New Virtual Desktop Beta released(1.30.3)


Limp Gawd
Nov 9, 2013
Posting this here for anyone who uses Virtual Desktop. I just updated to the newest 1.30.3 Beta version and the change in video quality is quite impressive. Scenes in games with foliage or that used to have terrible artifacting now look substantially better. Played some games with it and the results are wild, off distance objects now look great and games that used to have numerous issues now look so much better. You should definitely upgrade to the new version and try it out, I certainly wasn't disappointed!

Virtual Desktop GitHub
Does this app function with the link cable or does it require Wi-Fi?
Does this app function with the link cable or does it require Wi-Fi?
I understand there are two versions. The one for wifi or cable are different. Most comments I see, if you have good GPU and 6E wifi, its just as good of better. I have a 1080Ti and Wifi 5...image could be better, but very playable. I tried using cable with regular Oculus, didnt like it.
I understand there are two versions. The one for wifi or cable are different. Most comments I see, if you have good GPU and 6E wifi, its just as good of better. I have a 1080Ti and Wifi 5...image could be better, but very playable. I tried using cable with regular Oculus, didnt like it.

Were you using a fiber optic usb cable or regular cable?
Were you using a fiber optic usb cable or regular cable?
It was this one, rated well for this use:

It was more of "let's try it for fun".....did not want to spend too much (US$17). Still have it in the drawers somewhere.
It was rated well and seems to have the bandwidth...even increased the rate with debug tool, but did not see any noticeable improvement. Maybe 1080Ti couldnt keep up.
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