Do You Pronounce it GIF or JIF?

if i say it as a word, gif

usually i just say the letters g i f .

and jif....pronounced that way would confuse me.. to me if you say "jif" ii think you mean the peanut butter brand - like was said above.
Wait wait, let me jo upjrade my jraphics card so I can play some james. Sounds retarded doesn't it?

Hard G.

This is the war that matters. Intel vs AMD, don't care. Nvidia vs AMD, irrelevant. Toilet paper roll over the top or under the bottom, I wipe my ass with this argument.

Hard G, always.
Jiants and Jiraffes would disagree. English is awesome, it's "jif"

I question the need for two letters representing the exact same sound.

g should only be used for soft g (graphics, etc) J should be used in all other situations.

Don't even get me started on c and x. Those two letters shouldn't even exist!
Actually, just looked it up, and this is the general rule:

Usually, a c or g sound is hard or soft depending on the vowel that follows it. Here's the general rule: When c or g meets a, o, or u, its sound is hard. When c or g meets e, i, or y, its sound is soft.
Actually, just looked it up, and this is the general rule:

Usually, a c or g sound is hard or soft depending on the vowel that follows it. Here's the general rule: When c or g meets a, o, or u, its sound is hard. When c or g meets e, i, or y, its sound is soft.
There's no rules in English, get the fuck out.

If gif stood for "giants interpretation of food" then ok I'd say jif would be proper.
But it doesn't, so it's gif.

You are mispronouncing it if you use a soft g, it's that simple.
lol i love the responses so far :)

GIF = gif. If you wanted to call it jif then you should have invented jif.
Steve Wilhite, the inventor of the widely used Web illustration, declared it should bepronounced “jif,” like the brand of peanut butter, rather than with a hard G sound.

It doesn't matter what he says it should sound like. Its a hard G, he just wants attention by saying it should be a J and hes a fucktard.

The Big Bang Theory did a clip on this.
Steve Wilhite, the inventor of the widely used Web illustration, declared it should bepronounced “jif,” like the brand of peanut butter, rather than with a hard G sound.
That's nice. Most creative people are horrible with the English language.
Actually, just looked it up, and this is the general rule:

Usually, a c or g sound is hard or soft depending on the vowel that follows it. Here's the general rule: When c or g meets a, o, or u, its sound is hard. When c or g meets e, i, or y, its sound is soft.
Exactly. It's a general rule, just like the "'i' before 'e' except after 'c'" rule. How weird it is to be that wired...
There's no rules in English, get the fuck out.

If gif stood for "giants interpretation of food" then ok I'd say jif would be proper.
But it doesn't, so it's gif.

You are mispronouncing it if you use a soft g, it's that simple.
This is exactly why I pronounce it with a hard 'g'. The 'G' in the acronym is for "Graphics."
It is pronounced jif around here, just like the inventor said it should be.
"I need to upgrade the memory in my CPU. Windows says its low on space."

*Points at computer tower* "That thing is the CPU, right?"

*Facepalms* "That thing is a JUST A FREAKIN' BOX.....errr, just go away." *starts sobbing quietly*
Jiants and Jiraffes would disagree. English is awesome, it's "jif"
There are exceptions to every rule.
Plus not everyone is born in an english speaking country. But they will still use gif files.

To me and everyone in my country it's gif, so what? It's not like the creator can take it back if we don't say it the way he likes it.

Typical as people do an ego thing about this too. Arguing what is the correct or superior pronunciation. There is no correct one, The one that you got used to because people around you said it more often is the one correct to you, and that applies to everyone.
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Your choice in pronunciation is a reflection on your manhood. Guys who like metal pronounce it GIF. Those who like musical theater pronounce it JIF.

But... What if someone likes both? I can't be the only guy listening to Behemoth while driving to the theater to see Wicked for the 3rd time.

And I go with what the inventor says: "jif"
Steve Wilhite, the inventor of the widely used Web illustration, declared it should bepronounced “jif,” like the brand of peanut butter, rather than with a hard G sound.

I'm in this camp, too, because with the hard G... it sounds like an incomplete word. Gif....t?

At least there's an existing knowledge of the sounds/word JIF through the peanut butter.
I remember my dad always spelled it out. It wasn't a Gif, if was a G-I-F. It wasn't a J-peg or M-peg, it was a J-P-E-G. Used to drive me crazy which is probably why he did it. :D
people who like metal are younger, therefore have less manhood

and yes there are exceptions to almost every rule, and in this case it should be pronounced JIF...

Some of you are acting extremely stupid.

"I can find words where the "G" is hard even with an "I" after it so there for "jif" is wrong!!!"

Right, because there aren't any words where the "G" followed by a "I" is a soft "G".

It can go both ways you dolts.

The person that CREATED the word says it's "JIF" and because that completely follows the English language and is grammatically correct I don't see how anyone can disagree with it.

Why do you disagree with it? Why are you trying to make the word your own?
My name is Jiff.

I say it J-iff. Nephew says if G-iff (like Gift, without the t).

Neither of us are wrong or right. People use either. I can't believe it's just a huge deal, and I can't believe how angry people get over it. NO ONE GIVES A SHIT!

Some people spend more time worrying about this, making articles about it, and it's just not a big deal.

Funny, though. :D :D

My opinion on the GIF vs JIF pronunciation: I want tacos.
yea, now let's turn our attention towards people who say "Bing" (any pronunciation) ... they must all die a slow painful death, yes!?
This shows how poorly constructed the English language really is. Do I need to break out the ghalleger video of him going on about word spelling?