Windows 10 Update not applying, no error messages


Jul 25, 2005
I believe this is the anniversary update, version 1607. There are no error messages or codes. Selecting either "update and shutdown" or "update and restart" makes the computer shutdown or restart normally without applying any update. How should this be fixed in order to get the update to apply?
I believe this is the anniversary update, version 1607. There are no error messages or codes. Selecting either "update and shutdown" or "update and restart" makes the computer shutdown or restart normally without applying any update. How should this be fixed in order to get the update to apply?

Win10 updater sucks a fat one. I had to repair two work laptops already this week where they weren't updating exactly like how you describe. Had another one get stuck and sit for 18 hours at 23% for "getting windows ready" and that blew up Bitlocker encryption. Finishing that re-build right now...

That said...the way I fixed the first two is you either go into Safe Mode and delete the data in C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution. Then just reboot normally and check for updates.

Or do the following:

Open a command prompt with admin rights and type

net stop wuauserv
net stop bits

Then delete everything in the C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution folder.

net start bits
net start wuauserv

Check for updates.
This is why any IT decisionmaker at a company/business should stay away from perpetual-beta operating systems.
This is why any IT decisionmaker at a company/business should stay away from perpetual-beta operating systems.

It killed me when I found out we were moving to Windows 10 (our Windows 7 images were very clean and stable).

What was even more surprising was being told it was probably 6 months out or later and then a month later, with absolutely no warning, my shipment of 10 new laptops came with a company image of Windows 10. I've already found issues with it and I'm having to deploy it because I don't have a choice. Damn near zero QA on the image and that's not even getting into what a piece of shit OS Windows 10 is in general.

In my experience Windows 10 is a horrible Enterprise OS. I'm sure some people will find it works well but for me it's been nothing but a headache.
Open services.msc, stop the Windows update and Background Intelligent Transfer service. Then go to C:\Windows\Softwaredistribution folder and delete everything from it. Restart both the Windows update and Background Intelligent transfer service. Then go to settings, Windows update and Security and click on Check for updates. However, if you do not have the Windows 10 Anniversary update yet installed (Open a command prompt, type ver and if it says 10586 you do not) then download the Windows 10 Media Creation Tool and install it that way. After that, check for more updates, install and that is it.

Have fun.
This is why any IT decisionmaker at a company/business should stay away from perpetual-beta operating systems.

Rolling release can be a good thing, if you do it right....however if you do it like Microsoft Windows OTOH...
Thanks all for the replies. Resolved by deleting contents of softwaredistribution folder and manually downloading the update. BTW, I had a similar problem on an MSI gaming laptop except that one got stuck at 23%, then gave an error code, then mysteriously worked. I am still mystified at why the laptop upgrade eventually worked after all of that.
I've run into this same situation 2-3 times with Windows 10. This is after having Windows 8.1 operate more or less flawlessly for the life of the OS. Something is up with the new version of Windows Update.