BGA RAM for a K8N Neo


Sep 13, 2002
I'm going to be building a system based on the nForce3 MSI K8N Neo and I want to replace my XMS 3200 TwinX sticks with a single 512mb stick of something better. I'm thinking more headroom for O/Cing calls for DDR500. Am I wrong here?

My current thought is This stuff. The major problem right now, is that I can't even find it for sale anywhere. WTF?

[EDIT]I did find it here, but this pricing structure seems indicitive of being special supply...[/EDIT]
Ya, but they don't seem to have the 512mb sticks in BGA. Since A64 boards don't do well with more than 2 sticks of RAM I think I should really be looking for 512mb sticks.

If ya'll have some suggestions on which memory I should be looking at instead of this Kingmax stuff, I am open to suggestion.