How many old farts here stil play pc games?

Apr 22, 2015
Just curious, as I turned 60 this year, I play one game consistently: TF2. The other game I bought last year was Wolfenstein. I finished it, but I have replayed it twice. In my younger years, I use to play a lot more games. I guess I just can't sit down for hours on end playing games anymore due to the physical punishment of sitting down for a long time.

In the mid 90's, my son and I would go to lan parties. One party we went to in San Diego had over 50 people that attended an all nighter. Early in the next morning, they gave out prizes on who won during the clash. I got 20th place for playing Quake out of 50 gamers, and my son got 25th place for Quake also. I did receive a prize for being the oldest one there at 40 something, and my son got one for being the youngest at 10.

My handle for playing TF2 is "OldMan1955". So any of you old farts here still play?
One of the real nice things about this forum is the age diversity.

We got youngin's, guys with families, and dudes like you.

I just turned 32 myself.
I am not that old but I am almost 40 now. I feel I grew up in the golden age of video games when they were new and exciting. I still play but not as much. My son is 6 and he loves games more than I do and already is better than I am in most games. His favorite system is PC, he has ditched the wii-u completely as he has gotten older.
42 years young here. I find myself buying more games than I can play. I'm like you Executioner; the pain of sitting due to arthritis is getting to me. I ordered a Steam Controller to see if that will help some. Arthritis killed off my XBOX 360 pad. That pad just hurts my hands.

Next purchase after CES is a 40" - 55" 4K Korean monitor with FreeSync. The text on this 27" 1080p Samsung is becoming too hard to see.
I am 51 and I play when I can (depending on work schedule) ... I have also passed the mantel onto my kids who are all PC gamers as well ... I've been playing Grim Dawn and some Pillars of Eternity ... this week it will be Fallout 4 that consumes me
39 in a couple weeks and still play when I can. Maybe 5-10 hours a week. Mostly FPS's with the other old head gamers I've been playing with for the past 10+ years.
Just curious, as I turned 60 this year, I play one game consistently: TF2. The other game I bought last year was Wolfenstein. I finished it, but I have replayed it twice. In my younger years, I use to play a lot more games. I guess I just can't sit down for hours on end playing games anymore due to the physical punishment of sitting down for a long time.

In the mid 90's, my son and I would go to lan parties. One party we went to in San Diego had over 50 people that attended an all nighter. Early in the next morning, they gave out prizes on who won during the clash. I got 20th place for playing Quake out of 50 gamers, and my son got 25th place for Quake also. I did receive a prize for being the oldest one there at 40 something, and my son got one for being the youngest at 10.

My handle for playing TF2 is "OldMan1955". So any of you old farts here still play?

I turn 34 in 2 months. I guess I'm still a kid by comparison though its weird to think my dad had me when he was 20 and my brother when he was 42. I've been married and divorced twice, had my first job at 13 and I've been on my own since I was 16 so I feel old. I think that counts. I game for at least 2 hours a day probably will til the day I die.

Did you just recently get into TF2? I'm just kind of surprised that and Wolfenstein would be your games of choice in the last year. I feel like youre missing out theres tons of other quality games floating out there.

I got out of TF2 couple years ago because I was there at launch they kept nerfing classes so much I could never find one to stick with and enjoy. Maybe thats changed, but the pay to play stuff they added has kept me away from it. I'm definitely on the "Wolfstein was good" boat. Its almost surprising how divisive the community is over that game. I always enjoy a game more if, as I'm playing I can tell minimal copy and paste was done or artificial lengthening. Wolfenstein never went too heavy on any one type of battle before getting you moved to the next set piece.

For instance I'm playing Fallout 3 for the first time. Its still a pretty game and I'm enjoying it, but some of the enemies are getting tiresome. I feel like even modded I'm seeing the same shit over and over. A lot of it takes place in the subway system. You see the samey tunnel and feral ghoul about 100,000 times. Metro 2003 didn't have this problem. Understand it was a smaller engine, but like Wolfenstein each area felt hand crafted. I don't think this is a 2015 issue. I think its a design philosophy quantity over quality.

If you liked Wolfenstein for the immersive cinematic experience I always recommend Singularity, Metro 2033, Spec Ops: The line, FEAR, Portal 1&2, Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite. Just some games I thought had, specifically, carefully hand crafted story and atmosphere.
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45 here, so not old, but for some reason seem to be getting slower... My son and I play most games and we are really really anticipating some FO4 action this week. I'm playing Divinity EE right now while he is brushing up on his FO skills in the older games. I put him on a PC to play games when he was 2-3 ish back when the original Team Fortress came out, and now he is 18 getting ready for college.../sigh
I'm 49 and play as often as possible. Still feel like a little kid on the inside.

Last game I played was Fallout: New Vegas which was last night. Probably will be playing again today until Fallout 4 is unlocked.
Age 47 here and still play games almost daily with my two teenagers. Lots of Rainbow 6 Vegas 2, COH, Warband on our LAN.
Gonna be the big 50 in a few months. Been gaming for more years then I can remember. Started on an Atari 2600, first PC ish was a TRS80 in college, never really went back to console after that. Tried to ween my son onto a PC but he's mostly a PS kid. Still game 5 or 6 times a week and don's see an end in least if its up to me :) Kind of freaks out our Fragging Frog TS crowd when they hear how old I am compared to most of the others.
I didn't play as much as I used to. But I'm starting again with my son.

I'm getting him into retro gaming in the PC. His current favorite, Jedi Outcast.

Thankfully, he no longer has the urge for an XboxOne :D:D
Jeeesus!!!, to think some guys at 32 consider themselves old farts. :D:D:D
43 - Not nearly as much as I used to, the games just aren't as fun anymore. Always online bullshit, DLC, console-itis. No.
Turning 32 in a couple months, am retired from gaming.

Edit #1: Wait - damnit, why did i post in this thread. I'm not old! :eek:

Edit #2: This thread is a trap. That is all.
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my dad is 48 and plays games every day, usually panzer general, civ 5, rome, or left 4 dead 2.
59 here, retired and play games 2-3 hours everyday. My father is 83 and is finishing up FONV and playing Black Ops 111 single player. He is waiting for Fallout 4 to drop, then he will be busy for the rest of this year and next with mods. He has close to 500 hrs in FONV. He has over 200 games on steam.
I am 31, just got my first gray hair a few months ago. That officially makes me an old fart.

I've been gaming since the late 80's, first system was my father's old ColecoVision. Then it was of course Nintendo from about 1990, to Sega Genesis in 1993.

Everything changed on that fateful summer night in 1994, when I went to a friend's house and watched his dad playing DOOM 2 on the PC. Since that day my true passion has been PC gaming, specifically first-person shooters.

I plan on PC gaming in some capacity until the day I die, hopefully sometime around 2090. :cool:
43 and only play 4 or 5 hours a week, usually Friday or Saturday night. I have 2 young kids (2 y/o girl and a 6 month old boy) so most of my free time goes to spending time with them.

Also looking forward to when they get older and we can game together.
41 here. I probably average 7-10 hours per week of general gaming on my tablet, phone, PC and PS3.
59 here, retired and play games 2-3 hours everyday. My father is 83 and is finishing up FONV and playing Black Ops 111 single player. He is waiting for Fallout 4 to drop, then he will be busy for the rest of this year and next with mods. He has close to 500 hrs in FONV. He has over 200 games on steam.


I'll never understand why anyone might think that an adult, regardless of age, shouldn't be playing games, PC or otherwise. If it's socially acceptable for someone to sit in front of a television for several hours a day and watch whatever, why is it any less acceptable to sit in front of a monitor and possibly challenge yourself a little bit, and actually interact with others? I've seen quite a few older folks fall asleep in front of a TV; never saw one fall asleep playing a game on a PC.
47 and still playing TF2. Wish they'd hurry up and get match-making working. The prevailing conditions in pubs are about 95% noob with a chance for trade spam.

Also playing, Elite Dangerous, Rocket League and futzing around in Borderlands 2 again.
I've seen quite a few older folks fall asleep in front of a TV; never saw one fall asleep playing a game on a PC.

Well .... I've been so drunk while playing WoW that I passed out in my chair. :D Does that count? lol

My 70 year old father does at least 20 hours a week on flight sim. He can't pass the medical to fly his real plane any longer.
My father turned 66 this year, but plays more games than me. To put that into context he finishes at least 20 fps games every year. I know there aren't that many new ones, but when there is nothing new he will replay the same games 5-10 times even. But all he cares about is the shooting, so he won't play any story driven games or rpg games. Like Mass Effect. All he want is to shoot everything that moves. Maybe the only exepction to that rule is NOLF, or Max Payne, but there you do have to shoot everything that moves, even if it's story driven.
32, married, and we just had our first kid last week. I sure my son will have an interest in gaming when he's old enough, but for the time being my game time will be taking a hit I'm sure.
I'm 50. I play whenever I can, usually in place of RL stuff I should be doing. ;)

My dad also plays PC games, though mostly World of Tanks and World of Warships these days. He just turned 74.

I don't know about you guys, but I find that in the last 10 years or so I've really lost the reaction time to be competitive in FPS games. I supposed that if I spent more time playing them, my skill would stay sharp longer. I've really gotten kinda bored with FPS though, as the gameplay is too repetitive to me.
I'm 33 and play what I can when I can. I've tended to play more consoles then PC over the past few years. I just like good games regardless of platform. I also enjoy all types of games there aren't too many game genres I don't like.

Seeing all the stories here, looks like I won't be weird if I'm still playing in my 50s and 60s.
I am 31, just got my first gray hair a few months ago.


I started getting silver hairs at age 14.

By age 40 I'm going to look like Roger Sterling / Steve Martin. (32 now)

Back to the topic, I game "some". Not nearly as much as I used to, but I'm starting to think that might be part of getting older. Or, perhaps I gamed way too much in grade school - high school....

In the past year, all I've invested any notable time in is Skyrim and Diablo 3.

Teenage me would be ashamed of what I've become heh.

But, with Fallout 4 releasing tonight.... WHO KNOWS
Mid-30's here. Closer to 40 than I care to admit. Still PC gaming like a nerd. Still loving it, too.
40 here.. as soon as my fall semester is complete, I'll be firing back up some Unreal Tournament and hopefully finish up Dying Light on the PS4 and getting deep into season mode on NHL '16
Be 57 next month and I play games daily, mostly Diablo 3, Zombie Army Trilogy or Dying Light at the moment. Plan to get Fallout 4 soon, hopefully for my birthday. :D
50 here. been playing since text adventures. Will be playing fallout 4 all day Wednesday (holiday). Can't imagine what life would be like without all these wonderful worlds to explore.
Wow glad to see some are older than me ;)
My son, who is now 30, plays a lot more games than I do. I guess I miss the good old lan parties days, but since the invention of the internet, lan parties are almost non-existence.

I've always like games as a way to release the daily grind at work. One of the things that attracted me to TF2 were the different classes you can play, but on a shitty day at work, I can always count on the Pyro to brighten my day by setting other players on fire.
Wow glad to see some are older than me ;)
My son, who is now 30, plays a lot more games than I do. I guess I miss the good old lan parties days, but since the invention of the internet, lan parties are almost non-existence.

I've always like games as a way to release the daily grind at work. One of the things that attracted me to TF2 were the different classes you can play, but on a shitty day at work, I can always count on the Pyro to brighten my day by setting other players on fire.

Same until the engineer shenanigans found me more amusement, though again I think He got nerfed too. I'm gonna get it reinstalled and give it another whirl. I'm piscian18 on steam, maybe I' seell you on later.
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Late 30's here. I've been gaming for at least 85% of my life. I thought it would end when I got older and matured. But I've finally come to accept that it's a part of what I grew up with and that I won't be putting down the controller or the kb/m anytime soon.

The only difference now is that I can afford any game/system I want. I just don't have the time to play them all. I've got the ps4 and just one physical game for it (Bloodborne) and the XB1 and only one physical game for it (Destiny). Fallout 4 is the first full price game I've paid for on Steam in a long long time.
59 here, retired and play games 2-3 hours everyday. My father is 83 and is finishing up FONV and playing Black Ops 111 single player. He is waiting for Fallout 4 to drop, then he will be busy for the rest of this year and next with mods. He has close to 500 hrs in FONV. He has over 200 games on steam.

This is such an awesome post.

Did you ever see that youtube video of the grandmother (must be in her late 70's or 80's) doing a walkthrough of Skyrim? So awesome.
I'm 30 and my interest is dying down. I still play from time to time but I'm not commited and finding things that interest me is hard. Now, that's not to say I don't have an acquisition problem. 600+ Steam games and counting - recently purchased Fallout 4.