GameStop and Target are Cancelling Nintendo Switch Preorders Due to Shortage


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
Seems that GameStop and Target are cancelling some customer preorders for the soon to released Nintendo Switch console. One potential reason is that both retailers simply oversold their allotment of preorders. GameStop for example stopped preorders then resumed them a week later. Target followed suit with cancelling preorders also.

Another theory is that Nintendo is holding back more stock for their homeland customers as Japan has sold through 80% of their preorders already. It is not going to be a fun time for those that had their preorders cancelled. On the bright side, this means that there is more demand than anticipated for the console. Also Nintendo has increased production to meet demands for their product in the future. Hopefully this means that the console is destined to be a roaring success! Here is the Nintendo Switch Super Bowl commercial for your enjoyment.

Another reason could be that Nintendo simply gave retailers a set number of units, but had to change it due to shortages and worldwide demand — for example, 80% of all Switch launch units have been sold out in Japan. But it seems that Nintendo is doing something about the pre-order shortages: the company has increased Switch production to meet pre-orders.
Well hell, I cancelled my Walmart pre-order because I managed to grab a pre-order at Best Buy late last week (for release date shipping). Hopefully other retailers let us know soon, so I can prep to go out and find one if need be.

How many of these are for people to play a game and not looking to resell the console at a higher price?
I have two pre-ordered from Best Buy, every time I get an update in my emails I get a bit of a panic attack that they've cancelled them... :S (before you ask, one of them is for a friend of mine - not scalping)
EB games in my city sold out their pre-orders in a few hours and there are not getting any allocated for store stock. I'd call that quite the shortage.
I love that Nintendo claims that there won't be a shortage but in reality it's business as usual.
I don't get how does Nintendo benefit from a artificial shortage? As a business I would want to get out as many units possible. The only people that benefit from a shortage is scalpers. Nintendo previous shortages is cause Nintendo was ill prepared for cause of unforseen demand. It takes time to make millions s of units.
Nintendo previous shortages is cause Nintendo was ill prepared for cause of unforseen demand.

At this point, they dont have any excuses for shortages.

Someone has a very insane idea that this is good for the company and the rest are running with it.
I don't get how does Nintendo benefit from a artificial shortage? As a business I would want to get out as many units possible. The only people that benefit from a shortage is scalpers. Nintendo previous shortages is cause Nintendo was ill prepared for cause of unforseen demand. It takes time to make millions s of units.

Creating artificial shortages creates more of a demand for a product. It gets media attention and drives that "gotta have it" instinct that people have for rare items. It's VERY common in the toy industry. For toys artificial scarcity is used to drive kids to want something even more because it's something they can't have. Remember the rabid demand for Beanie Babies in the 90s? Entirely artificially created for that very purpose. Ty made billions off of them. Or think of any kind of collector market. At the height of baseball card collecting people would buy several boxes of cards just for the chance to get one "rare" card. Nintendo made it work really well for them with the Wii as well. They kept stock short for months, only further driving the craze. Nintendo still thinks like a toy company, they've always created shortages for their stuff.
I don't get how does Nintendo benefit from a artificial shortage? As a business I would want to get out as many units possible. The only people that benefit from a shortage is scalpers. Nintendo previous shortages is cause Nintendo was ill prepared for cause of unforseen demand. It takes time to make millions s of units.
That pre-order page on Best Buy's site went up for about 3 hours on Friday. Even after the [H] thread said they were gone, they ended up putting it up again about 30 minutes later and a 3rd time that evening.
Maybe BB got all of 'em?
I pre-ordered mine in store at GameStop. Hopefully it won't get cancelled.
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with 300$ for the console and 150$ for pro controller and zelda, a mobile console too big to put in your pocket, 2 hours autonomy, too weak to be a home console, with no 3rd party support in the long run, laughable launch line up, i dont see the switch success.
beside there is no reason for it to have a shortage.
And this is why I don't pre-order anything anymore.

I only did it a couple times.. once for Final Fantasy VII for the PC, and another time for the Zelda game that never came out... I never got my $5 back for that one.

In any case, I am actually wanting to get a Switch.

I currently have a modded Wii and I enjoyed the Wii games a lot more than most, if not all, other recent history console games.

Console games should be consoley.. as in, cartoonish characters.

Trying to make console games look like games on high-end PC's doesn't work.

First Person Shooters with a controller absolutely suck.

Stuff like Mario, Zelda, MarioCart, some RPGs, Sonic, side-scrollers, shooters some adventure games and some racing games are generally really, really good on consoles.

Edit:.. forgot to add. Fighters are generally really good on consoles as well.
I guess Ill take my GF to walmart and camp out for several hours, buy two and sell them for $550 each no problem.

btw, horrible horrible game line up.

Selling Sonic for $39 ... are you fking kidding me?

Nintendo needs some major changes
I guess Ill take my GF to walmart and camp out for several hours, buy two and sell them for $550 each no problem.

btw, horrible horrible game line up.

Selling Sonic for $39 ... are you fking kidding me?

Nintendo needs some major changes
I work at Walmart. We sold through our allotment within the first two days. All switch preorders are going to be held until April 1, after that they will be put out on the sales for for other customers. Unless someone cancels their preorder the day of, there will be no units available in the store until more units are shipped after launch.
with 300$ for the console and 150$ for pro controller and zelda, a mobile console too big to put in your pocket, 2 hours autonomy, too weak to be a home console, with no 3rd party support in the long run, laughable launch line up, i dont see the switch success.
beside there is no reason for it to have a shortage.

To be fair, there is plenty of third party support. Much better compared to Wii U.

To be fair, there is plenty of third party support. Much better compared to Wii U.


What games do Havok, Autodesk, and Unity make? People aren't going to buy a Switch just for ports they can play on their smartphone / other consoles they already own.
As consolation prizes for those that show up and do not get a Switch, will these stores have Nintendo Classics for sale?
with 300$ for the console and 150$ for pro controller and zelda, a mobile console too big to put in your pocket, 2 hours autonomy, too weak to be a home console, with no 3rd party support in the long run, laughable launch line up, i dont see the switch success.
beside there is no reason for it to have a shortage.

Right on most accounts but I do like the fact that it's portable (I believe it's 3 hours not 2). Also, it may be under powered, but compared to a PC everything is under powered so does it really matter all that much? I already have a decent gaming rig so why would I want something that would deliver a nearly identical, but inferior, experience (cough PS4 XB1 cough).
Nintendo might be on to something here. If you super hype a product, but don't actually produce enough for everyone to get one, then there is this "mystery" that the item is somehow valuable and desired.

Case in point... I don't really want one of those NES mini things. But they are hard to get, and I cannot stop thinking about it. I don't even like NES that much, I'd rather have a Dreamcast one.

Oohhhh... a mini-dreamcast.... let's all take a moment to think about that. I would pay for a $100 mini-Dreamcast that was loaded with games. Oh yes. Maybe not Sea-Man, but you know. If it upscaled to 1080p I would play the hell out of some Crazy Taxi*.

(*if it has the original soundtrack)
Wth stupid games do they have, quick draw is WAY WAY better with nerf single shot guns.

The hairy potter wizard battle is revolutionary?

Zelda is the only thing they showed that looks playable for more than an hour. Boxing on wii suffered from bad controls, little faith its anything kojima was raving about :/
Does Nintendo ever produce enough of any of their products to meet demand? Jesus Christ.
Sok Im waiting until an actual Mario game comes out for it. Theyll be on clearance by then.
Does Nintendo ever produce enough of any of their products to meet demand? Jesus Christ.

The Wii was a success but even then they kept stock levels low.

I haven't been a Nintendo customer since the N64.
Not interested in any of their first party games. That stuff I left in the 90s.
They can't top Mario 64. That was the crown achievement IMO.
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Got to admit. I kind of want one. My PS2 and PS3 mostly collected dust because 95% of my gaming has been on PC for the past 25 years. But nintendo is actually good at fun social gaming products. A lot of drunken nights playing mario kart and wii sports with friends.

I don't care about getting one right at launch though.
Got to admit. I kind of want one. My PS2 and PS3 mostly collected dust because 95% of my gaming has been on PC for the past 25 years. But nintendo is actually good at fun social gaming products. A lot of drunken nights playing mario kart and wii sports with friends.

I don't care about getting one right at launch though.

It's Nintendo. Everything of their's is better to just sit there. Wait until a friend gets one and try it out. I wish I would have done that with the Wii. I wouldn't have wasted my money on that. Didn't bother touching Wii U and the Switch. I'll wait for a better battery life model and see if it actually gets a good amount of games. I'd like a new portable.
Every time they release a Mario Bros. game it seems like the same thing over and over unless they do something different like Mario Galaxy or Super Mario Sunshine.
Wii U had a bazillion good first party games, while third party console games can usually be played on a pc with a better experience, anyway in the case of the Xbox and Playstation. I'm not in for a switch at launch but I'll grab it once it's a little older and I don't have so many games backlogged on the pc and finishing ones on the Wii U. Nintendo games tend to be ridiculously polished, and different game play than the standard Playstation and Xbox fare.
You're just being petty.

Not really. At least a fourth of those companies listed don't make games. It is good to know Autodesk may "support" the console, but what difference does it make if no game developers develop for it? It remains to be seen if the other companies will make good games for the system, rather than half done ports of older games or phone games.
Every time they release a Mario Bros. game it seems like the same thing over and over unless they do something different like Mario Galaxy or Super Mario Sunshine.

Odyssey looks promising, but so little is really known about it so far that it's hard to say what it will do.

Not really. At least a fourth of those companies listed don't make games. It is good to know Autodesk may "support" the console, but what difference does it make if no game developers develop for it? It remains to be seen if the other companies will make good games for the system, rather than half done ports of older games or phone games.

Nintendo is saying there are 80 third party games in development but who knows how many of those will actually come out.
To be fair, there is plenty of third party support. Much better compared to Wii U.


too bad some of those people did a 180 and have already pulled their support saying that at some point they might consider support if it takes off and becomes a highly profitable system. EA was one of the first to jump ship. Which was followed by others. So that list isn't that spot on anymore.
To be fair, there is plenty of third party support. Much better compared to Wii U.

A lot of people are very excited about this list of 3rd party support - but the only one that stands out to me that wasn't on the Wii U roster is Unity (because it wasn't big yet). Something like 6 months after the Wii U launch, EA, Ubisoft, Bethesda, and the tremendous number of developers listed but under their umbrellas were gone. The other half that were on the list haven't done much at all.

What's even more alarming is the fact that half these names are middleware developers who support literally every console, including the Wii U - but even then we're missing several really big engine developers (Crytek, DICE, iD).

If we get rid of middleware and shovelware developers, we're left with:

-Bethesda (Was on the Wii U list, never supported it)
-EA (Dropped Wii U after 6 months)
---Codemasters (EA umbrella)
-Ubisoft (Dropped Wii U after 6 months)
-Take-Two (Never did anything for the Wii U)
-THQNordic (Currently dealing with the bankruptcy of THQ)
---From (Bandai umbrella)

So based on prior history, we have:

---From (Bandai umbrella)
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