Wired Blade Runner 2049 Review


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
I turned back from reading this complete article at Wired that reviews Blade Runner 2049 by a guy that has actually sat through the press screening, but let's just say he seemed very impressed. I bailed out because I did not want to know too much going in.

Check out the video.

Still, three decades and a full-on global cataclysm can change a man, and the Deckard we finally catch up with in the year 2049 is a lot like 2049 itself: Hardened, precision-built, and capable of swift, sudden violence. This is a movie about the aftershocks of evolution—emotional, physical, global—and after watching it, you might feel slightly altered yourself, as Blade Runner 2049 is so mesmeric, so thoroughly transportive, that the real world waiting outside of the theater will strike you as bit of a let-down. It's the sort of big-budget, big-idea sci-fi film that seems all but impossible these days.
It may be amazing, but I can't sit through 2 hours and 45 minutes of movie without taking a piss. Gonna catch this on Blu-Ray.
Yeah, with this film I am just looking for thumbs up, or thumbs down. So far there have been a lot of thumbs up, so that is good.
I'm avoiding any-and-all press on this. I'm still amazed they made a sequel, and I'm desperately hoping it's not puddle-deep crap. Considering PKD didn't actually write a follow-up story as far as I'm aware, I'm not sure if this is going to look like the dish of 1000 cooks or if it's going to have legs to stand on its own. Let's be frank, most films these days are forgettable crap that has a hook here, a hook there....but the stories are "oh yeah I dunno some shit blew up". #Hope.

Time to re-watch the original I think. Narration or no Narration.....I'm not sure, I appreciate both.....
It may be amazing, but I can't sit through 2 hours and 45 minutes of movie without taking a piss. Gonna catch this on Blu-Ray.
Going to make sure and catch this one on the BIG screen with awesome audio myself.
Am I the only one that dislikes the fact that preview trailers are showing way to many scenes from a movie?

I am excited to see the movie for sure, just wish there was less in the official trailers, so I don't feel like I have seen a lot of the movie already.
I have to admit that I am excited for this one too. Blade Runner is one of my favorite movies. It blew my mind when I watched it on VHS with my dad 20 years ago.
I look forward to watching this in CineBistro with no kids, no phones, and leather reclining chairs.
This may be the first movie I see in theatres in a while (at matinee ofc, no two hour movie is worth $15 to see)
It may be amazing, but I can't sit through 2 hours and 45 minutes of movie without taking a piss. Gonna catch this on Blu-Ray.

Just bring an empty bottle and sit in the top row dummy. :)

Cant wait, definitely will see in theater. We need a damn good scifi movie, its been a while
98% on RT out of 40 reviews. I loved the original. Consider it one of the greatest sci-fi movies of all time, if not the greatest. Very excited, but really trying to avoid reading reviews because I don't want the movie spoiled for me.
please don't be shit please don't be shit please don't be shit please don't be shit please don't be shit please don't be shit please don't be shit please don't be shit please don't be shit please don't be shit please don't be shit please don't be shit please don't be shit please don't be shit please don't be shit please don't be shit please don't be shit
please don't be shit please don't be shit please don't be shit please don't be shit please don't be shit please don't be shit please don't be shit please don't be shit please don't be shit please don't be shit please don't be shit please don't be shit please don't be shit please don't be shit please don't be shit please don't be shit please don't be shit

thankfully ridley scott isn't directing this movie and Villeneuve seems to actually give a shit about making movies properly. not to mention his last 2 movies were actually really good.

highly recommend watching the short video's that were mad by some of Villeneuve's friends that fill in the time gap between the first and second movie.
I'm avoiding any-and-all press on this. I'm still amazed they made a sequel, and I'm desperately hoping it's not puddle-deep crap. Considering PKD didn't actually write a follow-up story as far as I'm aware, I'm not sure if this is going to look like the dish of 1000 cooks or if it's going to have legs to stand on its own.
Considering the PKD novel was so drastically different then BR I think we should be okay on this sequel. Fingers crossed.
This is one I will definitely go and see on the big screen. The original is still one of my all time favorite movies.
I have been annoyed for a long time by this one. Blade Runner is one of my favorite movies. It is a movie I was always glad they didn't attempt to ruin with a terrible sequel. I was always happy that it bombed at the box office in 82, it meant some moron studio jerkoff wasn't going to hire some hacks to make a Highlander II style crap fest.

I was always torn with Villeneuve at the helm I was hoping this could somehow end up being good without taking a big dump on the original. Now I guess they have my money. This is sounding like it could be the first sequel I didn't want but am glad I got.... damn I hope. I don't want to pump my expectations up to much. I'll go see the damn thing and if it is the instant classic a few reviewers are claiming I will be one happy fan.

Jordan Cronenweth cinematography on the first Blade Runner is some of the best photography in any film ever. He worked for years with Parkinson's and died to soon. His son Jeff has actually had a great career and when I first hear about 2049 I sort of hoped he would get the gig... he did Fight Club, and was nominated for oscars for The social network and the girl with the dragon tattoo. Roger Deakins is great of course and I hope his work is as fantastic as the reviews are saying... but I will always feel they missed an opportunity a bit to honour Jorden Cronenweth by offering his son a chance to do the sequel to perhaps his fathers greatest work.
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This seriously looks like it is going to be legit. I loved Blade Runner. Hollywood getting a movie sequel done right is an all too rare occurrence these days. Yep, this is definitely one for the big screen in Dolby Atmos.
people are calling 2049 one of the best sci-fi moves ever...I'm shocked it's getting so much high praise...I was expecting amazing visuals but was worried about the story...but the story, acting and cinematography are all apparently stunning...almost everyone is saying it's better then the original