C Programming Guru's please help (Simple C Programming)


Oct 29, 2005
Here is my programming that I am having trouble with. I am using arrays to
fill in the data entered by the user and give the statistics of the data entered.
I need help as I am either totally wrong or I am not understanding how to do the syntax right somewhere. Please guide me in the right direction or tell me what I am missing here.

First Error I get when trying to compile it is
Error int main()

Following errors
Cannot compare a pointer to an integer (this is refering to the if statements I have at the bottom)


#include <stdio.h>

int main()

int index = 0;
char name_a[index][10];
char gender_a[index][10];
int age_a[index][10];
int f_count = 0;
int m_count = 0;
int i = 0;
int to9 = 0;
int to19 = 0;
int to29 = 0;
int to39 = 0;
int to49 = 0;
int to59 = 0;
int to69 = 0;

while ( i == 0 )
printf("Please enter the First name: \n ");
scanf( "%s", &name_a[index] );
printf("Please enter the Gender as (M or F): \n ");
scanf( "%s", &gender_a[index] );
printf("Please enter the Age: \n ");
scanf( "%d" , &age_a[index] );

printf("First Name: %s \n ", name_a[index] );
printf("Gender is : %s \n ", gender_a[index] );
printf("Age is : %d \n " , age_a[index] );

If ((gender_a[index] == 'F' || gender_a[index] == 'f'))

If (gender_a[index] == 'M' || gender_a[index] == 'm')

If ( age_a[index] >=0 && age_a[index] <10 )
If ( age_a[index] >=10 && age_a[index] <20 )
If ( age_a[index] >=20 && age_a[index] <30 )
If ( age_a[index] >=30 && age_a[index] <40 )
If ( age_a[index] >=40 && age_a[index] <50 )
If ( age_a[index] >=50 && age_a[index] <60 )
If ( age_a[index] >=60 && age_a[index] <70 )

printf( "%d members that are Female", f_count );
printf( "%d members that are Male", m_count );
printf( "%d members in 0 - 9 group", to9 );
printf( "%d members in 10 - 19 group", to19 );
printf( "%d members in 20 - 29 group", to29 );
printf( "%d members in 30 - 39 group", to39 );
printf( "%d members in 40 - 49 group", to49 );
printf( "%d members in 50 - 59 group", to59 );
printf( "%d members in 60 - 69 group", to69 );

printf( "\n To Continue with list please press 0:\n To Quit please press 1:");
scanf("%d" , &i );

It looks like you are accessing a 2-Dimensional array like it is a 1-Dimensional array.
Your array declarations don't make any sense in the first place. The array bounds given in the declaration must be a constant; you've supplied a non-constant expression. I can't figure out why "index" is involved in your declarations, so I can't directly recommend what to do, but I don't think you mean for those to be two-dimension arrays.

By the way, you'll want to post with
 tags around your code to preserve formatting. And posting the complete error message, exactly as the compiler provides it, is never a bad idea.

The control expression of your loop doesn't look right, either; won't end in any reasonable time, and you're not indexing the arrays correctly.
First, make some defines at the top, like:

#define MAX_ENTRIES 10
#define STR_LEN 256

Your string declarations should be something like:
 char name_a[MAX_ENTRIES][STR_LEN];

You should decide if you are using a single character or a string to store the gender. First you use a "&#37;s" scanf formatspecifier, but you try to access it as a character array later on. If you want to allow string entry but only look at the first char, access it as "gender_a[index][0]".

Make sure you check to see if an invalid gender if entered, if you have exceeded MAX_ENTRIES, etc. Error checking like this will get you bonus points or might be required for a full score (I assume this is a school project). Also, it is something you have to do if you ever write code for something "in real life". Example:
while(i == 0)
while(i == 0 && index < MAX_ENTRIES)

Your If statements won't compile because they have the "I" capitalized.

Not errors, just suggestions:

You could easily replace the toXX variables with an array and use something like age_bucket[age_a[index] / 10] to avoid the if..if..if..if..if stuff you have now. Make sure you range-check the age input before using something like that.

The stats print statements have no newlines.

I wouldn't use the variable 'i' for the flag signalling no more entries, instead use a more descriptive name like exit_flag. i is usually used as a loop Index

I modified your program to compile and fixed the errors I listed above and it seems to work fine. Good luck :)
I am now getting these errors:
knoppix@1[CPrograms]$ cc increment.c
increment.c: In function 'main':
increment.c:42: error: syntax error before 'f_count'
increment.c:45: error: invalid lvalue in increment
increment.c:45: error: syntax error before 'm_count'
increment.c:48: error: invalid lvalue in increment
increment.c:48: error: syntax error before 'to9'
increment.c:50: error: invalid lvalue in increment
increment.c:50: error: syntax error before 'to19'
increment.c:52: error: invalid lvalue in increment
increment.c:52: error: syntax error before 'to29'
increment.c:54: error: invalid lvalue in increment
increment.c:54: error: syntax error before 'to39'
increment.c:56: error: invalid lvalue in increment
increment.c:56: error: syntax error before 'to49'
increment.c:58: error: invalid lvalue in increment
increment.c:58: error: syntax error before 'to59'
increment.c:60: error: invalid lvalue in increment
increment.c:60: error: syntax error before 'to69'

#include <stdio.h>

#define max_entries 10
#define str_len 10

int main()

int index = 0;
char name_a[max_entries][str_len];
char gender_a;
int age_a[max_entries][str_len];
int f_count = 0;
int m_count = 0;
int exit_loop = 0;
int to9 = 0, to19 = 0, to29 = 0, to39 = 0, to49 = 0, to59 = 0, to69 = 0;

while (exit_loop == 0 && index < max_entries)
printf("Please enter the First name: \n ");
scanf( "&#37;s", &name_a[max_entries][str_len] );
printf("Please enter the Gender as (M or F): \n ");
scanf( "%c", &gender_a );
printf("Please enter the Age: \n ");
scanf( "%d" , &age_a[max_entries][str_len] );

printf("First Name: %s \n ", name_a[max_entries][str_len] );
printf("Gender : %c \n ", gender_a );
printf("Age is : %d \n " , age_a[max_entries][str_len] );

If ((gender_a == 'F' || gender_a == 'f'))

If (gender_a == 'M' || gender_a == 'm')

If ( age_a[max_entries][str_len] >=0 && age_a[max_entries][str_len] <10 )
If ( age_a[max_entries][str_len] >=10 && age_a[max_entries][str_len] <20 )
If ( age_a[max_entries][str_len] >=20 && age_a[max_entries][str_len] <30 )
If ( age_a[max_entries][str_len] >=30 && age_a[max_entries][str_len] <40 )
If ( age_a[max_entries][str_len] >=40 && age_a[max_entries][str_len] <50 )
If ( age_a[max_entries][str_len] >=50 && age_a[max_entries][str_len] <60 )
If ( age_a[max_entries][str_len] >=60 && age_a[max_entries][str_len] <70 )

printf( "%d members that are Female", f_count );
printf( "%d members that are Male", m_count );
printf( "%d members in 0 - 9 group", to9 );
printf( "%d members in 10 - 19 group", to19 );
printf( "%d members in 20 - 29 group", to29 );
printf( "%d members in 30 - 39 group", to39 );
printf( "%d members in 40 - 49 group", to49 );
printf( "%d members in 50 - 59 group", to59 );
printf( "%d members in 60 - 69 group", to69 );

printf( "\n To Continue with list please press 0:\n To Quit please press 1:");
scanf("%d" , &exit_loop );
