
  1. gameboy3800

    any voodoopc fans in here?

    i forgot i even had a [h]ardforum account lol. does anybody here have any good info on the old voodoopc luxury machines of the early 2000s? ive got a few myself and would like to know more about them but ever since adobe flash died, trying to use wayback machine is extremely hit or miss to find...
  2. A

    Massive DOSBox update, Windows 95/98 and 3DFX Voodoo emulation with DOSBox-Pure

    A truly incredible update as now the operating systems themselves are being fully emulated with the power of 3DFX Voodoo graphics: https://github.com/schellingb/dosbox-pure Cannot wait to see the huge variety of old-school games that people are going to try out. There are probably an enormous...
  3. erek

    Retro 3dfx Voodoo1 and Voodoo5 5500/6000 Builds

    Over Christmas Break I finally got into a proper enough mindset (adjusting to the peace and quiet of my new residence / first ever house) to start on some rough draft builds surrounding the 3dfx Voodoo1 (acquired on these forums), Voodoo5 5500 (acquired on these forums) and the Voodoo5 6000. My...
  4. Armenius

    Forsaken Remastered

    The game everyone wanted with their 3dfx card back during the hardware acceleration renaissance has been remastered by Nightdive Studios, the same developer who brought back Turok 1 & 2. I had not heard about it until I came across the store page on Steam last night. It uses the same versatile...