F@H and certain games?


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 5, 2001
I've noticed that when im folding, i'll open up certain games.. in this particular case Evil Genius... now as soon as it starts, it minimizes the game and whenever i click on it, it loads then minimizes it again.. when I close folding at home it cures this...??

Is there some way for me to resume folding while playing this game? (i've had this same problem on another game or two, so its not just this one)

windows xp, x800 xt graphics card, gui of f@h
Try the console version and install it as a service. I think its much better anyway.
5.03 graphical...

i had problems getting the service to run previously, but whenever im done being lazy i'll get around to trying it again...
sniper991122 said:
5.03 graphical...

i had problems getting the service to run previously, but whenever im done being lazy i'll get around to trying it again...
This typicly is an open gl conflict, try some newer video drivers. I cant say for sure that is what is going on but it is worth a shot! :D

sniper991122 said:
5.03 graphical...

i had problems getting the service to run previously, but whenever im done being lazy i'll get around to trying it again...

you have to use the console version. in my experience this is a problem with the graphical client and the latest driver updates on nvidia do not help at all.
I have the same problem and I just live with it. When I open the game and it minimizes I just click on it again and I'm OK.
rebelleader said:
I have the same problem and I just live with it. When I open the game and it minimizes I just click on it again and I'm OK.

no matter how many times i click on it, it continues to minimize it unless i close folding at home =\

and im using the latest drivers... guess i'll just have to get around to running the console version...
Console version + EM is so much better than graphical version. Switch ASAP if you can.
I very much recommend the console client installed as a sevice and EMIII to monitor it.... you'll never know F@H is there..... Good luck!

Keep on Folding!!
