Quick Domain Question...maybe DNS question


Limp Gawd
Dec 9, 2005
So I recently setup a domain for small non-profit company.

The domain is hopecouncil.org, but they also have a website hopecouncil.org.

Users can sometimes get to http://hopecouncil.org in a browser and sometimes they can't.

When I do an nslookup hopecouncil.org I get the IP of the server returned.

What can I do so when they want to get to website they get there, but logging into the hopecoucnil.org domain takes them to the DC?
You've found out the hard way why the windows domain name should never be the same as the external DNS name. 8)

AFAIK you have four options:
1) "Re-educate" your users to type www.hopecouncil.org when they are at work
2) Use a proxy server and have it redirect hopecouncil.org to your web host
3) Install IIS on every domain controller and have it redirect
4) Use a registry hack on every domain controller: http://goo.gl/AAokV
Yes, split internal and external DNS either with different internal (I like .local) and external domain names or with totally separate inside/outside dns server(s).
Well that sucks. Wish I had known that before.

Now it seems that even http://www.hopecouncil.org doesn't want to work.

I'm gonna need to look into that hack a bit more tomorrow. Hopefully there are some people on here willing to help me out because it didn't quite make sense to me!

Thanks everyone!
yeah, always best to use something different than the external host name. you could even do internal.domain.org but usually people do .local or .lan. I found .lan worked well when you have Mac's in the network because Apple's zero config technology uses .local.
Any chance I can rename or modify my current domain to use .local? Or would I have to start over from scratch?
I see there is a Rendom.exe utility. Is this worth a try, or would it be a giant headache?

I have never renamed a domain before, might want to try it in a lab first.

How long has the domain been setup? Is it possible to just start over?

Not very long. Just as of last weekend. I'm guessing I'd have to recreate the domain, all user accounts, all printers, etc...? And then set security on all the shared folders again?

I guess I don't understand why using an HTTP redirect isn't working in IIS. Very confusing... Very frustrating...
From a DNS perspective, you're all set. You have a CNAME pointing at the root A record for the domain.

Time to start pulling your hair out with IIS?
Renaming the local domain to hopecouncil.local from hopecouncil.org is not a big deal and the netbios will not be changing so that makes it even easier. You do have to do a bit of reading to prepare but it is not dark vodoo like some think.

With that said if they have Exchange 2007 or 2010 installed then it will not work.