file sharing

  1. M

    Login failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer

    I'm trying to share a folder between computers. The first computer has the file on it and I shared it with all privledges (read/write/etc..) for all users. It is a Win 7 home computer so its not a domain account. The second computer is on the domain. I get "\\computer 1 is not accessible. You...
  2. R

    Flaw In uTorrent Lets Hackers Control Your PC Remotely

    uTorrent, the most popular torrent download software has a bug that lets hackers control your PC remotely. TheHackerNews is reporting that the flaw was found by a Google Project Zero researcher in both uTorrent desktop, and the newly launched uTorrent Web. Both versions of uTorrent start a...
  3. M

    Meet Mozilla's Own File Sharing Site, Send

    Mozilla is now testing its own privately-encrypted file sharing website named Send. The site lets users share files for others and will expire after one download or one day whichever comes first. With just a few clicks users will be able to upload any file, up to 1 GB and receive a link to share...
  4. cageymaru

    ‘Pirate’ Movie Streaming Sites Declared Legal By Italian Court

    In 2015 an Italian court ruled against the owners of,,, and citing them for running a pirate movie operation and generating revenue through the sale of advertising. In February 2017, the $600,000 judgement against the owners was reversed...