OK, This One is on Me


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
After doing this review business for about two decades, you can probably imagine how many emails I get a day from marketing folks that want us to review its product. Many times I am "flippant," to put it nicely, in my reply if I actually take time to type one. Lately, I have seen an onslaught of "gaming furniture" requests. Well, I got one the other day from Vertagear, and it was for a very expensive and somewhat badass looking gaming chair from its Triigger Series. This thing is $900! Most of the time these guys are just fishing for free links here on HardOCP. So I replied with basically, "Sure! Send it on over for review."


Well alrighty. Looks like I have committed to doing a gaming chair review.

Now on another note, this experience made me recall feeling a good bit dickish one morning and getting into a bit of an email converstaion with another marketer telling him, "Sorry, but we do not review chairs." Seems like I owe Scott Richards at Arozzi an apology. His desk matches my chair. Yes, my chair that I now review. What the hell is wrong with me?
Very nice looking chairs. I wouldn't pay 900 for one, though. If I had that as disposable income, I would, though.

I look forward to the review! However.... How do you review a gaming chair? What are the characteristics?

Have any friends with a bad back (I do, so a back with good lumbar support is important)? What about larger than average friends (I'm a skinny guy, so nothing there!)? Does it accommodate their size well?

Maybe it's that I've never read a gaming chair review...
I had my experience with Mesh chairs never again unless it's guaranteed not to stretch after a year.
Now that is funny. Guess you need to come up with some kind of criteria for reviewing chairs. I guess you need to start reading chair reviews to see what others look for in a chair...or you could just have some fun with it and make up weird shit. Such as the "Grandma Test" - find an old lady to sit in it and give a 1-10 scale rating.
Send it to me and I'll review it. I sit at my desk and game and surf for 10-16 hours a day.
I had my experience with Mesh chairs never again unless it's guaranteed not to stretch after a year.

A good one doesn't, not the ones we have at work that run around $1200 retail I'm told. Good chairs but I'm not really into mesh backs. I'm in the market for a good chair, this is a lot more than I'd want to pay but something like this should last a decade if it's good. I'll be very interested in this review.
How do you review a gaming chair? What are the characteristics?
Pretty easy set of criteria..
- ascetics
- ease of assembly
- how well it traps a fart
- how well it forms to your ass
- all the options work multiple times
- lean features
- various food fart trappings
- sniff test after said fart, other foods, or a really intense session of gaming when you palms are sweaty, knees weak, and arms are heavy from pwnage.
If you have time, review it with and without the armrests. I've yet to find a chair that isn't better without the armrests.
I think at least one of the tests should revolve around quickly spinning around repeatedly in the chair.

Maybe also testing the shock absorbance when one hops into it.

Maybe also seeing how well it rolls when you give it a good shove. Possibly a related test being the terrain on which it's rolling.

Would a chair like this prevent the back pain I get from this $80 chair I've worn the vinyl down on over the past decade?

nice chair, I am envious
Whatever, free chair. Or do you have to sent it back after?
I do not see myself taking the time to break it down, box it up, and ship it out when I am done.

If you have time, review it with and without the armrests. I've yet to find a chair that isn't better without the armrests.
I was having some shoulder pain issues lately, so I stole my daughters chair because it was the only one in the house with easily removable arm rests.

A good one doesn't, not the ones we have at work that run around $1200 retail I'm told. Good chairs but I'm not really into mesh backs. I'm in the market for a good chair, this is a lot more than I'd want to pay but something like this should last a decade if it's good. I'll be very interested in this review.
I actually have two very nice mesh chairs that I have had for years here that I still use. Neither was inexpensive.
Looks like a great chair!
Also, let us know how it performs with pornhub VR. They won't admit it, but 99% of the users here would like to know this.
I'm using a $370 "gaming" chair. The armrests lower down low enough that I can pretty much forget they are there. I only bought this expensive of a chair because I started working from home full time, so I'm now in my office a minimum of 10 hours a day.
So, one chair for $900 that looks like a can of Axe body spray, or 9 chairs for $100 that you replace every year from Office Depot.

Case Dismissed.
It must not cause hemorrhoids. If you already have hemorrhoids, it must not irritate them. Bonus points for massaging them.

How does one massage.... Nevermind.

I was looking into a $100 Amazon chair. I have a $5 Goodwill special with a $30 lumbar support pad. :)
Pretty easy set of criteria..
- ascetics
- ease of assembly
- how well it traps a fart
- how well it forms to your ass
- all the options work multiple times
- lean features
- various food fart trappings
- sniff test after said fart, other foods, or a really intense session of gaming when you palms are sweaty, knees weak, and arms are heavy from pwnage.
Here's my application...

My review will use colorful wording.
My review will be near worst case scenario, thus prove the product is viable for almost all use cases.

-I'm a tad overweight, so I can push the cushion's and pneumatic cylinders to their limits.
-I'm a fan of onion rings. This should facilitate the biological part of the test.
-I also have a Fiance that would be willing to do the sniff test. She knows when to kick me out of bed.
-I do game on extended gaming sessions on weekends... (4+ hours sometimes)
-I have tools to assemble it.
-I sit in $1000 ergo chairs for work 8+ hours a day, so I have an idea of what's comfortable.
-I have 2 cats with claws to facilitate durability testing. They love new furniture and especially the boxes.
-My Fiance has back issues, she can chime in on how comfortable it is.

Am I serious? Only if Kyle considers it...
If you are going to review chairs, you should get a Herman Miller or the like as a 'baseline' to compare to. Something well recognized as a great chair.
I think at least one of the tests should revolve around quickly spinning around repeatedly in the chair.

Maybe also testing the shock absorbance when one hops into it.

Maybe also seeing how well it rolls when you give it a good shove. Possibly a related test being the terrain on which it's rolling.


Yes we need chair metrics. A number from 1-10 how "spinney" the chair is when you spin it how long it goes for. A number for how far it rolls when you shove it "rolliness". Can have rolliness tests on carpet and hard floor.

Then once he reviews more than one chair we can start to compare data.
To add to modi's proposed criteria, spillage and cleanup. Not saying to ruin the thing by smearing ketchup all over it, but some spot tests might be a good idea.
Ease of adjustment post-assembly as well.
Is it the chair that looks like a Herman Miller Aeron? I like my Aeron... used one at work for years and now I use the same chair at home.
So I find the thermodynamics of a chair to be important.

Perhaps the addition of infrared comparison between chairs to see how they retain heat? I gotta stay cool during my looooooong sessions of procrastination. :)
Fair warning, those mesh bottom chairs can wear through the seat of your pants rather quickly, especially if you have a thick wallet in your back pocket.
I was about to volunteer to review your stuff, and I'm local, but I have too much junk in my house already.

I work from home a lot, and I have burned through many of the $100 Staples chairs that just go to hell after a year. I bought this Z-Line chair 3 years ago and it's still holding up very well. I can totally recommend it. They sell them at Fry's (which is where I saw it, then promptly ordered from Amazon for $70 savings). My major complaint is the ass padding always seems to vanish first. I'm not a big person, I don't have a big or cushy ass, so I'm instantly aware when my "executive office chair" has turned into a wooden park bench. This one is still going strong.


The ergonomic chairs at work that I know cost $400 each cause me immediate discomfort and back pain. The Z-line is comfy and causes me zero back anguish.
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