Cutting ssd case in half?


Nov 3, 2016
I have a pair of 850 evo 500gb ssds in my ncase m1 (soon to be 4). The actual ssd inside the housing is less than half the size of the 2.5 inch drive.

So I am thinking of taking the ssds to the chop saw (after removing the ssd from inside the case) and cutting them down to half the size. This could allow me to save a pretty decent amount of space in this already small case.

Anyone else do something like this?

Here is a video of someone shrinking down the ssd size to fit a very very small case.
Could get you some that orange tape you often see in electronics an cover any bare spots that might short.
I will give naked a shot, might have to make a stacker mount for it, but should be easy with some motherboard standoffs.