FAH problems


Limp Gawd
Oct 9, 2004
Ive got FAH running on my two computers and I put it on my dads back home when I visited, but Im running into some problems while running the program. It seems to run fine on my desktop, a 3.0c in an IDEQ 200T. But then I was running into problems with it on my laptop, an emachines 6805 with an a64 3000+, and also on my dads p3 1.3ghz. When I try to play some older games like Starcraft or Worms while FAH is running, the programs wont stay open. I run the programs and as soon as it gets into them, it will minimize and I cant figure out how to make it work short of closing FAH. Also, for some reason it just runs like crap on the laptop and my dads computer. They just wont finish a WU for anything. Whenever it gets close, it just stops and eventually starts a new one without finishing the one it was working on. What is going on? :confused:
You running console or graphical client? Graphical has problems with OpenGL sometimes.

Check the log file Fahlog.txt and see if you're getting error messages.
yes sometimes if you use ATI graphics ( nvidia isnt a problem that I know of, I could be wrong ) the graphical client dosent like it. I would install the updated ATI drivers or f@h as a service or the console version at least if that dosent work
nvidia has this problem too with the graphical client. New drivers do not seem to help. POP and Halo still craps out if I have graphical client on. Switched to console and never had a problem since.