The ads are website popups have gone batshit crazy


Jul 20, 2015
Look at below insanity:


On top of that, scrolling through the website shows more ads. It starts poping up windows to subscribe to newsletters and in the middle of the article is a video that is irrelevant to it, yet when I scroll further down the video pops up in a mini window and stays there, lol.
Yes ads are what these free websites get revenue from, but what the actual fuck? They are EVERYWHERE. When did the world decide it's ok to cover everything that is not in the article with ads?
It's not just techradar, but a bunch of websites are this retarded.

My phone is connected to private dns and my PCs are using uBlock Origin so I see zero ads, above image is taken at work.
If you're not blocking ads, how do you cope with all that mess?
My favorite is sites now actively blocking being loaded in browser if an ad blocker is present.
This behavior is exactly why I use adblocker. And now you are going to say your site is SO valuable I must be assailed with ads to see your AI generated crap content that contains spelling and grammatical errors (and a lot of times factual errors too)?

If you put your stuff behind a paywall (or block loading due to ad-blockers), you yourself do not consider it to be valuable enough on its own. If thats the case, I'm not missing anything by not seeing it.
I put up with a lot of ads because most of my professional salary came from working at ad-supported companies, but at some point, I broke. There's too many shitty ads, all over the place.

From experience, stuffing more ads on the page can make a little more money in the short term, but it kills the user experience, which means people don't come back. Smaller sites have a much harder time getting quality ads; advertisers don't want to deal with individual sites, and ad networks don't want to give individual sites control or limit technical abilities. And there's no trust between any of the parties, so everything has to be done in ways that suck for the user.
My favorite is sites now actively blocking being loaded in browser if an ad blocker is present.
This behavior is exactly why I use adblocker. And now you are going to say your site is SO valuable I must be assailed with ads to see your AI generated crap content that contains spelling and grammatical errors (and a lot of times factual errors too)?

If you put your stuff behind a paywall (or block loading due to ad-blockers), you yourself do not consider it to be valuable enough on its own. If thats the case, I'm not missing anything by not seeing it.
Some of those sites doing the ad blocker detection are just putting up an overlay after detection. It's simple enough in Chrome to hit F12 then remove the overlay with maybe a little HTML, CSS & javascript know how to get everything right.

The more sophisticated sites are detecting ad blockers before actually loading all the content. I guess props to them for doing it the right way? Doesn't make it any less annoying. And I just move along with those because they are typically pay walled anyway.

I wish there was a way in google search engine to block sites that use ad blocker detection. I mean it should work both ways as far as I'm concerned.
I just use PI-Hole to help combat 95% of adds crossed all devices in house. Its running on an old pi 3b+
If you put your stuff behind a paywall you yourself do not consider it to be valuable enough on its own.
This sound like a very strange logic to me, if HBO put the Soprano behind a paywall it is because they themselve consider it its not valuable on its own ?
This sound like a very strange logic to me, if HBO put the Soprano behind a paywall it is because they themselve consider it its not valuable on its own ?
HBO is not holding themselves out to be a news source. They are also not injecting ads directly to the shows they are broadcasting and making those ads more prominently visible than the "content" they are supposedly offering.
HBO is not holding themselves out to be a news source. They are also not injecting ads directly to the shows they are broadcasting and making those ads more prominently visible than the "content" they are supposedly offering.

We are not talking about ads in the content, we are talking about if you charge money upfrond for content it mean you do not think it has value versus giving for free logic.

Change it for NyTimes, NyTimes being behind a paywall signal to you they feel their content is not worth as much than the filled with ads freestuff outthere ?
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I just use PI-Hole to help combat 95% of adds crossed all devices in house. Its running on an old pi 3b+
Had not even thought of doing this. I just dug out my old 1b and got this up and running so far seems to be okay but I can see Im going to need to tweak it a bit.
and it does nothing for the current method youtube uses.
We are not talking about ads in the content, we are talking about if you charge money upfrond for content it mean you do not think it has value versus giving for free logic.

Change it for NyTimes, NyTimes being behind a paywall signal to you they feel their content is not worth as much than the filled with ads freestuff outthere ?
You are focused on the content, my view has little to do with the actual content and what the org behind the content claims their purpose is.
If you are a news org, be one. Provide what you say is newsworthy to anyone and everyone so it can be discussed in public by all.
If, on the other hand, you are a content distribution company, do what you want with your stuff. Its your stuff and you can do as you like...but there 100% absolutely will be those who do not feel your content is worth paying for.
If you are claiming to be a news org but engage in activity in the same way content providers do, then you are, in my mind, suspect as you are not being honest about your content or your purposes for existing.

As for the specific topic being discussed in this thread (ads) I have not purchased anything as a result of seeing an ad in well over 20 years. I dont want the ads, my buying history shows I dont need or use the ads and they have become a nuisance. In fact, I have a hatred of advertising in general that even I will admit is probably bordering on the extreme.
If you are a news org, be one. Provide what you say is newsworthy to anyone and everyone so it can be discussed in public by all.
And how do you finance the giant international staff it requires ? Once that ads do not work much according to you and has little value.

but there 100% absolutely will be those who do not feel your content is worth paying for.
For sure and in general will those are more likely to put it free (with ads or otherwise) or behind solid paywall ?

Seem to me the correlation, those who feel content is worth paying for will paywall it more often and vice-versa.
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not just ads, its popups for other stuff as well, discounts, mailing lists. I was on some site yesterday and there were 4 non-ad popups before I could even look at the site.
Whatever happened to the single ad this forum used to use in the top right? I remember whitelisting HF years ago for this reason.
Ads on everything are getting ridiculously obnoxious nowadays. Their solution to people not watching ads and using ad lockers? Shove more ads down their throats.
Whatever happened to the single ad this forum used to use in the top right? I remember whitelisting HF years ago for this reason.
Yeah I don't see any ads and I've had this place whitelisted for a long time. Some websites aren't even functional without an ad blocker. It's getting insane.
And how do you finance the giant international staff it requires ? Once that ads do not work much according to you and has little value.

For sure and in general will those are more likely to put it free (with ads or otherwise) or behind solid paywall ?

Seem to me the correlation, those who feel content is worth paying for will paywall it more often and vice-versa.
1. I dont. I see very little value in them and I quite honestly dont care if they disappear.
2. I never said anyone else is required to view it the same way I do.
Look at below insanity:

View attachment 603816

On top of that, scrolling through the website shows more ads. It starts poping up windows to subscribe to newsletters and in the middle of the article is a video that is irrelevant to it, yet when I scroll further down the video pops up in a mini window and stays there, lol.
Yes ads are what these free websites get revenue from, but what the actual fuck? They are EVERYWHERE. When did the world decide it's ok to cover everything that is not in the article with ads?
It's not just techradar, but a bunch of websites are this retarded.

My phone is connected to private dns and my PCs are using uBlock Origin so I see zero ads, above image is taken at work.
If you're not blocking ads, how do you cope with all that mess?
Old Geocities pages are looking really nice right about now huh
Had not even thought of doing this. I just dug out my old 1b and got this up and running so far seems to be okay but I can see Im going to need to tweak it a bit.
and it does nothing for the current method youtube uses.
UBlock Orgin browser extension works great for YouTube.