Prepare to Sing Along with Zelda: The Musical


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
There are times when you should just leave things alone and not try to make them into anything more than they are.This looks like one of those times. Zelda has been a great franchise for Nintendo, but I don’t know about this. :D
It's too dangerous to go alone. Take this.

Eh... having played only the first two zeldas ever (back in the NES days) I thought that was annoyingly cute... who knows maybe if I played later versions I might feel differently :D
Glee for Zelda?!

I played the first Zelda's and then Windwaker. Still, not a fan of that video.
I made it 1:28 through it. Do I get a prize or a time refund for stomaching it that long? :p
I thought it was pretty entertaining lol..all the sexual innuendo was awesome.
I actually liked it...the bigger boobs / redheads are more fun part was funny.
I managed just under a minute before I turned it off. It felt less like an homage to Zelda/Link than it did to musical numbers in South Park, with the same level of voice irritation!