how much $ is a used gamecube worth?


Aug 24, 2005
i'm looking at selling my gamecube and am not sure how much a good price to ask for it.

2 year old black game cube in PERFECT condition. i never played the system much
4 x games - luigi's mansion, drome racers, 007 agent under fire, star wars the clone wars.
1 x memory card
1 x black controller
1 x AC adapter
1 x dongle -> TV

Well seeing as you can buy new ones with games for under $90 ... not much.
If you bundle it with everything listed, you could try for $100 (and likely not get it) but may be able to get $75. Lowest you should go is $65. Or alternatively you could keep it and purchase the GOOD games that are available for it. lol
lol yah, i don't console game any more so i'm trying to get rid of this stuff. i tried selling my ps2 awhile back to one of my brother's friends for like $75 with a bundle, but he turned it down and got a better deal with more games lol. so now another one of his friends wants a game cube so i don't want to over price it. i will try for $70. thanks everybody :)bv
Hey if you want to seperate it, I may be interested in buying luigi's mansion. :)
You should probably take this to FS/T forums (I think)... just getting that in before Rich does

Also, a suggestion for someone who doesn't console game anymore... get a TV Tuner. I wouldn't console game if I didn't have one, and I'm about to buy a Gamecube
$50 for the console
$75 for the bundle

People ask way too mucn on the FS/FT forums here, taking $20 off of an item that is used vs. new is just not an appealing bargain, especially having to buy over the net.
this isn't being sold on here or the net though. ;)
and to the person that wanted luigi's mansion, sorry, i need some gamess to be sold with it, out of four :p.