Escape From Tarkov


[H]F Junkie
Apr 20, 2013
I'd go all in on this game if it didnt seem so ripe for hacking... Seriously, this game looks fantastic.
I'd go all in on this game if it didnt seem so ripe for hacking... Seriously, this game looks fantastic.
You're right honestly. I get all excited for these sorts of games but like DayZ, Infestation, and all the rest of these FPS survival genres, hackers are plentiful. Paid hacks are huge for survival games, it's worth it to people to pay $10 or $20 a month to get wallhacks or aimbots in survival games where they get all frustrated about dying and losing all of their gear. Hopefully this game has a good anti-cheat measure in place.
Don't mean to necro this thread, but it's the only one I could find on the game and there's been some Alpha footage released.

Slow video, but semi informative.

Hour plus, all in Russian, but some of the best footage I've seen so far.
Game looks sick but I have vowed to stay away from all alphas. If this ended up being a legit full release I'd be all over it.
Big streamers like Lirik and Summit streamed this a few days ago, for 8+ hours.

Looked pretty good. Very much still Alpha, but it has huge potential.

Not a fan of the different tiers they're selling the game at, though...
I plan on getting this game, Waiting till its a bit further down the road in development though. This looks like it could be close to my dream game so I've been following it pretty closely
Game looks sick but I have vowed to stay away from all alphas. If this ended up being a legit full release I'd be all over it.
Same. Literally f*ck alphas but this game will be a definite buy for me later down the road.
The whole "MMO" thing worries me, but it looks like a sweet game otherwise.
I was hoping this was going to be more similar to the STALKER games. So far from what I have seen they like similar but that's about it. I'll be keeping on eye on it but at this point its not they type of game I am interested in.
The whole "MMO" thing worries me, but it looks like a sweet game otherwise.

I'm iffy on that too, would rather have an open world campaign like Stalker/Fallout, maybe with some MMO elements added in like GTA5.
Looks like Metro Last Light series maybe slightly better.

I was hoping this was going to be more similar to the STALKER games. So far from what I have seen they like similar but that's about it. I'll be keeping on eye on it but at this point its not they type of game I am interested in.

I loved the STALKER games back in the day, and Metro 2033/2034 had several Devs from those games, so I was not surprised at the similarities. This game gave me the same "vibe", but I'm not sold on the MMO approach either. The game itself looks interesting, the depth of customization and audio quality especially, but I'll still have to wait and see if it turns into anything I'd want to invest time in.
I like how they're pushing weapon interaction to a new level, but some of it looks over done. Take red dot optics. You really only need 8-10 different optics for variety, because in reality the best is the Aimpoint series bar none. Simply no reason to use anything else. 8-10 different varieties are nice, such as the old outdated Russian ones. But more than that and it just becomes a gimmick, shifting through countless $50 garbage airsoft sights just to change your sight picture a bit. They just went a bit overboard with the customization. Changing rails and the like is okay if it changes functionality, but shifting through 30 different rails for an M4 has got to be a pain.

But being an MMO I imagine there will be a grind to find the good gear, hence the multitude of options. Which is a shame. These mechanics would be wonderful in a STALKER like successor. But all the gun customization won't bring me to the game if the missions, atmosphere are dull with no real purpose or objective to drive me.
Supposedly there will be a 'free roam' option rather than just the individual maps. This wasn't present in Alpha testing, but if it is in the next test, I'll definitely be picking this up depending on how that aspect looks.
Looks good. What game engine are they using?

Edit: Unity 5
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Performance looked great too; streamers were getting 100+ FPS on max settings.
Hm...the more I watch of that video, I don't know. If you start around the 36 minute mark, the game basically just looks like a slightly better DayZ clone. I hope that's not the case.
the game is still only in Alpha?...I thought it was set for release in early 2017
this game has been on my radar for a little while now. looks great. i'm a huge fan of the STALKER series.
How so? Didn't watch the video, but watched a ton of live game footage.

Well, it's a lone dude scavenging around for food/ammo/whatever, looting bodies, running from gunshots, etc. I mean it's listed as an "MMO survival shooter"...essentially like DayZ or similar games.

The gun system seems more elaborate but the gameplay during that segment gave me a strong DayZ vibe.
Well, it's a lone dude scavenging around for food/ammo/whatever, looting bodies, running from gunshots, etc. I mean it's listed as an "MMO survival shooter"...essentially like DayZ or similar games.

The gun system seems more elaborate but the gameplay during that segment gave me a strong DayZ vibe.

Yeah I can definitely see that.

At the very least, it looks like it runs much better than DayZ, and there are different modes you can play other than Free Roam.

And it's also not stuck in dev-hell, so there's that (y)
Rather than start a new thread I decided to necro this one.

Wise fwom yow gwave!

I picked this up a few days ago, and got access to the closed beta. There is a steep learning curve, and everybody running around in armor makes stuff shitty when you don't have good gear. But it's been a surprising amount of fun, even though I die constantly. It's not without it's bugs, though I haven't seen anything game breaking yet. I'm extremely interested to see where they take this game in the future. The gunplay feels good, and as a gun guy the way they handle weapon modifications and how realistic they are modeled an animated is a huge plus for me. Anybody else decide to early access this as well?
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It looks better and better each time it enters testing. But there's absolutely no way I'm buying this if the load times are still garbage.
On an SSD load times aren't bad, finding a server though is often frustrating
i bought this while on sale yesterday and I have to say....

yuck. Game is trash. It crashes constantly, disconnects constantly. the performance is abysmal. I haven't had the chance to even try and enjoy it. the game itself fails me or if it doesn't I die with in a minute or less of spawning.

they will eventually have to change the core game. I don't see how it will survive and grow when all you do is work really hard to get stuff then lose it all. I mean, its easier to just Scav run to the extract to get some gear, toss it on your main person, go in and see what happens. You lose nothing but you gain nothing. its pretty shallow. the guns all seem wacky as hell. sniping people with shotguns kills them in one hit yet unloading a 30 round mag into someone as point blank and they live just to hatchet you to death.

Really wish I hadn't spent money on it. It is not even close to being ready. it is one of if not the worst foreverBeta/early access experiences I have ever had.

saddest part is, the offline/pve mode they have in there right now is MORE fun than the core game.
i bought this while on sale yesterday and I have to say....

yuck. Game is trash. It crashes constantly, disconnects constantly. the performance is abysmal. I haven't had the chance to even try and enjoy it. the game itself fails me or if it doesn't I die with in a minute or less of spawning.

they will eventually have to change the core game. I don't see how it will survive and grow when all you do is work really hard to get stuff then lose it all. I mean, its easier to just Scav run to the extract to get some gear, toss it on your main person, go in and see what happens. You lose nothing but you gain nothing. its pretty shallow. the guns all seem wacky as hell. sniping people with shotguns kills them in one hit yet unloading a 30 round mag into someone as point blank and they live just to hatchet you to death.

Really wish I hadn't spent money on it. It is not even close to being ready. it is one of if not the worst foreverBeta/early access experiences I have ever had.

saddest part is, the offline/pve mode they have in there right now is MORE fun than the core game.

Honestly, these types of comments, and its consistent, are what have kept me from pulling the trigger on getting early access to it. Some of the videos out there of the bugs/issues/AI/etc are hilariously bad. But when its good it looks amazing. So it keeps almost tempting me to buy. The potential on it is pretty high, hopefully at some point they work the major deal breaking issues out.
Watching some streamers play this, I'll definitely wait for the final release. It's got a pretty damn high ceiling
To give you a better idea about performance.
my PC is:
6 core xeon @4.25ghz
12gb ram
SLI 980 GTX (and t here is SLI profile for the game)

I am playing @1080p at the lowest possible graphics setting and it will run fine for like 10 minutes, then bomb out for 2 or3 minutes constantly. Talking the game will freeze for 15-30 seconds at a time. If I up the graphics to even medium it is nearly unplayable. it just runs freezes runs freezes in like 10 seconds spurts. its amazing. apparently, you are supposed to have a minimum of 16gb of ram...which is crazy.

the game is out and available for purchase?

beta/early access but it shouldn't be either one of those right now.
Eh, i bought it a few weeks ago, and have maybe put 3 hours in.

Performance is fine with my rig in sig, and my AMD Fx rig with a 1050ti,.I havent notice any slow downs..

Tho, as far as the game.. Ugh. Its seriously a hate relationship with it. Especially when playing solo.. Theres a few times i have ran through with a hatchet, and never saw anyone or anything. Take a gun in with me, and instantly get killed.. Its definitely annoying.

They gave out some nice fully modded weapons, buuuttt... im to afraid to take them in a raid and loose them till i feel a bit more comfortable..