Best Drivers for 6800 ultra...and other driver questions..


Limp Gawd
Jul 14, 2000
SSIA i guess... but what the hell text is free.

I just got a PNY 6800 ultra (i know i know.. pny sucks... i got it super cheap though.. i'll live) and went to load the latest whql drivers from nvidia's site (56.something). For some reason the card wasn't recognized by windows with these drivers loaded. I looked, and the drivers on the cd that came with the card (64.something) were newer, so i installed those and the card detected fine.

I'm new to the nvidia world (been using ati products since the original Radeon), so i'm not sure how drivers are numbered, how often they are released... what drivers should i be running with this card? How often does Nvidia update their drivers, are they considered regular "official" releases (like the catalyst series for ati) ?

Thanks for any info you folks can give me. I did run a couple of the demos included with the card (no farcry yet... NCAA 2005 wins over even this new card :D ), and i must say.. DAAAAAMN.. for the quality. Dual monitors never looked so nice as with the dual DVI outs.
For me, the 62.01's are the best. Even the 61.72 WHQL drivers give me some glitches. It just goes to show that WHQL doesn't mean squat. I have not had a single problem with the 62.01's. You can get them at Guru3d.
