Xim4 is up for sale


Supreme [H]ardness
May 15, 2007
Just wanted to give a heads up, the xim4 is now on sale for those interested. Just came up this morning after they closed the store to fix firmware issues
Its for us who hate the "Dumb Sticks", but want to play with "friends/buddies" who think it cost's too much to build a PC..


Though the price is kinda high.. Think i only paid 80 shipped for my xim3.. Thing was awesome tho.. Loved pissing 12yr olds off on the xbox version of BF3..
Doesnt work well in games like CoD due to the excessive aim assist.

Can't you turn aim assist off? You could back in the day.

Its for us who hate the "Dumb Sticks", but want to play with "friends/buddies" who think it cost's too much to build a PC..


Though the price is kinda high.. Think i only paid 80 shipped for my xim3.. Thing was awesome tho.. Loved pissing 12yr olds off on the xbox version of BF3..

It's worth it, I upgraded from my XIM3 to XIM4, the bluetooth app makes it so much easier to update and switch profiles. You can still use the XIM3 but the XIM4 is just a fantastic device.
I got it for destiny, looking forward to playing with my friends on Xbox but hate controllers for fps. Gonna practice with plants vs zombies till destiny launches lol
Nothing like playing $125 to cheap because you are mad that 12 year olds can own you on console.

Has nothing to do with the controller and everything to do with the fact that you suck using it so you have to cheat.
Nothing like playing $125 to cheap because you are mad that 12 year olds can own you on console.

Has nothing to do with the controller and everything to do with the fact that you suck using it so you have to cheat.

Ya so? Angry much, no more cheating than my eyefinity for bigger fov on pc or using a joystick in a flight game against someone using a mouse+kb. Has nothing to do with owning 12 year olds and everything to do with all my friends being console gamers and me not liking controllers. The fact my preferred method of input gives me an advantage is a bonus and I can live with whiners like you for it.
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Nothing like playing $125 to cheap because you are mad that 12 year olds can own you on console.

Has nothing to do with the controller and everything to do with the fact that you suck using it so you have to cheat.
Common response from those who have never used this or doesn't know what it does...

You're not getting real mouse movement with this thing. It is translating mouse movement to joystick input. You are not going to be able to do quick 360 turns or anything like that. It simply makes console games more comfortable and manageable for people that are not comfortable with controllers. You can fine tune acceleration and sensitivity, sure, but you'll never be able to get 1:1 movement like you can on a PC game with a mouse.

For me, my arthritis sometimes makes it painful to do all the little thumb movement for finer control using a joystick. Prolonged periods of this micro movement can cause tendonitis in anyone regardless. Being able to use a mouse in place of a controller can prevent tendon irritation and even damage to your hands.
Nothing like playing $125 to cheap because you are mad that 12 year olds can own you on console.

Has nothing to do with the controller and everything to do with the fact that you suck using it so you have to cheat.

Meh... its more so that it lets us PC gamers use something we are more comfortable with. It's also not 1:1 with movement, but it's as good as it gets. Console shooters has a lot of dead zones with the xim(so no quick 180s).
Ya so? Angry much, no more cheating than my eyefinity for bigger fov on pc or using a joystick in a flight game against someone using a mouse+kb. Has nothing to do with owning 12 year olds and everything to do with all my friends being console gamers and me not liking controllers. The fact my preferred method of input gives me an advantage is a bonus and I can live with whiners like you for it.

So you are an advocate of pay to win schemes? How about you learn how to play and practice with a controller instead of crying about it.

Meh... its more so that it lets us PC gamers use something we are more comfortable with. It's also not 1:1 with movement, but it's as good as it gets. Console shooters has a lot of dead zones with the xim(so no quick 180s).

May not be 1:1 but it gives you an inherent advantage. How about just stay on PC.
It doesn't bother me a bit that some people are using xim3/xim4 to use a mouse and keyboard. I'll be using my controller and owning you on a mouse and keyboard. :)

I've never found gaming with a mouse and keyboard comfortable anyway.
I highly doubt that. Though aim assist does help quite a bit I suppose. And m and KB will and always will be more comfortable to traditional FPS players.
So you are an advocate of pay to win schemes? How about you learn how to play and practice with a controller instead of crying about it.

May not be 1:1 but it gives you an inherent advantage. How about just stay on PC.

If consoles would stop paying out the ass to attain exclusives maybe I would. Halo, Destiny, Killzone etc.. Why should I have to be handicapped because these companies don't release FPS games on the proper platform?
So you are an advocate of pay to win schemes? How about you learn how to play and practice with a controller instead of crying about it.

May not be 1:1 but it gives you an inherent advantage. How about just stay on PC.

Lol were you or a family member touched inappropiatly by a xim? you seem to have a resentment for them. Only person crying is you, I simply stated I prefer m+kb, there's an available solution to let me use my preferred input and I'm going to do it. Difference between me and you? I'm a real gamer, I believe in the fact that games are for entertainment and choice of input and support for multiple devices helps raise the enjoyment of my hobby, as long as someone isn't using hacks/cheats game how ever you want with watch ever device and input you want. I can almost gaurentee you there will be controller gamers that will still stomp me and my mouse and I'm happy for them. The controller is an input I just don't like and cant get comfortable with but thankfully for me there's the xim.
May not be 1:1 but it gives you an inherent advantage. How about just stay on PC.

I would if I can play Halo, Gears of War, Last of Us, Killzone, Destiny, and any other exclusive console game on the PC....
It doesn't bother me a bit that some people are using xim3/xim4 to use a mouse and keyboard. I'll be using my controller and owning you on a mouse and keyboard. :)

I've never found gaming with a mouse and keyboard comfortable anyway.

Like your attitude :) I'll be around for you to do that ;)
I've gotten close to that with controller. This is not commonplace. The aim assist in these games make KB and m not as good as you think.

Ya aim assist is annoying, got my xim 4 last night. Tried plants vs zombie on my Xbox one and defiantly felt nicer with aim assist off, regardless though it was 100x more comfortable to play vs a controller lol

That's pretty nice, so excited for this game. I didn't get to try beta so its all new to me.
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I was 61st order I think it was (was ordered within 2 minutes of the early release time), have not used it yet though haha. Been busy with a few other games in the meantime. I agree, I absolutely hate controllers for fps, I am old school, kb/mouse only for me on those kinda games. I had a xim3 before the 4 as well, excellent products.
Just bought a XIM4 for my PS4. I don't play MP on console, so the haters can sit this one out. :cool:

Curious what you all did for couch desks and to optimize your sensitivity? I know it is not 1:1 and will blink at you when you exceed its speed capabilities, so I want to find the sweet spot. I'm 46 and haven't used max sensitivity on a mouse in a long time anyway.

Any other tips for a first time user would be great too. Thanks.
Personally, I just use the arm of my couch and a mouse pad and use my keyboard on my lap. While its not as good as a desk its very comfortable for me.