Bring Back the FUN!!!!!


Supreme [H]ardness
May 4, 2002
Ok if you look at first page of DC forum it is a bunch of old threads with alot of pages. And a bunch of business talk, how we need to do this and do that. This place use to roll differently. It was a fun place for new people to come hangout. I not saying it has to be all play but no play makes for a dull forum. Heck this place has been dead of late.

SSSOOOOOO!!!! lets hear some stories of b0rging. you breaking things while installing stuff, funny folding storys. You dating freshman so you can b0rg computers, the tricks you have used to make people want to fold. Any thing and/or everything that is kind of funny and is DC related!!! Lets have a place for the new kids to come and laugh. Show them it is not all shop talk in this forum and we can have some fun


Nuff said! :D
MY EYES!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooo

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Hmm.... Moosey musta slipped me a mickey.... explains why I don't remember much from the last few days..... :p
AtomicMoose said:
This is the new hawtness right here!

That's the same basic pic I posted and you all got your undies all bunched up.

One sided wussy.

marty9876 said:
That's the same basic pic I posted and you all got your undies all bunched up.

One sided wussy.


he is just cold being hairless and all


is marty a p0rn star?He has that look in his pics that just looks a tad like he might be

a lil google search and
marty's bio said:
Jon Martin
Performer AKA John M, Jeffrey Stern, Jerry Heath, Jerry Barr, Jerry Smith, Fred Anton, Eric Marin
Director AKA No known aliases
Birthday 10/24/????
Astrology Scorpio
Birthplace No Data
Years Active as Performer 1973-200?
Year Active as Director 1987
Website No Data

I thought you looked something like this...

(my brother-in-law) Feel free to chop this as necessary :)

AtomicMoose said:
No, but Rich does.

Oh Dear! Again young Master Tate leaves the red eye......if discovered by that Chuck'll be all over but the crying. ;)

And look at the Moose with the witty chops... I could cry from pride.

And Phantom making with the funnies....I dare say if you guys bring him out of his's hell to pay...hell I say! :)
Papa-Ming said:
And Phantom making with the funnies....I dare say if you guys bring him out of his's hell to pay...hell I say! :)

Oh it's far too late for that! :D
Papa-Ming said:
Oh Dear! Again young Master Tate leaves the red eye......

Give me a break, I had just gotten done removing all snow and ice from the porch when take pic was taken, forgive me for not chopping myself. :p ;)
Rich Tate said:
Give me a break, I had just gotten done removing all snow and ice from the porch when take pic was taken, forgive me for not chopping myself. :p ;)

Lol :D Ok... beat me with a snow shovel. ;)
SmokeRngs said:
Thank you for the compliment.

your very welcome! and also your the only other person iver seen with an NF2 Ultra B, used to have one but sold it on ebay cause it didnt like corsair.
I must be officially loved, I've officially been 'chopped. :p I seriously laughed out loud at that one. :D And yeah, I was talking to Duster about this earlier in IRC....this place has been kinda slow/lame/boring lately. I mean c'mon, I just kicked up to over 1,000PPD regularly and I don't even have my main rig in my folding team because of the contest, and we get no m00se pics and late updates...and no talking because of the lack of mod activitiy....kind of a slap in the nuts since I'm sacrificing gaming time and new part tweaking time to stay ahead in the hardbowl. :(

Full Folding Ahead!

Agromahdi123 said:
your very welcome! and also your the only other person iver seen with an NF2 Ultra B, used to have one but sold it on ebay cause it didnt like corsair.

I haven't had any trouble with my Corsair. It's only running at 200 FSB right now but that's because for some reason the Gigabit NIC doesn't like anything over that and craps out. Talk about annoying. Otherwise, I can run my Corsair up to 240 or 245 FSB stably on the board.

p[H]ant0m, don't do it if you don't want too......make 'em wonder! ;)

I'm just causing poopie! :D
I know a couple of people in Indianapolis. Don't make me send them out to get a picture of you. I can't guarantee that the pic would be very flattering. :D
