After 2 and a half years...


Jul 10, 2004
I finally got a new video card, the BFG 6800 GT OC. Upgraded from a Geforce 3 *shudder*. I came to this card by browsing these forums looking for info for the last month. Just wanted to shoot out a big thanks to you all for supplying much needed information. I am one happy owner.

Thanks again.
I'm still using a GeForce3, but I'm upgrading in a couple of weeks. Needless to say, I'm expecting great things.
I'm also upgrading from a GF3. Just ran 3D Mark 2000, 2001SE and 2003 on my GF3 so I can compare numbers next Tuesday after the new card is installed. Man, it was hard waiting so long to upgrade.
I remember when I went from my overclocked gf3 ti200(over ti500 speeds :p) to my moded radeon 9500, I thought that was a big jump, going to 6800 gt is another big jump for me, so it must be twice the jump for you :), needless to say you will be satisfied.