

Limp Gawd
Apr 19, 2003
I hate stuttering. I would rather play a game at a relatively smooth 33fps than at 60fps with occasional stuttering.

In particular, the X2 rolling demo stutters like mad, especially in the underwater scene. The FPS indicator shows about 30fps, but there is extreme stuttering (like where all motion stops for a split second, or moving objects tend to jump in a jerky fashion rather than smooth and natural).

Also, Need for speed: Underground suffers from stuttering, although usually only when rounding a corner. It does this whether AA and AF are on or not. (meaning I am getting like 70fps and it still manages to stutter.)

Well, I tried to use the remove stuttering feature of 3d Analyze, but I hate that program with a passion because it is utterly user unfriendly and you have to set it up per application. I never managed to get it to work.

It also occured to me that perhaps my agp aperture is not large enough. It is set to 128 and I cannot change it ( some BIos bug)

One thing I did was to turn the hardware acceleration bar back one notch. This actually smoothed out most everything. However I am concerned that I am either taking a performance hit elsewhere or am suffering from lower quality.

Any help or links would be appreciated.
Try lowering your clock speeds back down and see if it smooths out a bit, It seems that might be the case because of how if you move the hardware accelteration back. Aperture should be fine at 128 and shouldnt affect anything. Make sure you dont have a huge background application running though.
I have the same problem in NFS-U with my 9600xt. I have given up trying to figure out the problem.
i used to get this all the time. its probably your ram timeings. if you have them lowered at all, loosen them up a little bit. that turned out to be the problem for me. if you never touched your ram timeings, just take your fsb back a few nothces and that should do the trick. stuttering seems to have alot to do with system instabilities.
hmm, judging by your ram timings I'd say you don't listen to your own advice. However, I will try changing my last timing from 6 to 7 as mushkin dictates.
Originally posted by PiratePowWow
hmm, judging by your ram timings I'd say you don't listen to your own advice. However, I will try changing my last timing from 6 to 7 as mushkin dictates.

512mb Corsair DDR400@ 5-2-2-2

they did at one time make those chips you know, but oddly they stoped. Perhaps they were a tad too good? ;)