Upgrading GTX260 to ???


Aug 25, 2008
So I'm kinda thinking of updating my old rig by changing the graphics card.

I have a Q9550 @ 3.4 GHz, 4 GB RAM and overclocked GTX260. It runs most things quite decently at 1080p but has been starting to struggle with some of the newer stuff and resolutions above 1920x1200 (I have 2560x1600 display).

The card I'm going to use will be watercooled so it should be compatible with the GPU waterblock I have and preferably have some sort of heat sinks on the memory and PWM.

I'm not a hardcore gamer, mostly play single player games that take a long time to finish ala GTA IV, Fallout 3, Mass Effect 2 and now the new Deus Ex. I have no need for Eyefinity so for me it's more about performance and driver quality.

So far the 6950 and 560 Ti seem to be the best contenders in the "slightly above 200 euros" price range I'm aiming at. As usual, AMD and Nvidia have made it pretty confusing to figure out the differences in their ranges. I kind of like that the AMD/ATI card has more modern connectors like DisplayPort even though I don't really need them at the moment.

Any suggestions?
For your resolution and playing GTA IV, I would go for the 6950 2gb. Easy choice. Just make sure its not the 1gb model.
If it is, I would grab the gtx560ti and oveclock it on water at 1.2v
I should've mentioned that I will most likely play mostly at 1080p using my HDTV.
Ended up grabbing a 1GB Asus GTX560 Ti. It was about 30 euros cheaper than the 1GB 6950 and it's going to be more compatible with my Hackintosh setup and I've generally had better luck with Nvidia than ATI cards.
i got same card, nvidia gtx 260. thinking to upgrade to single card, perhaps gtx 570. dunno though should it be 2gb or 1gb model.
EVGA NVIDIA GeForce GTX570 Classified 1280 MB or EVGA NVIDIA GeForce GTX570 HD 2560 MB
I got an EVGA GTX 260(192) but its acting weird.. I have to underclock it to 525Core/750MEM or it will crash the whole system (black screen/audio distorted). Looking @ AMD cards.... maybe do CFX down the road *second slot is X4 ;( *

Running my 1055T @ 3.2GHz X6