Crysis 3 tech trailer


Supreme [H]ardness
Jan 25, 2004
They'll have a higher quality version up later, apparently.

Tesselation is obviously more intelligent / put to better use than Crysis 2, this is probably a no brainer considering how DX11 there was blatantly rushed out the door. Control over it is considerably more fine grained in the SDK / newer engine revisions so woop. Shadows and lighting look pretty excellent overall. Also next-gen as fuck toads.

edit: here is the 1080p version!
Straight from Crytek in high quality:

I uploaded it to youtube too, don't know if they'll let it stay and the quality might suffer a bit, but if you're lazy might as well give it a shot

and what someone from Crytek has to say about it:
Cry-Adam said:
It's all new tech in CryENGINE, would be a bit of an odd tech trailer if it wasn't

Real-Time Volumetric Cloud Shadows - This is the first time they've been volumetric shadows (interact with fog). The cloud shadows are also now fully deferred and projected on all objects in the environment and not just the terrain.

Pixel Accurate Displacement Mapping - We'll have more info on this at a later date. The important thing to know is that it does NOT use tessellation and no other tech is able to do this yet.

Tessellated Vegetation - Until now, vegetation hasn't been able to be tessellated due to some limiting (albeit other awesome tech!) factors which we've managed to overcome for an all-encompassing solution.

Lens flares - A host of new flare types that react in different scenarios, dynamic & artist defined.

Procedural HDR Flares & Shapes - Until now these haven't been shaped (like bokeh effects, rather than just a bloomy circle) and are procedurally processed in real time.

3rd Gen GI - Now processes glossy reflections.

Water Caustics - Caustics now process above (and improved below) water level, reflecting on nearby surfaces.

Volumetric Fog Shadows - These may look like sunshafts but they're not, they're shadows being received in fog. Sunshafts only appear when you look at the sun. Volumetric Fog Shadows are evident from all angles and you can also follow the outline of the shadow they produce from the caster all the way through the fog to the ground.

Area Lights - More info on this at a later stage but no one else is using area lights like this in games yet either.

Particle FX Lighting - The particle system in C3 underwent optimisation and received improved approximation for lighting details so we can do more, better.

Cloth & Vegetation simulation - The vegetation system has undergone backend revamping to allow better interaction with the world & players more realistically and to perform better than ever before. Cloth also reacts more realistically with wind and bending.

This is just some of the tech we're working on here and we're excited to talk about more in the future
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Looks purty. Those environments are kind of giving off a Stalker-ish vibe, by which I mean they could potentially have a life of their own, rather than just being elaborate set pieces for the player's benefit. Fingers crossed, and all that.
looks gorgeous...moving back to a jungle setting hopefully will get Crysis 3 closer to the first game (both visually and gameplay wise)
One minor complaint: outdoor lighting appears relatively flat, at least in the scenes shown.

Otherwise, great.
Can't imagine what graphics are going to look like in 10 years. *looks around the room* Oh wait, maybe I can.

Look at games from 10 years ago compared to today, and figure that technology is moving even faster now. Going to be some cool times...

Seriously, those trees were fucking impressive.
Look at games from 10 years ago compared to today, and figure that technology is moving even faster now. Going to be some cool times...
I'd say the pace has been slowing. The hardware is still getting faster at around the same pace as it has been for a past decade or so, but the value we're getting from that isn't increasing as rapidly. Compare Wolfenstein and Quake (four year gap), and there's an order of magnitude of improvement. Compare Crysis and Crysis 3 (also four years), and the differences aren't nearly as dramatic.

At this point, we have enough flexibility to with respect to shaders, and enough GPU horsepower, to do really good approximations of materials, lighting and filmic effects, and to push enough polygons per scene, with the right levels of efficiency, to solve the issue of blocky object silhouettes. From this point forward, it's really just a matter of turning up the knobs on this stuff. Better precision, more surface detail and generally just throwing more at scenes will make it better, but it's not going to get all that much better as time goes on.
The next leap in graphics probably won't come from cranking up the fidelity but from making development easier. We've gotten to the point where you can't tap out current hardware without dozens of artists and a multimillion dollar budget, so when we get to the point where dev teams can do more with a leaner team much like it was "back in the day" (less overhead on management, more experimentation, generally more intimate environment) we should start to see some more cool stuff.
I'd say the pace has been slowing. The hardware is still getting faster at around the same pace as it has been for a past decade or so, but the value we're getting from that isn't increasing as rapidly. Compare Wolfenstein and Quake (four year gap), and there's an order of magnitude of improvement. Compare Crysis and Crysis 3 (also four years), and the differences aren't nearly as dramatic.

At this point, we have enough flexibility to with respect to shaders, and enough GPU horsepower, to do really good approximations of materials, lighting and filmic effects, and to push enough polygons per scene, with the right levels of efficiency, to solve the issue of blocky object silhouettes. From this point forward, it's really just a matter of turning up the knobs on this stuff. Better precision, more surface detail and generally just throwing more at scenes will make it better, but it's not going to get all that much better as time goes on.

Good points. But I also think consoles have been really holding back the "value" or "dramatic differences" that are actually possible on a PC from a pure technology standpoint. There's just no real reason to build an incredible engine if it has to conform to older console technology. And from the preliminary *RUMORED* next-gen console specs, this trend will continue.
Maybe I should buy Crysis on Steam and actually play it.
fucking realism is disenbowel fucking people with a fucking hunting knife! give us gore galore plenty! pleeeeeeeeeeeeease!

immah gonna pre-order shit!
The graphics are going to look the same next 10 years for consoles anyways or until the next gen consoles. :))
Is it just me or Crysis 1 with mod still looks better than this video?

The lighting in this tech demo looks a bit weird to me...
All quite yellowish and smooth out for some reason.....

This is quite far apart from realism, unlike what Crysis 1 is trying to do...
That camera lens could do with a clean.

Watching that I was thinking how I was glad I'm in the process of upgrading, but then the game's not due until "Q2 2013" so I'll already be outdated by the time it's released.
Is it just me or Crysis 1 with mod still looks better than this video?

The lighting in this tech demo looks a bit weird to me...
All quite yellowish and smooth out for some reason.....

This is quite far apart from realism, unlike what Crysis 1 is trying to do...

I don't think so, this is definitely good looking

Also here is the 1080p version they just posted, it's a MUCH better quality video. I also uploaded it to youtube, link in the first post.
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sure that's all nice and pretty, but I'm not looking for another call of noobie type game with just better jiraffix. I want to see some gameplay with q and e leaning, crouch-leaning, prone/prone-leaning, you know so people who like to play intelligently and use real world tactics can do so, rather than just running around like a retard shooting shit.
sure that's all nice and pretty, but I'm not looking for another call of noobie type game with just better jiraffix. I want to see some gameplay with q and e leaning, crouch-leaning, prone/prone-leaning, you know so people who like to play intelligently and use real world tactics can do so, rather than just running around like a retard shooting shit.

Don't we all.
That camera lens could do with a clean.

Watching that I was thinking how I was glad I'm in the process of upgrading, but then the game's not due until "Q2 2013" so I'll already be outdated by the time it's released.

Nothing a nice 7970 or 670 can't fix :cool:
Is it just me or Crysis 1 with mod still looks better than this video?

The lighting in this tech demo looks a bit weird to me...
All quite yellowish and smooth out for some reason.....

This is quite far apart from realism, unlike what Crysis 1 is trying to do...

I think its a little give and take, but overall it gives more. Crysis 1 had realistic looking coloration and the dense vegetation made the whole world seem busier. However, it fell apart in many areas too like aliased trees, cardboard cutout grass, objects popping in at plain sight, etc. Crysis 3's DoF seems more natural and apparent. I dunno how frequently that effect will be used though since it impairs gameplay. The video seems to be missing motion blur, but maybe it was an intentional omission. Objects, textures and light effects look much better. If you fire up Crysis 1, you'll see how ugly and stiff a lot of the units were, which implicitly accounts for realism.
It looks fantastic, and puts Crytek back on top in terms of graphics IMO.

Here's hoping they aren't setting us up for more disappointment though. "Well, remember all of that cool stuff in the tech demo... yeah, well, we could have put that in the PC version, but we wanted all versions to have a unified experience!! See you guys when the next gen rolls out!"
lets hope that all the fancy DX11 graphics/high-res texture packs will be released at launch this time and not a few months later like with Crysis 2
I believe Crytek's learned from their mistakes. I don't doubt that it'll be a great-looking game, and maybe end up setting the standard for the industry, but I have my doubts that they can deliver on gameplay. Say what you will about Crysis, but it had the formula mostly right. They've since deviated from that, with poor results.
Nice to see a new engine pushing the limits again! The issue nowadays is diminishing returns on processing power vs perceived visual improvement. Some of the stuff that just adds a touch of realism is incredibly taxing on the CPU/GPU. I agree with the poster above who said that the real breakthrough is going to be making it much easier to create these beautiful games, instead of needing tens of millions to do so.
God damnit, dirty lenses and supersolar-lensflare are not improvement in my book!

They should sell you (real money) digital Windex glass cleaner - for $2, you can permanently turn it off! It's be a brilliant next step for in-game advertising and annoyance.
use this engine to make a good game instead of crysis.

god please give me a ww2 game with next gen graphics ;(

With EA involved.. another fail for the true gamer. Fancy graphics and shitty story.. shittier gameplay.I don't give a fuck about graphics anymore.Lesson from BF3
I'm more interested in the engine and what it can do for other games than I am about Crysis 3. Looks good, but you can't focus on graphics but neglect the gameplay.

I love me some great graphics. But, a shitty game is shitty no matter how pretty it is.