League of Legends -- how many [H] regulars?

So, is Alister still completely useless in this game? Last I tried to play him cause i always loved him he wasn't aging so well..
So, is Alister still completely useless in this game? Last I tried to play him cause i always loved him he wasn't aging so well..

I've been playing Alister and he's quite useful as shown on the professional circuit, but only with good teamwork while he tanks and cc's the target. In solo queue probably not as fun.
Ali is very useful, but his skillcap is significantly higher than most supports. Playing Ali you need to know what you're doing and what you should be doing, mechanics and build are less than half the equation for him.
Yep. I went 9-1 on my promos and ended up in Silver V. No way I'm going to play 40+ games just to get me back to gold.

I know how that feels. I was diamond in s3 placement put me in gold for s4 and then I hit diamond pretty quickly from there but I'm not looking forward to the climb again. On the upside if your MMR is grossly higher than your league you skip divisions.
I know how that feels. I was diamond in s3 placement put me in gold for s4 and then I hit diamond pretty quickly from there but I'm not looking forward to the climb again. On the upside if your MMR is grossly higher than your league you skip divisions.

Well, 5-5 in placements and plat 2. My mmr is really high ( my smurf is broken. I made a smurf to practice my offroles and I've been stuck getting my ass kicked by people in LCS)
Been playing mostly ARAMS lately for the last few months, finding it more fun than regular games for since reason.

Maybe getting into a team again would get me back in 5s.

Me too. Ranked is so stressful, I play mostly ARAM now.
Well, back to Diamond. I played a lot of games yesterday, and just got really frustrated with it. I feel like sometimes I just can't play well anymore.
Very confused... just tried to do some 3v3's with my roommate, and we kept getting these FakeaSomething people in our games. Everyone was absolutely retarded.. had to be bots, but they weren't even bots.. too dumb to be bots.

What a waste of time. Has anyone seen this, or know what's going on?

Hmm.. those are bots aren't they? like chinese farming bots for rp gifting perhaps?
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Well I've stopped playing now since Riot put those snowballs in ARAM, but yes I've been in bot games and they are pretty erratic. They usually are more common in low mmr Aram, but I guess some farmers are trying other maps. If you play 3s often in surprised they would be in higher MMR games though.
Well I've stopped playing now since Riot put those snowballs in ARAM, but yes I've been in bot games and they are pretty erratic. They usually are more common in low mmr Aram, but I guess some farmers are trying other maps. If you play 3s often in surprised they would be in higher MMR games though.

yup. snowballs ruined aram. took the mode from relaxing, carefree teamfight simulator to stressful payattentiontowhereeverysingleenemysnowballgoesordie simulator. playing against wukong is just so much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yup. snowballs ruined aram. took the mode from relaxing, carefree teamfight simulator to stressful payattentiontowhereeverysingleenemysnowballgoesordie simulator. playing against wukong is just so much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ohhh, about as fun as playing against Sion! So much fun him teleporting right in the middle of everyone! Who needs to know how to initiate anymore...
Are you being serious right now? Flash allows big plays to be made. Always have to be aware that anything is possible.
Think he meant the snowball teleport. Don't need big plays for those, just land a snowball close to anything.
Ya they were quite ridiculous before the nerf. Not near as bad as before. Allows champions like Udyr or Nunu to have engagement.
Well I've stopped playing now since Riot put those snowballs in ARAM, but yes I've been in bot games and they are pretty erratic. They usually are more common in low mmr Aram, but I guess some farmers are trying other maps. If you play 3s often in surprised they would be in higher MMR games though.

Really? I play ARAM quite a bit and I honestly think the snowball was a great addition. It made brawlers actually viable. Before the snowball a team with heavy poke was about 80% guaranteed to win. Now you can win with any team comp, poke isn't the end all be all. The increased cooldown was a good change, the snowball spam every 12 seconds was a bit much. I think it is something like 40 second cooldown now.
Ya they were quite ridiculous before the nerf. Not near as bad as before. Allows champions like Udyr or Nunu to have engagement.

Unfortunately it's still not good practice for real games anymore.

As an example I like playing Nunu and practicing team fights in Aram is now useless since landing a snowball and teleporting does *nothing* for practicing how to properly setup and time an engage.
Unfortunately it's still not good practice for real games anymore.

As an example I like playing Nunu and practicing team fights in Aram is now useless since landing a snowball and teleporting does *nothing* for practicing how to properly setup and time an engage.

Well at least you still have hexakill for that. Not quite the same, but better then nothing.
Really? I play ARAM quite a bit and I honestly think the snowball was a great addition. It made brawlers actually viable. Before the snowball a team with heavy poke was about 80% guaranteed to win. Now you can win with any team comp, poke isn't the end all be all. The increased cooldown was a good change, the snowball spam every 12 seconds was a bit much. I think it is something like 40 second cooldown now.

the only thing it did was swing the balance in the opposite direction. bruisers and tanks are completely broken now, they were fine before and you absolutely could win games against poke comps, people just naturally suck against poke comps because they're afraid to go in.
Some brusiers are completely broken period.

They REALLY need to fucking balance some characters that can build pure-tank almost and go more dmg then the ADC even without spending the gold on dps items.

IE- Irelia, Sej, Udyr, etc.

The only decent ADC counter to them is Vayne.
They are never going to balance anything around ARAM. Sure they are broken on aram, but on Summoner's rift they are just fine. Can't 1v1 someone when they have tanks defending the ADC.
Saw a thing on FB which said they're FINALLY fixing shen's boring ass kit!

Very exciting times! I've always loved shen but he sucks so bad at 3's he's a stupid pick. Here's hoping these new changes make him viable in the treeline =D
Has LoL finally stopped using Adobe AIR??

If so, I'll hop back in. (bought founders pack in the beta days)
Has LoL finally stopped using Adobe AIR??

If so, I'll hop back in. (bought founders pack in the beta days)

Yea it hasn't used it in awhile. They finally took the time to roll their own interface stuff. It's all so much more slick than it used to be.
Thank. God.

Awesome, def glad I asked. For some reason Google could never answer that question for me....

Dling now.


Fear Tibbers.
Thank. God.

Awesome, def glad I asked. For some reason Google could never answer that question for me....

Dling now.


Fear Tibbers.

You know, now that i think about it for a second I'm not entirely sure... I think what i'm thinking of is their removal of Pando media booster. maybe that was part of them ditching air? Here's hoping i didn't lead you astray :eek:

In any case, Annie still kicks major ass lol
I believe the client still uses adobe air since all the same bugs are still around. They did get rid of pando media booster though.

So do you play 3's much chockomonkey? Would be interested in doing a ranked team. Got to Platinum easily last year.
I am playing Lol since closed alpha and It Is, was and will be buggy as shit, cause Rito do it. Still, nothing can be compared to client problems in opened beta. Those times where dark and scary.
What do you tking of new champion, by the way? For me it was funny he uses lezginka as dance.
Also I hope he can go mid or top, cause I like the overral idea, but can't play marksmans even after all those years.
I am playing Lol since closed alpha and It Is, was and will be buggy as shit, cause Rito do it. Still, nothing can be compared to client problems in opened beta. Those times where dark and scary.

I would hope they got some kinks worked out since that is over 4 years ago...

I haven't played the new champ yet or the new interface. Only got a game of ARAM in last night.

They seem to be adding a lot of Champs where Crit and Attack Speed affect a characters kit differently. The concept is cool, but can be confusing at times having to remember what all affects what.

Also I can't say I prefer ADC bot lane, but I love to play a mean Ezreal. He is my goto pick for the poro king and played him a lot on dominion as well. His kit is just so good.

Guess we'll see....

Well, did it have adobe air? And how do you tell exactly?

I checked my computer last night and didn't see Adobe Air installed, but perhaps it's all inclusive in the client. I'm on the edge of my seat worrying about that half-cocked comment i made = /

I believe the client still uses adobe air since all the same bugs are still around. They did get rid of pando media booster though.

So do you play 3's much chockomonkey? Would be interested in doing a ranked team. Got to Platinum easily last year.

I pretty much play 3's exclusively... but I really dislike ranked because of the bans. I just don't keep enough champions in my rotation. I'll play like 2 or 3 for awhile, then move on to others. Been stuck on Pantheon for months... he's just so damn good in 3's.


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ADC's are my least favorite role as well lol.

I have found myself more and more enjoying playing non-meta picks or roles.

AP Ez mid is still fun and is still viable.

MF is the top adc atm for bot lane, with her ult and crit now it's broken as hell.

The new masteries have basically evolved into "THUNDERLORDS THUNDERlORDS!" which almost every-single person uses because it's good. The other ones "were" good but they nerfed them and nerfed them, mainly for a few select people (IE warlords nerfed becuase it was too good on yasuo/zed).

Playing brand as support is also a super-easy way to climb up in rank right now. Use deathfire mastery, buy the new Frost Queens (which in of itself is way too good) and laugh as you burst the other teams adc/support for about half their health with every stun/w combo.

First "big" item should be ryali's, the slow proc on it is just too good with brand and makes landing your stun and other things great, then with liandry's well that's what makes the build so good atm.
So new shen still sucks in 3's. Can't dps and can't tank. Such a shame, love this character for some reason, but he just is hamstrung by riot's insistence on a global ult. Rabble.

Anyone here have any luck with him? Is it just me?
So new shen still sucks in 3's. Can't dps and can't tank. Such a shame, love this character for some reason, but he just is hamstrung by riot's insistence on a global ult. Rabble.

Anyone here have any luck with him? Is it just me?

yeah pretty annoying the change going into season 3 didn't happen with getting rid of shen and GP's global ulti's.

btw choco, instead of taking a picture of your monitor, just link your profile from op.gg, way easier :p