InsideVR VR Arena TTC at The FRAG


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
As you might know, HardOCP is partnered with InsideVR, a company that covers the VR industry in a video format. While we do post some of our content here once in a while, there is actually a lot of it that is pushed out through other channels, but you can see some of it at the link above. We are now partnered with The FRAG LAN event here in North Texas (this weekend) to put on a event that is called "VR Arena TTC." TTC stands for "Try, Train, Compete." What we are doing is setting up our 2-person VR Arena, as diagrammed below, and will be allowing The FRAG attendees to try VR, and if they like it, we will go a bit further and give them training in a specific game. We will be using RAW DATA at The FRAG as our primary game, but we will have some others as well. Then once we find a few folks that don't suck, we will put them into the VR shootout PvP style for bragging rights.

The second picture below is much of the equipment we have amassed to pull this all off. Which has been a bit more of an undertaking than I expected when we were dreaming things up. We will have the ability to stream out everything on Twitch and Youtube live as it happens. 75" screens so you can watch your friends make fools of themselves. 1" safety matting for the more clumsy. This is our "pilot" VR Arena TTC event and we have no sponsors while we work the kinks. So while you are looking foolish and having a blast in the VR Arena, you can watch and see just how bad we muck things up from an operational side of things! If you want to BYOC at The FRAG, you can buy tickets through Frisco E-Sports site. You can swing by the Dr. Pepper Arena in Frisco just to check things out for free if you are in the area.

Pics on the news page.

We will be using HTC Vive HMDs powered by GTX 1080 Ti GPUs, so if you give it a try you will be getting some of the best high-end VR gaming that you can experience. Hope to see you there!

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And here I had FRAG on my calendar, and I was wondering 'why the hell would I actually go to that...'

Should I bring a camera?
So tempted to go since I'm in central DFW -- wishing it was oculus based.... I've been enjoying Raw Data for the past several months (great game) never done too much Player vs Player though.
Make sure you test out having multiple setups that close together. We've done that before and noticed some tracking problems.
Make sure you test out having multiple setups that close together. We've done that before and noticed some tracking problems.
We are draping between the pods, and yes, we will actually test it beforehand. :) Those screens cannot be at the back of those pods as shown in the drawing either. Too reflective. This was original supposed to be done on the ice in arena, but I have been concerned with vibrations on the floor covering so we have moved it off to the side on the concrete.
Does the $55 get you in all weekend? I'd like to check this out. I played a little bit of RAW DATA over the free weekend they did a few weeks back and I think I can hold my own.

Doesn't seem like I'd benefit much from bringing my own computer (but I'd like to) since the games on the event schedule aren't my thing. I'll give Fortnite a whirl and see if I can get good enough by the weekend.
The event is free general admission. If you want to bring you computer and enjoy the LAN then you have to purchase a BYOC spot.
Does the $55 get you in all weekend? I'd like to check this out. I played a little bit of RAW DATA over the free weekend they did a few weeks back and I think I can hold my own.

Doesn't seem like I'd benefit much from bringing my own computer (but I'd like to) since the games on the event schedule aren't my thing. I'll give Fortnite a whirl and see if I can get good enough by the weekend.
Yes, $55 is for a reserved BYOC spot down on the floor of the Dr.Pepper Arena, on the ice! (Yes, the ice will be covered.) You can simply come in the event for free. It is just an old fashioned North Texas LAN party. :) LIke we used to have.
VR Box #1 configured and tested. Now to get it into a chassis.

VR Box #2 configured and tested. Next into the chassis.

I recall that not too long ago the "big events" were showing off Eyefinity and Surround......

now here we are on the cusp of a "holodeck".......

wow, things change quickly. Good luck with the weekend. If you want to give any of that stuff away when you're done, keep me in mind.
Keep those hardware setup pics coming, can't wait to check out the stream.
Shoot, now with the discount I practically have to go.

Gotta start thinking about how to lug my set up over there.
Will we see the return of the [H]ard|OCP Workshop? IMO that was my favorite part of any LAN party
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Jeez man, that is one big mess to organize into a VR Battle
Will we see the return of the [H]ard|OCP Workshop? IMO that was my favorite part of any LAN party
That is a very good possibility in the future. This is a smaller event, short timeline etc. If the event gets traction in the future, that is something we will put up for consideration.
Jeez man, that is one big mess to organize into a VR Battle
Yeah it is. We are staging the whole setup in the garage today for a dry runthrough. Wo we will get to set it up, tear it down, move it, setup and and tear it down, and move it again. Wooo!
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The FRAG is back in North Texas, and due to some issues the footprint had to be scaled back some. Monte Fontenot, director of eSports over at Gearbox, has issued refunds for all attendees, minus 1 penny. This will keep you in the system so you don't have to reregister next time. The few remaining seats in BYOC are now free. The BYOC footprint is now about 50 seats total, so surely more intimate and the event has been moved off the ice and into the concourse area which is a nice (but not ice) venue. InsideVR and HardOCP will still be doing the PvP VR Arena. Monte is bringing back the 30 foot triple projection screen we configured at the last AMD GamExperince, for everyone to game on as well. Monte is bringing back the 30 foot triple projection screen we configured at the last AMD GamExperince, for everyone to game on as well. General attendance is free as well. w00t!!1

The venue ordered the wrong electrical stringers that are needed for the BYOC and we are moving it from the covered ICE to the VIP Lounge and concourse. We are also opening the bar in the VIP room so people can have a few and have fun at the same time. We are still hosting the NHL18 tournament, InsideVR/You VR showcase, BenQ and Microsoft will is providing some consoles too.
Just confirmed.....The bar in the VIP Lounge will be open as well...not that we would ever even consider having a cool libation and gaming.
Our InsideVR video village box, affectionately named "RipSaw," is up and running our video and sound mixers successfully. What are you seeing below is three 75" TVs that we will use to show off what is going on in-game while folks are getting their VR on. One of the VR pods is set up and tested, and now we are moving onto number two. So all once that is done, we will pack it up and load it on the truck, and move it to Dr. Pepper Arena in the morning so we can all game at The Frag.

Bottom right of the TV...I see you use your cooler for holder up stuff. I use mine to hold razor clams.

Booyah!! Haven't hosted a LAN in a while, I should probably set one up!
Thanks again Kyle for bringing those VR setups.. It was a lot more fun than I thought it would be. :)
Thanks again Kyle for bringing those VR setups.. It was a lot more fun than I thought it would be. :)
It was a hella fun time for sure. Deathmatch was well beyond my expectations.