 2, truly makes you rely on your teammate in a big way, whereas with four, I can see a couple of randoms you might be playing with be "expendable" along the way.
The game was meh when I played it. I also had serious FPS issues. Might be better upon launch.
It's been getting updated multiple times per day but if the play style was meh to you then that's not going to be much different. All of its elements are definitely all of my favorites rolled into one game. It is a crytek game, though, so that means average to high end rigs need to set their graphics to low/medium LMAO! I think you need at least a 1080ti for high and 1080ti SLI for very high. With your i5, 1070, and 8gigs of ram you'd have to set it to low.
I have r_multiGPU=1 in my cfg. My GPUs seem maxed when I check during the game but I'll confirm later tonight.
I have r_multiGPU=1 in my cfg. My GPUs seem maxed when I check during the game but I'll confirm later tonight.
Will take a look at that later, I know my second card is not loading, but I have not touched the config, or even tried.
If you hire this hunter, does he come with a Secret Service attachment?

I changed both the system.cfg file and the game.cfg files with the r_multiGPU=1 command and did not find it made any difference.
When I first posted the response that the console command was not working I was sitting in menus and my 2nd GPU was at around 18%. But then when I went into an actual match the 2nd GPU it went up to 70% so I thought maybe it was working and deleted my post (with that remark telling you why).

Now that you've posted, I googled what other people were saying about it and I found a reddit post claiming the devs posted they disabled console commands after EA (but I never saw that announcement myself). So now I just don't even know. It seems like SLI is working for me based on what my GPU seems to be doing but I have no idea if the cfg is making the difference. I also set up an SLI profile in the nVidia control panel (it came up as Need for Speed).
When I first posted the response that the console command was not working I was sitting in menus and my 2nd GPU was at around 18%. But then when I went into an actual match the 2nd GPU it went up to 70% so I thought maybe it was working and deleted my post (with that remark telling you why).

Now that you've posted, I googled what other people were saying about it and I found a reddit post claiming the devs posted they disabled console commands after EA (but I never saw that announcement myself). So now I just don't even know. It seems like SLI is working for me based on what my GPU seems to be doing but I have no idea if the cfg is making the difference. I also set up an SLI profile in the nVidia control panel (it came up as Need for Speed).
OK, I see what you are seeing in the NV control panel. Yep, NFS. Let me see if I can for an SLI profile for it and if works.
Looks pretty fun. About how long does each match take to complete typically? Is it just a free for all too for who gets the bounty or can you team up and split it up or something?
When I first posted the response that the console command was not working I was sitting in menus and my 2nd GPU was at around 18%. But then when I went into an actual match the 2nd GPU it went up to 70% so I thought maybe it was working and deleted my post (with that remark telling you why).

Now that you've posted, I googled what other people were saying about it and I found a reddit post claiming the devs posted they disabled console commands after EA (but I never saw that announcement myself). So now I just don't even know. It seems like SLI is working for me based on what my GPU seems to be doing but I have no idea if the cfg is making the difference. I also set up an SLI profile in the nVidia control panel (it came up as Need for Speed).
No worky for me. Even tried forced AFR 1 and 2 profiles. Those show loading both GPUs in-game but have much lower FPS than single card for me.
Looks pretty fun. About how long does each match take to complete typically? Is it just a free for all too for who gets the bounty or can you team up and split it up or something?
I think my longest match ran about 30 to 40 minutes.....and my shortest probably about 45 seconds.

4 teams of 2 right now. Get the clues, find the boss, kill the boss, each team member, if still alive gets a bounty point each. You can be killed and bounty taken if you do not make the extraction point. About as simple as I can put it. So PvP and PvE with a bit of Last Man Standing mixed in.
So you see your second GPU being utilized but with lower FPS? If I understand you, I should disable SLI then and not load my 2nd GPU (where it reports 70%) and I might end up with higher FPS?
I showed GPU SLI utilization on AFR 1 and 2 but got slower framerates.
Went to the 391.01 drivers and I am fairly sure those are much slower, by about 20% than the 390.77 I was using. Figuring that out now. But even at 35fps, we pulled out a win.


Dude, where's your head? My bad...

In and out tonight with another team win. w00t!!1
Got hoses on my next mission. 2 seconds from the bounty pulling out and got eaten by dogs. Hate those dogs.
Alright, I’m gonna pick this up soon, when the first trailer was released I was interested but now it looks like a must have. Battlefront 2 is fun(and mostly what I play on free time), this just looks so much better.
Grabbed the game last night, so far so good, lot's of fun! I'll join the steam group in a bit.
Ah snap I just quit, headed home, I’ll try and get back on. Hard game dude, I get killed constantly!
Fun times. I had some of the worst beatings I have ever had last night. Also the worst case of extract point camping I have seen. Crytek is going to have to implement some in-game controls over that. Still a great game, and excellent for an early access game.
I’ve had some problems connecting and getting disconnected at random times; like when my teammate had died and I knew it was two fools that snuck up on us while we were killing the spider. I hunted them for 10 minutes, never saw them but knew they were camping his body so went back and knocked the spider down to like 2%, then got boxed into a lag wall. It kept shrinking and I wasn’t doing anymore damage to the spider, but I could go downstairs, so I tried that...those two fools were waiting for me and BAM shotgun to the face, even though I shot too nothing happened. Some weird lag stuff is happening, and I die A TON but still like it. Just wish maybe you could keep some kind of progression. All in all, I’ve yearned for a game like this since the original Thief, a slow moving, slow reloading no health regen interactive game. So I’m hooked.
Game becomes repetitive pretty fast, if you die grab a new character and go but it's just not overly fun running around looking for clues. If they had different modes, eg 8 man vs monster it might give a bit more replay value, other than that interest is gone pretty quick.

The style of game they have really would love to see a western shootout mode, got a gang held up in a building with sheriff and deputies outside might be a change of pace and you at least get to shoot someone.
Game becomes repetitive pretty fast, if you die grab a new character and go but it's just not overly fun running around looking for clues. If they had different modes, eg 8 man vs monster it might give a bit more replay value, other than that interest is gone pretty quick.

The style of game they have really would love to see a western shootout mode, got a gang held up in a building with sheriff and deputies outside might be a change of pace and you at least get to shoot someone.
I have logged 70 hours in now, and do not find it repetitive. Better teams with better strategies are popping up all the time and gives me a lot to think about.