Rare Revealed: The Making of Perfect Dark

It was one of my favorite games growing up. And the only game that I remember requiring the ram expansion because of all of the nice graphics. A lot of hidden areas, plenty of challenges, and you could come up with creative ways of replaying levels almost as much as you could with goldeneye. The multiplayer levels were pretty fun, more weapons/pickups, with a wide variety of bot AI's and difficulty.
No, perfect dark sucked and ran really badly on the N64. Multiplayer was junk.
No, perfect dark sucked and ran really badly on the N64. Multiplayer was junk.

Can't say i had or have that issue, I still play it from time to time actually. Certainly a deeper game than Golden eye heh.
I didnt seem to play PD much. But G007 i slammed. When i went to play PD it just didnt seem to have the .... flare... to what G007 had. its just one of those games that seemed to have that little someting extra then "just a fun game". Kind of like CoD4 has. Just the atmosphere and what not on top of a bloody fun game.
Didn't play either. Not sure why I didn't know about this game until recently and only because I bought the soundtrack. Thought I knew about No One Lives Forever, I also didn't play that or this one, and that makes me sad. :/
Considering how awful Perfect Dark: Zero was, I have next to zero interest in anything they might reveal.
Is perfect dark, darker then black?

Yup. I'm kind of surprised that it didn't develop into more of a franchise past Perfect Dark Zero.

It's kind of cool to see what devs end up doing when they can't get or lose the license for a "real property".

I'm sort of reminded of No One Lives Forver.
goldeneye was crack in silicon form. people played the absolute hell out of it.

perfect dark (n64) was fun, had a good atmosphere (esp. the first level), and built a pretty cool world (i liked all the high tech/espionage/cloak and tagger stuff... not so much the alien parts), but it was just too similar to goldeneye to really sustain that "wow" factor. reused death animations, movement and shooting felt basically the same, ai wasnt all too different, etc.

after playing the hell out of goldeneye... perfect dark was an awesome game at best, and an elaborate reskin at worst.
Yes, Perfect Dark was the better game in every way. People just have nostalgia glasses on for Goldeneye.

This is where i got curious and thought "i'll have to ask some peeps that played both pretty heavily and see what they say". Even though i know its still just up to the individual to some degree. But just as a bit of "oh thats interesting".

And the ones i trust the judgment of all said GoldenEye. Yes, they all agree PD was a more feature-full game and etc. But that coute de jur (cant spell it, i'm not french :p) fator was only with GoldenEye.

I thought that was interesting given thats what i felt from memory. I only played PD a very little and the reason for that was that i was just over aliens and thought "meh" when it come time to give up GoldenEye. Just like i was over them come BF2000andWhatever and CoD:AdvancedAlienware.