What flash drive is the fastest to use w/ vista's flash drive page file caching?


[H]F Junkie
Oct 19, 2004
Which flash drive is the fastest to use with Vista's page file on flash drive capability?

I hope you guys are taking advantage of this feature...You plug a 2GB or 4GB solid state flash drive into your Vista machine and it will ask if you want to place your page file on the memory stick. This is supposed to be a TREMENDOUSLY faster than a page file on a normal HD.

But there is a big difference in memory transfer rates on USB 2.0 flash drives....So I'm curious what is the best USB flash drive for this purpose.
No no no, wrong wrong wrong. Whoa there, sonny, let's back up a bit.

Before you go preaching it's like having your pagefile on a USB drive, you need to learn more about ReadyBoost, which is the correct name for the specific technology. It's not putting your pagefile on the USB Flash device, it's just using the Flash RAM device to augment (read: add to the performance) some aspects of Vista's SuperFetch and virtual memory subsystems.

There are several threads about this feature here already; search for "readyboost" and you can learn more about it, which I STRONGLY recommend since you're getting off on the wrong foot already.

No problem with you being enthusiastic since ReadyBoost is a great feature and a nice way to improve system performance, but you need to present your posts in an accurate and meaningful way with facts and not just a bunch of statements that sound like "OMG it's the greatest thing evarrrrr..." :D

You're close, but do some more research here and other places to get the real scoop about ReadyBoost.

Most any USB 2.0 Flash-RAM based device should work just fine, but the cheap ones - those $10 specials at stores - might not be up to snuff for transfer speeds. If you stick one in and Vista offers to let it be used for ReadyBoost, that means Vista tested it and concluded it's up to the task.
Do you have to dedicate the entire USB flash drive to ReadyBoost? ...or can I still have all my files on my 1GB stick, and still take advantage?
Which flash drive is the fastest to use with Vista's page file on flash drive capability?

Gigabyte iRAM, without a doubt, thought it's not flash...

For flash drives, I'd look towards non-USB solutions, i.e. direct SATA connection or Firewire.
I currently have a Corsair USB flash drive. Its 2 gigs, costs 30$ at newegg.com and it does a max of 44megs read and 23megs write. I did some benchmarking on it just for kicks. The site only lists 22 megs write and read, but it does more than that.
Do you have to dedicate the entire USB flash drive to ReadyBoost? ...or can I still have all my files on my 1GB stick, and still take advantage?

No. It uses whatever free space is available and dedicates it to ReadyBoost.