somethings wrong


Oct 11, 2003
got new 9800pro 256, i play mainly counter-strike and some other games, getting horrible fps. reformatted today, same results, any ideas? cookies to whoever can help me :/ no1 has been much help at all so far
What kind of FPS are you getting? If you're getting around 60 fps or lower, it might be because you have vSync on. Try turning that off in your display options if you haven't already and see if your FPS changes.
no it isnt vsync, btw i just ran 3dmark2003 and i was getting 1-4 fps on a few of the cpu tests...
In some games like counter-strike the FPS have a lock. You have to set the max fps there is a command line to do so in CS. Im trying to remember its some like cs_fps max 100 for 100 fps. or fps_max 100. I don't know someone out there has to know it.
yes my fps is locked at 101, but dropping way below that. also my over 3dmark03 score was around 5300..
Oh well hey man all I know is newest drivers. Whats your OS? If you have XP check out Tweaktown on how to get some tweaks. I don't know much about ATi graphics. Avid nVidia user here. We'll see when the next cards come out. Anyway sorry I couldn't help ya.
Ture off the Tru Form :)

Don't remember the console commands for it. Do a search, this has been discussed 10000000000x.
yep, since im getting such horrid results on the cpu tests, i think theres got to be something wrong with my cpu
I am sure nothing is wrong with your CPU.

I am also sure you have your settings up very high, and nearly sure you don't have all of your chipset drivers installed, although I don't know a lot about INTEL chipsets, so I am not gonna comment there (too much.. :).

Good luck, and stick with it.

BTW, you did plug in the external power, right?

how can you be sure nothing is wrong with my cpu? and um yeah external power in, and i have all of the chipset drivers that i could find on intels page...
Originally posted by Skystalker
BTW, you did plug in the external power, right?
what happens when you dont have the external power plugged in?