Are you switching to Volta/Ampere or Navi?


Jul 20, 2015
Whatever Nvidia/AMD release next, I'm looking to ditch all my 1060's and most likely go for GTX 2080 or whatever it will be called. Perhaps get 6-8 of those. As long as mining doesn't change drastically. But I love mining, it's passive income which I have while doing nothing. It's my dream come true :D
With 2 computers and 13x1060 it's not even much work.

I read that 1080 is not good for mining ETH, but I've never mined ETH and mainly mine Equihash and Neoscrypt and for that 1080 is great. My guess is that 2080 will come before 2070 and 2060, just like 1080, so 2080 is the most logical choice.

What are your plans?
Mainstream quantities of Volta/Ampere/Navi will be a pipedream.

Folks may get a card here or there, but that'll be it.

No way i'm selling off my farm. No way no how.
where are you reading the 1080ti is not the best at ETH?

As the poster above me mentioned, I'm talking about 1080, not the Ti version. But even Ti is not great price/performance wise (ETH).
ETH mining is all about memory timing/overclock and 1080 had bad performing memory. 1070 is Nvidias best ETH card price/peformance wise because it could hash about 30-32mh/s while 1080Ti did about 35-38mh/s depending on the memory, but cost twice as much.

My plan? Pick up all the cheap 1070tis that will be flooding the market

I don't think that's a good idea.
The next gen cards will be much faster at hashing, unless Nvidia intentionally cripples the cards hash rate. It's a possibility but I don't see how Nvidia could achieve that without crippling gaming.

A lot of people will switch to next gen bumping up hash rate and with that even difficulty. Those with last gen will have lower hash rate or need to use more cards to compensate, thus spending more electricity. The bump in difficulty won't make it as profitable for older gen cards.
My plan? Pick up all the cheap 1070tis that will be flooding the market
Not sure why you assume they'll be cheap much less flooding the market. They'll be no more cheap than RX570/580 became cheap just because Vega launched (they didn't). And that's Vega - an otherwise mediocre GPU that is really only good at one algo for one shitcoin. Volta be good at everything.

If anything, Pascal prices may go up even higher because Pascal production will continue to ramp down while Volta is perpetually sold out for 3-6 months or more - leaving an ever widening gap of unavailability in the middle.
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Whatever Nvidia/AMD release next, I'm looking to ditch all my 1060's and most likely go for GTX 2080 or whatever it will be called. Perhaps get 6-8 of those. As long as mining doesn't change drastically.

What are your plans?
Unfortunately I don't think anyone is
getting near "6-8" 2080s. That's pure fantasy. Volta will be out of reach for most people unless they pay inflated prices or there's a major drop in mining profitability.
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Not sure why you assume they'll be cheap much less flooding the market. They'll be no more cheap than RX570/580 became cheap just because Vega launched (they didn't). And that's Vega - an otherwise mediocre GPU that is really only good at one algo for one shitcoin. Volta be good at everything.

If anything, Pascal prices may go up even higher because Pascal production will continue to ramp down while Volta is perpetually sold out for 3-6 months or more - leaving an ever widening gap of unavailability in the middle.
Hey! It's good for one algo and three shitcoins!

In all seriousness, I have no regrets mining the coins I do. Plenty profitable and fun to mine. Haters gonna hate. To answer the question, Navi is super far off tech wise so I don't know that that's applicable and it would depend on what algo it is good at or where the market even is at that point. If Volta is available, I'd definitely try to pick a few up to at least tinker with. But I'm happy with Vega and my FirePros for now...
I plan to keep all my Pascal based rigs and start grabbing Volta cards here and there when I get lucky, for building out new rigs.

As long as the Pascal's make a net profit and their resale value isn't tanking, and I have the power and space, why not just keep them?
Unfortunately I don't think anyone is
getting near "6-8" 2080s. That's pure fantasy. Volta will be out of reach for most people unless they pay inflated prices or there's a major drop in mining profitability.

Maybe in the US, but in Sweden we still have plenty of all types of cards for reasonable prices, like 1060 3gb for ~$220+, 1060 6gb for ~$280+, 1070 for ~$450+ and 1080Ti for ~$750+. The cheaper cards and especially 1070 have some stock issues, but 1060 and 1080Ti are everywhere to be found.
I doubt that we will have stock issues with next gen xx80 card. Mining in Sweden is not extremely popular because of high electricity cost.

AMD however is having stock issues here. But their cards were always overpriced compared to Nvidia, Vega 64 costs almost as much as 1080Ti.
I plan to keep all my Pascal based rigs and start grabbing Volta cards here and there when I get lucky, for building out new rigs.

As long as the Pascal's make a net profit and their resale value isn't tanking, and I have the power and space, why not just keep them?

Yeah that's the thing, I think the resale value will go very low once everyone decide to dump their old cards when 1170/1160 are out (after 1180). The problem with older cards is that they will draw more power while producing less hashrate.
New hardware = higher hashrate and that means higher difficulty. So people with older cards will be left behind quite a bit. You will be mining with the same hardware with 3x the difficulty from now.
I'm skeptical Volta will perform more than 10-15% better than Pascal. If coin prices keep sliding then Volta won't be a good investment - the time to hit return on capital will be too long.
I'm skeptical Volta will perform more than 10-15% better than Pascal. If coin prices keep sliding then Volta won't be a good investment - the time to hit return on capital will be too long.

Based on the Titan V review I saw, I think Volta will be about 50% more efficient than Pascal. I.e. 6 Sol/W on Equihash vs. 4 Sol/W. I agree that performance will be about 10-15% better. So a huge win for mining once you consider power cost.
I really don't think we will see the Volta this year. Nvidia has no competition. And there going to ride the Pascal train. AMD Navi won't be seen till 2019.
....... And that's Vega - an otherwise mediocre GPU that is really only good at one algo for one shitcoin.

What shitcoin are you referring to?

Surely not XMR....the first and currently best functioning privacy coin......right?
I really don't think we will see the Volta this year. Nvidia has no competition. And there going to ride the Pascal train. AMD Navi won't be seen till 2019.

That's what people said about Maxwell. Nvidia didn't really have competition, Fury X was not a great card. It's almost the same situation now with Vega 64 being close to 1080Ti but not quite. Still, Nvidia released nearly 100% faster cards.

I'm gonna need you to go ahead and buy about 6 of those for me.

My original post was before you convert the currency and add VAT.
It's actually closer to $950 if you add VAT. The thing is, graphics cards that cost $750 in the US always cost around 8000sek in Sweden, which translates to just shy of $1000. My point was we haven't seen prices rise because of mining. I paid for my1080Ti more when it was released (about 8500sek, or about $1060), now they are actually some $120 cheaper.
I guess we never saw price increase because we've always paid around $1000 for 1080Ti.
With rumors about Nvidia next gen just around the corner, we gotta be quick to preorder before gamers snatch our cards.

With many online retailers in Sweden running "only 2 cards per customer" bs, I will have to order 5-6 GTX 2080 cards from 5-6 different retailers to begin with.
I'll try and get a couple cards. Have one rig setup but it's not full and I haven't jumped in all the way yet due to existing card prices and a new gen right around the corner.
Isnt it all speculation that any impending release is going to be a 20 series? I havent spent a ton of time looking into this so maybe I missed that. I have only seen gaming/miners throw out rumors and these are all naturally gamer/mining centric opinions.

I use Tesla cards for my work and they have zero competition with these cards. The Tesla P100 came out June 2016, V100 in june 2017, it would be amazing but also very NVIDIA to release the next gen of these card in June 2018. Which will mean nothing for mining/gaming, but huge for all other buzzword activities using GPUs, machine learning and the like.
I’m in for something; I need something for my desktop. I’ll try to get it and one before the price gouging starts. I’ll mine with it when it’s idle (97% of the time). If the performance/price are worth it, I’ll add some to my miner. Right now I only have a 4 GPU setup, so I have room to grow.
Pretty sure the hype train has long left the station and gouging will be even worse than "initial run availability" problems. Question is better whether you'll be able to get it at MSRP!
I think we’ll see these cards begin to trickle to market in April.

Availability will be horrible for 2-3 months after. You might get 1-3 if you camp like a second job. If crypto stays profitable - abundant availability for the general public will likely not happen at all through 2018.
I'll likely buy a card or 2, if pricing isn't crazy, and add onto my existing collection. If they prove to be game changers, I might systematically replace all current cards with new generation... but that won't happen right away, as the 1st cards to be released will likely be OEM reference cards, and not have better coolers, etc.
If I'm eligible for EVGA's 90 day trade up I will trade up. Currently have 1080ti will trade up to 2080 ti :)
If I'm eligible for EVGA's 90 day trade up I will trade up. Currently have 1080ti will trade up to 2080 ti :)
not a chance that 2080TI will be a thing in 90 days.

The 1180 or 2080 (or whatever they are calling it) maybe.

The 1180TI or 2080TI - not for another 6-8 months.
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New cards will probably be like the Titan XPs you're limited to 3 per rig it seems, for the life of me I couldn't get 4 to get detected, tossed a 1080 in the riser, no issues.

Moved around Titan XPs thinking it was dead, works perfectly, just the cards it appears.

Nvidia is such a PITA for mining rigs with their craptastic drivers, the reliance with afterburner that doesn't display voltage on newer cards etc etc. To the guy saying 1080tis are good for eth, they are power hungry inefficient cards, or at least Titan XPs are 3 of them +1 1080 = close to 1000W when using lowered power targets (anything less than 80 I'm hitting stability issues)

I'll probably leave their old cards and look at unloading 570s and 580s for Navi, I like claymore controling voltages, and clocks at command line without issue.
New cards will probably be like the Titan XPs you're limited to 3 per rig it seems, for the life of me I couldn't get 4 to get detected, tossed a 1080 in the riser, no issues.

Moved around Titan XPs thinking it was dead, works perfectly, just the cards it appears.

Nvidia is such a PITA for mining rigs with their craptastic drivers, the reliance with afterburner that doesn't display voltage on newer cards etc etc. To the guy saying 1080tis are good for eth, they are power hungry inefficient cards, or at least Titan XPs are 3 of them +1 1080 = close to 1000W when using lowered power targets (anything less than 80 I'm hitting stability issues)

I'll probably leave their old cards and look at unloading 570s and 580s for Navi, I like claymore controling voltages, and clocks at command line without issue.

Why anyone would mine ETH with a 1080ti is beyond me...
I’ll probably by the first one with a good aftermarket cooler or see if a 3rd party cooler is doable.